* Fixed headers including: - All rights reserved not All Rights Reserved. - name, email@domain.com not name <email@domain.com> - tabs and spaces - Authors: not Documented by: * Renamed string.dox to String.dox * Renamed midixxx.dox files to MidiXxx.dox * Moved images into images subdirectories and updated Doxfile. * Re-format all files with tabs instead of spaces. * Fix many spelling mistakes. * Added all files, classes, structs, and enums to libbe group.
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120 lines
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* Copyright 2011 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Adrien Destugues, pulkomandy@pulkomandy.ath.cx
* John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/locale/DurationFormat.h hrev45084
* src/kits/locale/DurationFormat.cpp hrev45084
\file DurationFormat.h
\ingroup locale
\ingroup libbe
\brief Contains BDurationFormat class, a time interval formatter.
\class BDurationFormat
\ingroup locale
\ingroup libbe
\brief Formatter for time intervals.
BDurationFormat is a formatter for time intervals. A time interval is
defined by its start and end values, and the result is a string such as
"1 hour, 2 minutes, 28 seconds".
\fn BDurationFormat::BDurationFormat(const BString& separator)
\brief Constructor.
\warning Creating a BDurationFormat is a costly operation. Most of the
time want to use the default one through the BLocale class.
\param separator String appended between the duration elements.
\fn BDurationFormat::BDurationFormat(const BDurationFormat& other)
\brief Copy Constructor.
\param other The BDurationFormat object to copy from.
\fn BDurationFormat::~BDurationFormat()
\brief Destructor.
\fn BDurationFormat& BDurationFormat::operator=(const BDurationFormat& other)
\brief Assignment overload.
\param other The BDurationFormat object to copy from.
\returns The resulting BDurationFormat object.
\fn void BDurationFormat::SetSeparator(const BString& separator)
\brief Replace the separator for this formatter.
\param separator The separator string to set.
\fn status_t BDurationFormat::SetLocale(const BLocale* locale)
\brief Sets the locale for this formatter.
\param locale The BLocale object to set.
\returns A status code, \c B_OK on success or an error code on error.
\fn status_t BDurationFormat::SetTimeZone(const BTimeZone* timeZone)
\brief Sets the timezone for this formatter.
\param timeZone The BTimeZone object to set.
\returns A status code.
\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
\retval B_NO_INIT Format object is \c NULL.
\retval B_ERROR Other errors.
\fn status_t BDurationFormat::Format(bigtime_t startValue,
bigtime_t stopValue, BString* buffer, time_unit_style style) const
\brief Formats a duration defined by its start and end values.
The start and end values are in milliseconds. The result is appended to
the buffer. The full time style uses full words (hours, minutes, seconds),
while the short one uses units (h, m, s).
\param startValue The start value in milliseconds.
\param stopValue The stop value in milliseconds.
\param buffer The buffer to fill out.
\param style The time unit style to use.
\returns A status code.
\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE Buffer was \c NULL.
\retval B_ERROR Formatting error.