This patch introduces support of ELF based TLS handling with lazy allocation and initalization of TLS block for each DSO and thread. The implementation generally follows the official ABI except that generation counter in dtv is in fact a pointer to Generation object that contains both generation counter and size of the dtv. That simplified the implementation a bit, but could be changed later. The ABI requirements regariding in memory position of TLS block is not honoured what results in static TLS model being unsupported. However, that should not be a problem as long as "executables" in Haiku are in fact shared objects and optimizations which require specific TLS block in memory layout are not possible anyway.
225 lines
6.6 KiB
225 lines
6.6 KiB
* Copyright 2008-2009, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de.
* Copyright 2003-2011, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Copyright 2002, Manuel J. Petit. All rights reserved.
* Copyright 2001, Travis Geiselbrecht. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the NewOS License.
#include <image.h>
#include <OS.h>
#include <elf32.h>
#include <elf64.h>
// #pragma mark - runtime loader libroot interface
struct user_space_program_args;
struct SymbolLookupInfo;
struct rld_export {
// runtime loader API export
image_id (*load_add_on)(char const *path, uint32 flags);
status_t (*unload_add_on)(image_id imageID);
image_id (*load_library)(char const *path, uint32 flags, void **_handle);
status_t (*unload_library)(void* handle);
status_t (*get_image_symbol)(image_id imageID, char const *symbolName,
int32 symbolType, bool recursive, image_id *_inImage, void **_location);
status_t (*get_library_symbol)(void* handle, void* caller,
const char* symbolName, void **_location);
status_t (*get_nth_image_symbol)(image_id imageID, int32 num,
char *symbolName, int32 *nameLength, int32 *symbolType,
void **_location);
status_t (*get_nearest_symbol_at_address)(void* address,
image_id* _imageID, char** _imagePath, char** _symbolName,
int32* _type, void** _location);
status_t (*test_executable)(const char *path, char *interpreter);
status_t (*get_executable_architecture)(const char *path,
const char** _architecture);
status_t (*get_next_image_dependency)(image_id id, uint32 *cookie,
const char **_name);
void* (*get_tls_address)(unsigned dso, addr_t offset);
void (*destroy_thread_tls)();
status_t (*reinit_after_fork)();
void (*call_atexit_hooks_for_range)(addr_t start, addr_t size);
void (*call_termination_hooks)();
const struct user_space_program_args *program_args;
const void* commpage_address;
int abi_version;
extern struct rld_export *__gRuntimeLoader;
// #pragma mark - runtime loader debugger interface
struct RuntimeLoaderSymbolPatcher;
typedef struct elf_region_t {
area_id id;
addr_t start;
addr_t size;
addr_t vmstart;
addr_t vmsize;
addr_t fdstart;
addr_t fdsize;
long delta;
uint32 flags;
} elf_region_t;
typedef struct elf_version_info {
uint32 hash; // version name hash
const char *name; // version name
const char *file_name; // dependency file name (needed versions only)
} elf_version_info;
typedef struct image_t {
// image identification
char path[B_PATH_NAME_LENGTH];
char name[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH];
image_id id;
image_type type;
struct image_t *next;
struct image_t *prev;
int32 ref_count;
uint32 flags;
uint32 api_version;
uint32 abi;
addr_t entry_point;
addr_t init_routine;
addr_t term_routine;
addr_t dynamic_ptr; // pointer to the dynamic section
// pointer to symbol participation data structures
uint32 *symhash;
elf_sym *syms;
char *strtab;
elf_rel *rel;
int rel_len;
elf_rela *rela;
int rela_len;
elf_rel *pltrel;
int pltrel_len;
unsigned dso_tls_id;
uint32 num_needed;
struct image_t **needed;
// versioning related structures
uint32 num_version_definitions;
elf_verdef *version_definitions;
uint32 num_needed_versions;
elf_verneed *needed_versions;
elf_versym *symbol_versions;
elf_version_info *versions;
uint32 num_versions;
#ifdef __cplusplus
elf_sym* (*find_undefined_symbol)(struct image_t* rootImage,
struct image_t* image,
const SymbolLookupInfo& lookupInfo,
struct image_t** foundInImage);
elf_sym* (*find_undefined_symbol)(struct image_t* rootImage,
struct image_t* image,
const struct SymbolLookupInfo* lookupInfo,
struct image_t** foundInImage);
// Singly-linked list of symbol patchers for symbols defined respectively
// referenced by this image.
struct RuntimeLoaderSymbolPatcher *defined_symbol_patchers;
struct RuntimeLoaderSymbolPatcher *undefined_symbol_patchers;
// describes the text and data regions
uint32 num_regions;
elf_region_t regions[1];
} image_t;
typedef struct image_queue_t {
image_t *head;
image_t *tail;
} image_queue_t;
// image_t::flags
#define STRING(image, offset) ((char*)(&(image)->strtab[(offset)]))
#define SYMNAME(image, sym) STRING(image, (sym)->st_name)
#define SYMBOL(image, num) (&(image)->syms[num])
#define HASHTABSIZE(image) ((image)->symhash[0])
#define HASHBUCKETS(image) ((unsigned int*)&(image)->symhash[2])
#define HASHCHAINS(image) ((unsigned int*)&(image)->symhash[2+HASHTABSIZE(image)])
// The name of the area the runtime loader creates for debugging purposes.
#define RUNTIME_LOADER_DEBUG_AREA_NAME "_rld_debug_"
// The contents of the runtime loader debug area.
typedef struct runtime_loader_debug_area {
image_queue_t *loaded_images;
} runtime_loader_debug_area;
// #pragma mark - runtime loader add-on interface
// symbol patcher callback
typedef void runtime_loader_symbol_patcher(void* cookie,
struct image_t* rootImage, struct image_t* image, const char* name,
struct image_t** foundInImage, void** symbol, int32* type);
// interface provided to add-ons
struct runtime_loader_add_on_export {
status_t (*register_defined_symbol_patcher)(struct image_t* image,
runtime_loader_symbol_patcher* patcher, void* cookie);
void (*unregister_defined_symbol_patcher)(struct image_t* image,
runtime_loader_symbol_patcher* patcher, void* cookie);
status_t (*register_undefined_symbol_patcher)(struct image_t* image,
runtime_loader_symbol_patcher* patcher, void* cookie);
void (*unregister_undefined_symbol_patcher)(struct image_t* image,
runtime_loader_symbol_patcher* patcher, void* cookie);
typedef struct runtime_loader_add_on {
uint32 version;
uint32 flags;
// called after the add-on image has been loaded
void (*init)(struct rld_export* standardInterface,
struct runtime_loader_add_on_export* addOnInterface);
// called whenever the respective image event occurs
void (*image_loaded)(struct image_t* image);
void (*image_relocated)(struct image_t* image);
void (*image_initialized)(struct image_t* image);
void (*image_uninitializing)(struct image_t* image);
void (*image_unloading)(struct image_t* image);
} runtime_loader_add_on;
// This is the variable a preloaded shared object has to export to get picked up
// by the runtime loader as an add-on.
extern runtime_loader_add_on __gRuntimeLoaderAddOn;