HaikuPorts repository files
This directory contains RemotePackageRepository files which detail packages and repositories leveraged during Haiku's build process.
Warning: The URL packages are obtained from are determined by the sha256sum of the repository file.
Each RemotePackageRepository jam file in this directory is processed by src/tools/hardlink_packages.py on the HaikuPorts package server.
- Latest RemotePackageRepository jam file in git is downloaded on package server.
- Packages are added to HaikuPorts by automatic or manual means.
- hardlink_packages is provided all the relevant directories and RemotePackageRepository file
- hardlink_packages performs additional modification of the RemotePackageRepository and creates build repositories (https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/master/build-packages/)
- The modified RemotePackageRepository file is copied back to the developers system and checked in to git.