B_OS_NAME_LENGTH is 32, char* is 8 (on x64), and this structure has quite a lot of pointers in it so it is not like we really needed to save those 24 bytes. Hitting malloc() in here is not so great, especially because we usually have B_DONT_LOCK_KERNEL_SPACE turned on, so just inline and avoid it. Change-Id: I5c94955324cfda08972895826b61748c3b69096a
237 lines
5.2 KiB
237 lines
5.2 KiB
* Copyright 2009-2010, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de.
* Copyright 2002-2009, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Copyright 2001-2002, Travis Geiselbrecht. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the NewOS License.
#include <vm_defs.h>
#include <lock.h>
#include <util/DoublyLinkedList.h>
#include <util/SinglyLinkedList.h>
#include <util/OpenHashTable.h>
#include <vm/vm_types.h>
struct VMAddressSpace;
struct VMCache;
struct VMKernelAddressSpace;
struct VMUserAddressSpace;
struct VMAreaUnwiredWaiter
: public DoublyLinkedListLinkImpl<VMAreaUnwiredWaiter> {
VMArea* area;
addr_t base;
size_t size;
ConditionVariable condition;
ConditionVariableEntry waitEntry;
typedef DoublyLinkedList<VMAreaUnwiredWaiter> VMAreaUnwiredWaiterList;
struct VMAreaWiredRange : SinglyLinkedListLinkImpl<VMAreaWiredRange> {
VMArea* area;
addr_t base;
size_t size;
bool writable;
bool implicit; // range created automatically
VMAreaUnwiredWaiterList waiters;
VMAreaWiredRange(addr_t base, size_t size, bool writable, bool implicit)
void SetTo(addr_t base, size_t size, bool writable, bool implicit)
this->area = NULL;
this->base = base;
this->size = size;
this->writable = writable;
this->implicit = implicit;
bool IntersectsWith(addr_t base, size_t size) const
return this->base + this->size - 1 >= base
&& base + size - 1 >= this->base;
typedef SinglyLinkedList<VMAreaWiredRange> VMAreaWiredRangeList;
struct VMPageWiringInfo {
VMAreaWiredRange range;
phys_addr_t physicalAddress;
// the actual physical address corresponding to
// the virtual address passed to vm_wire_page()
// (i.e. with in-page offset)
vm_page* page;
struct VMArea {
enum {
// AddWaiterIfWired() flags
IGNORE_WRITE_WIRED_RANGES = 0x01, // ignore existing ranges that
// wire for writing
area_id id;
char name[B_OS_NAME_LENGTH];
uint32 protection;
uint16 wiring;
uint16 memory_type; // >> shifted by MEMORY_TYPE_SHIFT
VMCache* cache;
vint32 no_cache_change;
off_t cache_offset;
uint32 cache_type;
VMAreaMappings mappings;
uint8* page_protections;
struct VMAddressSpace* address_space;
struct VMArea* cache_next;
struct VMArea* cache_prev;
struct VMArea* hash_next;
addr_t Base() const { return fBase; }
size_t Size() const { return fSize; }
inline uint32 MemoryType() const;
inline void SetMemoryType(uint32 memoryType);
bool ContainsAddress(addr_t address) const
{ return address >= fBase
&& address <= fBase + (fSize - 1); }
bool IsWired() const
{ return !fWiredRanges.IsEmpty(); }
bool IsWired(addr_t base, size_t size) const;
void Wire(VMAreaWiredRange* range);
void Unwire(VMAreaWiredRange* range);
VMAreaWiredRange* Unwire(addr_t base, size_t size, bool writable);
bool AddWaiterIfWired(VMAreaUnwiredWaiter* waiter);
bool AddWaiterIfWired(VMAreaUnwiredWaiter* waiter,
addr_t base, size_t size, uint32 flags = 0);
VMArea(VMAddressSpace* addressSpace,
uint32 wiring, uint32 protection);
status_t Init(const char* name, uint32 allocationFlags);
friend struct VMAddressSpace;
friend struct VMKernelAddressSpace;
friend struct VMUserAddressSpace;
void SetBase(addr_t base) { fBase = base; }
void SetSize(size_t size) { fSize = size; }
addr_t fBase;
size_t fSize;
VMAreaWiredRangeList fWiredRanges;
struct VMAreaHashDefinition {
typedef area_id KeyType;
typedef VMArea ValueType;
size_t HashKey(area_id key) const
return key;
size_t Hash(const VMArea* value) const
return HashKey(value->id);
bool Compare(area_id key, const VMArea* value) const
return value->id == key;
VMArea*& GetLink(VMArea* value) const
return value->hash_next;
typedef BOpenHashTable<VMAreaHashDefinition> VMAreaHashTable;
struct VMAreaHash {
static status_t Init();
static status_t ReadLock()
{ return rw_lock_read_lock(&sLock); }
static void ReadUnlock()
{ rw_lock_read_unlock(&sLock); }
static status_t WriteLock()
{ return rw_lock_write_lock(&sLock); }
static void WriteUnlock()
{ rw_lock_write_unlock(&sLock); }
static VMArea* LookupLocked(area_id id)
{ return sTable.Lookup(id); }
static VMArea* Lookup(area_id id);
static area_id Find(const char* name);
static void Insert(VMArea* area);
static void Remove(VMArea* area);
static VMAreaHashTable::Iterator GetIterator()
{ return sTable.GetIterator(); }
static rw_lock sLock;
static VMAreaHashTable sTable;
VMArea::MemoryType() const
return (uint32)memory_type << MEMORY_TYPE_SHIFT;
VMArea::SetMemoryType(uint32 memoryType)
memory_type = memoryType >> MEMORY_TYPE_SHIFT;
#endif // _KERNEL_VM_VM_AREA_H