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<div class="box-info">Traducerea acestei pagini nu este completă încă. Până când va fi, părțile incomplete utilizează originalul în limba engleză.</div>
<table class="index" id="index" summary="index">
<tr class="heading"><td>Index</td></tr>
<tr class="index"><td>
<a href="#mounting-volumes">Montare volume</a><br />
<a href="#navigating">Navigare</a><br />
<a href="#appearance">Aspect</a><br />
<a href="#tracker-preferences">Preferințe Tracker</a><br />
<a href="#working-with-files">Lucru cu fișiere</a><br />
<a href="#transaction-status">Stare tranzacție</a>
<p>Tracker este interfața grafică pentru toate fișierele. Vă permite să creați fișiere și dosare noi sau să căutați, lansați sau redenumiți precum și să copiați sau să ștergeți fișiere și dosare existente.</p>
<p>Being an application like any other (the Desktop with its icons is really just a fullscreen window in the background), Tracker appears with its windows in the Deskbar and can be quit and restarted. The easiest way to quit and restart a crashed or frozen Tracker (or a wayward Deskbar) is to call the <a href="teammonitor.html">Team Monitor</a>.</p>
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<a id="mounting-volumes" name="mounting-volumes">Montare de volume</a></h2>
<p>In order to access a harddisk, CD, USB stick etc., you first have to mount the volume, that is, let the system know it's there. This is done with a right-click on the Desktop or an already mounted volume (like the boot disk) and choosing the volume from the <span class="menu">Mount</span> submenu. You find the same <span class="menu">Mount</span> menu in the Deskbar.</p>
<img src="images/tracker-images/mount-settings.png" alt="drill-down.png" />
<p>There are also <span class="menu">Settings</span> so you don't have to mount everything manually after every bootup.<br />
The above settings will automatically mount any storage device you connect/insert and also mount all disks on bootup that were mounted previously.</p>
<div class="box-warning">Înainte să deconectați de ex: un hard disc sau stick USB, asigurați-vă că ați demontat cu succes volumul. Aceasta garantează că tot transferul de date s-a terminat. Alfel este posibil să pierdeți date sau să corupeți discul!</div>
<a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="navigating" name="navigating">Navigare</a></h2>
<p>By default, when you double-click a folder, Tracker opens a new window while leaving the parent window open. This can quickly lead to an overcrowded desktop.<br />
You can prevent that by holding down the <span class="key">OPT</span> key, which automatically closes the parent window.<br />
This is also true for keyboard navigation. For more on that, see topic <a href="keyboard-shortcuts.html">Shortcuts and key combinations</a>.</p>
<p>Moving through your folders is one of Trackers main purposes, just like the file managers on other platforms. Haiku's Tracker has some unique features that will help you doing that efficiently.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a><a id="drill-down" name="drill-down">Forare în submeniuri</a></h3>
<p>În loc să dați dublu clic dosar după dosar, există o metodă mai bună pentru forare:</p>
<img src="images/tracker-images/drill-down.png" alt="drill-down.png" />
<!-- screenshot needs updating to show /boot/system/documentation -->
<p>Right-click onto a folder, and at the top of the usual context menu you'll find a submenu of the current folder that let's you navigate down a level. Just move down the hierarchy until you find the file or folder you're looking for and click on it to open it. The above shows the contents of the folder <span class="path">/boot/home/config/</span>.<br />
If you do the above while dragging a file with you, it will be moved to where you eventually drop it.</p>
<p>O metodă similară poate fi utilizată din orice fereastră Tracker:</p>
<img src="images/tracker-images/window-drill-down.png" alt="window-drill-down.png" />
<p>Click on the area in the lower left, where the number of items is listed, and you'll get submenus for every level above your current location. From there you can drill down through the folders as usual.</p>
<p>Note, that the Desktop is always the topmost level as that is where Tracker shows mounted volumes. So, if you want to go to another disk, you first have to navigate to the top (Desktop) and cross over to your other disk from there.</p><br />
<p>You'll get the same submenu-navigating when you drag a file over a folder. After a short while of hovering, a submenu pops up and you can drill down to your destination. If you initiated the drag with the right mousebutton, you can choose between copying, moving or linking the file when you release the mouse.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="type-ahead" name="type-ahead">Salt la fișiere cu tastare-înainte</a></h3>
<p>You may be familiar with the concept from file managers of other operating systems: typing the first few letters of a filename will jump to the first file matching these starting characters. Haiku took the idea a step further. If there isn't a file starting with those letters it will jump to the first file including the string anywhere in its name. And if there's nothing with the string in its filename, the attributes are searched next.</p>
<img src="images/tracker-images/window-type-ahead.png" alt="window-type-ahead.png" />
<p>In the above example, there are many files starting with "Haiku logo", rendering simpler approaches to typing ahead quite useless. In Haiku however, typing "web" jumps right to its first occurence in "Haiku logo - website". The characters you enter appear in the bottom left corner where you normally find the item count of all files in the folder. A second after entering a character, the display jumps back to normal and you're ready for a new type ahead search.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="type-ahead-filter" name="type-ahead-filter">Filtrare tastare-înainte</a></h3>
<p>Instead of jumping to a file while typing, there's also the option to filter out all files not matching your type-ahead string. This can improve clarity dramatically, especially when dealing with crowded folders. By using <span class="key">SHIFT</span> <span class="key">SPACE</span> as delimiter, you can even filter on multiple strings.<br />
Contrary to type-ahead jumping, the filtering will stick until you press <span class="key">ESC</span> or close the window (or leave the folder if you're using Single Window Navigation).<br />
This type-ahead filtering is set in the <a href="#tracker-preferences.html">Tracker preferences</a>.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="appearance" name="appearance">Aspect</a></h2>
<img src="images/tracker-images/window-menu.png" alt="window-menu.png" />
<p>Ferestrele Tracker oferă trei moduri de vizualizare diferite din meniul <span class="menu">Fereastră</span>:</p>
<li><p><span class="menu">Vizualizare pictogramă</span> (<span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">1</span>) - Pictograme mari, puteți modifica dimensiunea din submeniu sau mări/micșora dimensiunea lor cu <span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">+</span>/<span class="key">-</span>.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Vizualizare pictogramă mini</span> (<span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">2</span>) - Pictograme mici.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Vizualizare listă</span> (<span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">3</span>) - O listă detaliată a fișierelor, care vă permite afișarea/ascunderea <i>atributelor</i> disponibile. (Vedeți subiectul <a href="attributes.html">Attributes</a>.)</p></li>
<p>Meniul <span class="menu">Fereastră</span> oferă un număr de alte funcții:</p>
<li><p><span class="menu">Resize to fit</span> (<span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">Y</span>) - Resizes the window to its ideal size.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Arrange by...</span> - Only available in Icon or Mini icon view, a submenu allows to set the sorting order to various properties:</p>
<li><p><span class="menu">Name</span>, <span class="menu">Real name</span>, <span class="menu">Size</span>, <span class="menu">Modified</span>, <span class="menu">Created</span>, <span class="menu">Kind</span>, <span class="menu">Location</span>, <span class="menu">Permissions</span></p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Reverse order</span> - Inverts the sorting order</p></li>
<li _translation_id="4339"><p><span class="menu">Clean up</span> (<span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">K</span>) - Aligns all icons to an invisible grid. Hold down <span class="key">SHIFT</span> and the menu becomes <span class="menu">Clean up all</span> which additionally sorts all icons according to the above selected criterium.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Select...</span> (<span class="key">SHIFT</span> <span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">A</span>) - Select files according to a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression" class="external free" title="Wikipedia: Regular expression">regular expression</a>.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Close</span> (<span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">W</span>) - Closes the window. Hold down <span class="key">SHIFT</span> and the menu becomes <span class="menu">Close all</span> which closes every Tracker window.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Close all in workspace</span> (<span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">Q</span>) - Closes every Tracker window in the current workspace. A useful shortcut if you forgot to hold the <span class="key">OPT</span> key while clicking through folders and all those still open Tracker windows clutter your workspace.</p></li>
<p>Sometimes you just want to rearrange a few icons without doing a complete <span class="menu">Clean up</span> (<span class="key">ALT</span> <span class="key">K</span>). In that case, you select these icons and start to drag them to their new location. Before you drop them there, keep <span class="key">ALT</span> pressed. This will align the icons to the invisible grid.</p>
<p>Restul funcțiilor se explică de la sine destul de bine, rămân doar preferințele Tracker.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="tracker-preferences" name="tracker-preferences">Preferințe Tracker</a></h3>
<p><span class="menu">Window | Preferences...</span> opens a panel that offers a number of settings that, where not obvious, should become clear once tried out. Since all settings are applied live, you'll immediately see the changes.
<br />So, in short, the not so obvious settings:</p>
<li><p><span class="menu">Desktop</span> - Decide if all mounted disks appear directly on the Desktop or in a window after clicking a single Disk icon sitting on the Desktop.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Windows</span> - You can set <span class="menu">Single window navigation</span>, i.e. a double-clicked folder doesn't open in its own window, but inside the already open window instead, replacing the view of its parent folder. This is not the same as clicking while holding the <span class="key">OPT</span> key, as described above, because you'll lose the per window saved position and size.
<br /><br /></p>
<img src="images/tracker-images/tracker-preferences-navigator.png" alt="tracker-preferences-navigator.png" />
<p>Before you switch Tracker to <span class="menu">Single window navigation mode</span>, because that may feel more familiar to you, we recommend giving the menu based browsing a try first, as that may actually work much faster for you after getting used to. On the other hand, single window browsing offers a <i>Navigator</i> where you can enter or copy & paste a path name and use back, forward and up buttons.</p>
<p>Activating <span class="menu">Type-ahead filtering</span> will filter the contents of a Tracker window while you type to only display the files matching your string in their name or any currently displayed attribute. See <a href="#type-ahead-filter">above</a>.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Trash</span> - Set the behavior when deleting a file.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Volume icons</span> - Set the color of an optional indicator of free space that's shown besides a disk's icon.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Disk mount</span> - Define when and what disks are mounted automatically, as described above under <a href="#mounting-volumes">"Mounting volumes"</a>.</p></li>
<p>Apropo, acest panou este disponibil și ca <span class="app">Tracker</span> din <span class="menu">Preferințe</span> Deskbar.</p>
<a href="#"><img src="../images/up.png" style="border:none;float:right" alt="index" /></a>
<a id="working-with-files" name="working-with-files">Lucrul cu fișiere</a></h2>
<p>Când sunt invocate pentru un fișier selectat, majoritatea comenzilor din meniul <span class="menu">Fișier</span> sunt de asemenea oferite de meniul contextual prin clic dreapta pe acel fișier.</p>
<p>Ca de obicei comenzile sunt destul de clare.</p>
<li><p><span class="menu">Căutare...</span> - Caută un fișier sau dosar. Pentru mai multe informații, vedeți <a href="queries.html">Query</a>.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">New</span> - Create a new folder or any other file based on a <i>template</i>.
<br /><br /></p>
<img src="images/tracker-images/new-menu.png" alt="new-menu.png" />
<p>Choosing <span class="menu">Edit templates...</span> opens the folder <span class="path">/boot/home/config/settings/Tracker/Tracker New Templates</span>. Creating a file in that folder will offer its filetype with the file's name and other attributes as template in the <span class="menu">New</span> menu. Here, there's a file "Text" with the filetype <tt>text/plain</tt>. See topic <a href="filetypes.html">Filetypes</a> for more info.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Open with...</span> - A submenu offers all applications that can handle this filetype.
<br /><br /></p>
<img src="images/tracker-images/open-with.png" alt="open-with.png" />
<p>The preferred application that would open the file when double-clicked, is checkmarked. This submenu lists first those applications that can handle the exact filetype, in this case it's a text file, the type <tt>text/plain</tt>. Next come all applications that can handle that supertype in general, here <tt>text/*</tt>. Last in the list are those that can deal with any file. If you don't click on an app in the submenu, but on the <span class="menu">Open with...</span> entry instead, a panel opens:</p>
<br /><br />
<img src="images/tracker-images/open-with-preferred.png" alt="open-with-preferred" />
<p>Here you'll again find the programs that were listed in the submenu. By selecting one and clicking the <span class="button">Open and make preferred</span> button, you changed the preferred application for every file of that filetype, here <tt>text/plain</tt>.</p></li>
<li><span class="menu">Get info</span>
<br /><br />
<img src="images/tracker-images/get-info.png" alt="get-info" />
<p>The panel presents info on the selected file and lets you set the default application and, after you expanded that part of the panel, permissions and owner. Clicking on the path will open it in a Tracker window.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Editează nume</span>, <span class="menu">Duplicare</span> și <span class="menu">Mută la gunoi</span> - vă permite să redenumiți sau duplicați un fișier sau să plasați fișierul(ele) selectat(e) la gunoi.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Mută la</span>, <span class="menu">Copiază la</span> și <span class="menu">Creează legătură</span> - vă permite să mutați, copiați sau legați fișierul(ele) selectat(e) utilizând metoda de navigare a submeniului. Ținând apăsat <span class="key">SHIFT</span> în timp ce invocați meniul oferă opțiunea de creare a unei legături relative.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Cut</span>, <span class="menu">Copy</span> and <span class="menu">Paste</span> - lets you cut, copy and paste files using the clipboard. By holding <span class="key">SHIFT</span> while invoking the menu you can <span class="menu">Copy/Cut more</span> files, maybe from another folder that you can paste somewhere else later. Also, while holding <span class="key">SHIFT</span> you can paste the copied files in the clipboard as links.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Identify</span> - will sniff out and set the type of files if they didn't have one before, e.g. if you transferred a file with <span class="cli">wget</span> which doesn't set a filetype itself. Holding <span class="key">SHIFT</span> while invoking the menu changes the item to <span class="menu">Force identify</span> which identifies the filetype and corrects it if it was false before.</p></li>
<li><p><span class="menu">Add-Ons</span> - offers you every generic Tracker add-on and those that can handle the selected file(s). See topic <a href="tracker-add-ons.html">Tracker Add-ons</a> for more information.</p></li>
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<a id="transaction-status" name="transaction-status">Stare tranzacție</a></h2>
<p>Când copiați, mutați sau ștergeți fișiere, Tracker arată progresul cu o fereastră de stare. Dacă începeți mai mult de o tranzacție, fiecare dintre acestea obține propria afișare de stare.</p>
<img src="images/tracker-images/transaction-status.png" alt="transaction-status.png" />
<p>La dreapta sunt două butoane pentru a pauza sau stopa o tranzacție complet. Câteodată poate fi util să pauzați temporar o tranzacție mai mare. De exemplu, poate aveți nevoie să deschideți rapid o aplicație mai mare. Copierea de cantități mari de date ocupă mult din lungimea de bandă IO al hard discului și prin urmare întârzie modul de lucru.</p>
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