the new cpuid stuff was apparently exacerbating an existing problem where various bits of low level cpu code (specifically get_current_cpu) weren't really initialized before being used. Changed the order to set up a fake set of threads to point each cpu at really early in boot to make sure that at all points in code it can get the current 'thread' and thus the current cpu. A probably better solution would be to have dr3 point to the current cpu which would then point to the current thread, but that has a race condition that would require an int disable, etc. git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@20160 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
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/* Kernel only exports for kernel add-ons
* Copyright 2005, Haiku Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#include <SupportDefs.h>
#include <OS.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* interrupts and spinlocks */
/* disable/restore interrupts on the current CPU */
typedef ulong cpu_status;
extern cpu_status disable_interrupts(void);
extern void restore_interrupts(cpu_status status);
/* spinlocks. Note that acquire/release should be called with
* interrupts disabled.
typedef vint32 spinlock;
extern void acquire_spinlock(spinlock *lock);
extern void release_spinlock(spinlock *lock);
/* interrupt handling support for device drivers */
typedef int32 (*interrupt_handler)(void *data);
/* Values returned by interrupt handlers */
#define B_UNHANDLED_INTERRUPT 0 /* pass to next handler */
#define B_HANDLED_INTERRUPT 1 /* don't pass on */
#define B_INVOKE_SCHEDULER 2 /* don't pass on; invoke the scheduler */
/* Flags that can be passed to install_io_interrupt_handler() */
extern status_t install_io_interrupt_handler(long interrupt_number,
interrupt_handler handler, void *data, ulong flags);
extern status_t remove_io_interrupt_handler(long interrupt_number,
interrupt_handler handler, void *data);
/* timer interrupts services */
/* The BeOS qent structure is probably part of a general double linked list
* interface used all over the kernel; a struct is required to have a qent
* entry struct as first element, so it can be linked to other elements
* easily. The key field is probably just an id, eventually used to order
* the list.
* Since we don't use this kind of interface, but we have to provide it
* to keep compatibility, we can use the qent struct for other purposes...
* ToDo: don't do this! Drop source compatibility, but don't overdefine those values!
typedef struct qent {
int64 key; /* We use this as the sched time */
struct qent *next; /* This is used as a pointer to next timer */
struct qent *prev; /* This can be used for callback args */
} qent;
typedef struct timer timer;
typedef int32 (*timer_hook)(timer *);
struct timer {
qent entry;
uint16 flags;
uint16 cpu;
timer_hook hook;
bigtime_t period;
extern status_t add_timer(timer *t, timer_hook hook, bigtime_t period, int32 flags);
extern bool cancel_timer(timer *t);
/* kernel threads */
extern thread_id spawn_kernel_thread(thread_func function, const char *threadName,
int32 priority, void *arg);
/* signal functions */
extern int send_signal_etc(pid_t thread, uint sig, uint32 flags);
/* virtual memory buffer functions */
#define B_DMA_IO 0x00000001
#define B_READ_DEVICE 0x00000002
typedef struct {
void *address; /* address in physical memory */
ulong size; /* size of block */
} physical_entry;
extern long lock_memory(void *buffer, ulong numBytes, ulong flags);
extern long unlock_memory(void *buffer, ulong numBytes, ulong flags);
extern long get_memory_map(const void *buffer, ulong size,
physical_entry *table, long numEntries);
/* address specifications for mapping physical memory */
/* area protection flags for the kernel */
/* call to map physical memory - typically used for memory-mapped i/o */
extern area_id map_physical_memory(const char *areaName, void *physicalAddress,
size_t size, uint32 flags, uint32 protection, void **mappedAddress);
/* MTR attributes for mapping physical memory (Intel Architecture only) */
// ToDo: what have those to do here?
#define B_MTR_UC 0x10000000
#define B_MTR_WC 0x20000000
#define B_MTR_WT 0x30000000
#define B_MTR_WP 0x40000000
#define B_MTR_WB 0x50000000
#define B_MTR_MASK 0xf0000000
/* hardware inquiry */
/* platform_type return value is defined in OS.h */
extern platform_type platform();
#if __POWERPC__
extern long motherboard_version(void);
extern long io_card_version(void);
/* primitive kernel debugging facilities */
/* Standard debug output is on...
* mac: modem port
* pc: com1
* ...at 19.2 kbaud, no parity, 8 bit, 1 stop bit.
* Note: the kernel settings file can override these defaults
#if __GNUC__
extern void dprintf(const char *format, ...) /* just like printf */
__attribute__ ((format (__printf__, 1, 2)));
extern void kprintf(const char *fmt, ...) /* only for debugger cmds */
__attribute__ ((format (__printf__, 1, 2)));
extern void dprintf(const char *format, ...); /* just like printf */
extern void kprintf(const char *fmt, ...); /* only for debugger cmds */
extern void dump_block(const char *buffer, int size, const char *prefix);
/* hexdumps given buffer */
extern bool set_dprintf_enabled(bool new_state); /* returns old state */
#if __GNUC__
extern void panic(const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (__printf__, 1, 2)));
extern void panic(const char *format, ...);
extern void kernel_debugger(const char *message); /* enter kernel debugger */
extern uint32 parse_expression(const char *string); /* utility for debugger cmds */
/* special return codes for kernel debugger */
#define B_KDEBUG_CONT 2
#define B_KDEBUG_QUIT 3
typedef int (*debugger_command_hook)(int argc, char **argv);
extern int add_debugger_command(char *name, debugger_command_hook hook, char *help);
extern int remove_debugger_command(char *name, debugger_command_hook hook);
extern status_t load_driver_symbols(const char *driverName);
/* misc */
extern void spin(bigtime_t microseconds);
/* does a busy delay loop for at least "microseconds" */
typedef void (*daemon_hook)(void *arg, int iteration);
extern status_t register_kernel_daemon(daemon_hook hook, void *arg, int frequency);
extern status_t unregister_kernel_daemon(daemon_hook hook, void *arg);
extern void call_all_cpus(void (*f)(void *, int), void *cookie);
extern void call_all_cpus_sync(void (*f)(void *, int), void *cookie);
/* safe methods to access user memory without having to lock it */
extern status_t user_memcpy(void *to, const void *from, size_t size);
extern ssize_t user_strlcpy(char *to, const char *from, size_t size);
extern status_t user_memset(void *start, char c, size_t count);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _KERNEL_EXPORT_H */