* Add \since directive to each method. * Add documentation for BScrollBar and BScrollView classes. * Title Case group titles. * Some other minor documentation updates.
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721 lines
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* Copyright 2014 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/interface/Rect.h hrev47289
* src/kits/interface/Rect.cpp hrev47289
\file Rect.h
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief BRect class definition.
\class BRect
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief Defines a rectangular area aligned along pixel dimensions.
BRect's are used throughout the Interface Kit to define the frames
of windows, views, and bitmaps. BRect's are always oriented with
completely vertical and horizontal lines, they cannot be rotated.
A BRect must have a non-negative width and height to be valid, that is
the left value must be greater than or equal to the right value and the
bottom edge value be greater than or equal to the top value. You can test
whether or not a BRect is valid by calling IsValid(). Nothing prevents
you from creating an invalid BRect, but, using one to define an area can
produce unpredictable results.
A gotcha of using BRect's is that the starting point is 0, not 1, so
in order to create a BRect with a 32x32 pixel area you write:
BRect(0, 0, 31, 31);
or if you have the width and height stored in a variable you subtract 1
like this:
BRect(0, 0, width - 1, height -1);
\since BeOS R3
\var BRect::left
\brief The value of the rectangle's left edge.
\since BeOS R3
\var BRect::top
\brief The value of the rectangle's top edge.
\since BeOS R3
\var BRect::right
\brief The value of the rectangle's right edge.
\since BeOS R3
\var BRect::bottom
\brief The value of the rectangle's bottom edge.
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline BRect::BRect()
\brief Creates an empty BRect object with dimensions (0, 0, -1, -1).
These dimensions are invalid, use Set() to provide valid dimensions.
\sa BRect::Set()
\sa BRect::IsValid()
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline BRect::BRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
\brief Creates a new BRect object with the given dimensions.
\param left The left dimension.
\param top The top dimension.
\param right The right dimension.
\param bottom The bottom dimension.
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline BRect::BRect(const BRect& other)
\brief Creates a new BRect object as a copy of \a other.
\param other The BRect object to copy.
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline BRect::BRect(BPoint leftTop, BPoint rightBottom)
\brief Creates a new BRect object with its dimensions defined by the
\a leftTop and \a rightBottom points.
\param leftTop The position to set the left top corner to.
\param rightBottom The position to set the bottom right corner to.
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline BRect::BRect(BPoint leftTop, BSize size)
\brief Creates a new BRect object with its dimensions defined by the
\a leftTop point and \a size.
\param leftTop The position of the left top corner.
\param size The \a size of the rect defining its width and height.
\since Haiku R1
\fn inline BRect::BRect(float side)
\brief Creates a new BRect object setting the left and top dimensions
to 0 and setting the right and bottom dimensions to \a side - 1.
\param side The dimension to set the right and bottom sides.
\since Haiku R1
\fn inline bool BRect::IsValid() const
\brief Returns whether or not the BRect is valid.
A BRect is valid if its width and height are non-negative, that is its
right value is greater than or equal to its left value and its bottom value
is greater than or equal to its top value.
\return \c true if the BRect is valid, \c false if the BRect is invalid.
\since BeOS R3
\fn bool BRect::Intersects(BRect rect) const
\brief Returns whether or not the BRect and \a rect intersect.
\param rect The BRect to use to test for intersection.
\return \c true if the rectangles intersect, \a false otherwise.
\since BeOS R3
\fn bool BRect::Contains(BPoint point) const
\brief Returns whether or not the BRect contains \a point.
\param point The point to test.
\return \c true if the BRect contains \a point, \c false otherwise.
\since BeOS R3
\fn bool BRect::Contains(BRect rect) const
\brief Returns whether or not the BRect wholly contains \a rect.
\param rect The rectangle to test.
\return \c true if the BRect contains \a rect, \c false otherwise.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BRect::PrintToStream() const
\brief Prints the BRect dimensions to standard output.
The format of the output looks like this:
BRect(l:%.1f, t:%.1f, r:%.1f, b:%.1f).
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline int32 BRect::IntegerWidth() const
\brief Returns The width of the rectangle rounded using
ceil(\a right - \a left).
\return The width of the rectangle as an int32.
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline float BRect::Width() const
\brief Returns the width of the rectangle.
\return The width of the rectangle as a float.
\fn inline int32 BRect::IntegerHeight() const
\brief Returns The height of the rectangle rounded using
ceil(\a bottom - \a top).
\return The height of the rectangle as an int32.
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline float BRect::Height() const
\brief Returns the height of the rectangle.
\return The height of the rectangle as a float.
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline BSize BRect::Size() const
\brief Returns the dimensions of the BRect.
\return The dimensions of the BRect as a BSize.
\since Haiku R1
\fn inline void BRect::Set(float left, float top, float right,
float bottom)
\brief Sets the dimensions of a BRect.
\param left The \a left dimension to set.
\param top The \a top dimension to set.
\param right The \a right dimension to set.
\param bottom The \a bottom dimension to set.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BRect::SetLeftTop(const BPoint point)
\brief Sets the left top \a point of the BRect.
\param point The \a point to set.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BRect::SetRightBottom(const BPoint point)
\brief Sets the right bottom \a point of the BRect.
\param point The \a point to set.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BRect::SetLeftBottom(const BPoint point)
\brief Sets the left bottom \a point of the BRect.
\param point The \a point to set.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BRect::SetRightTop(const BPoint point)
\brief Sets the right top \a point of the BRect.
\param point The \a point to set.
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline BPoint BRect::LeftTop() const
\brief Returns the left top point of the BRect.
\return The left top point as a BPoint.
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline BPoint BRect::RightBottom() const
\brief Returns the right bottom point of the BRect.
\return The right bottom point as a BPoint.
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline BPoint BRect::LeftBottom() const
\brief Returns the left bottom point of the BRect.
\return The left bottom point as a BPoint.
\since BeOS R3
\fn inline BPoint BRect::RightTop() const
\brief Returns the right top point of the BRect.
\return The left right point as a BPoint.
\since BeOS R3
\name Transformation
Positive values make the rectangle smaller, negative values make it larger.
The …Self() versions also return the transformed BRect when they are done.
The …Copy() versions transform a copy without changing the original.
//! @{
\fn void BRect::InsetBy(BPoint point)
\brief Inset the BRect by the x and y coordinates of \a point.
\param point The \a point to use to inset the BRect.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BRect::InsetBy(float dx, float dy)
\brief Inset the BRect by \a dx units in the horizontal direction and
\a dy units in the vertical direction.
\param dx The horizontal distance to inset the BRect by.
\param dy The vertical distance to inset the BRect by.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BRect& BRect::InsetBySelf(BPoint point)
\brief Like BRect::InsetBy() but returns the transformed BRect.
\param point The \a point to use to inset the BRect.
\return The transformed BRect.
\sa BRect::InsetBy(BPoint point)
\since BeOS R5
\fn BRect& BRect::InsetBySelf(float dx, float dy)
\brief Like BRect::InsetBy() but returns the transformed BRect.
\param dx The horizontal distance to inset the BRect by.
\param dy The vertical distance to inset the BRect by.
\return The transformed BRect.
\sa BRect::InsetBy(float dx, float dy)
\since BeOS R5
\fn BRect BRect::InsetByCopy(BPoint point) const
\brief Like BRect::InsetBy() but returns a copy of the transformed BRect
leaving the original unmodified.
\param point The \a point to use to inset the BRect.
\return A copy of the BRect after it has been transformed.
\sa BRect::InsetBy(BPoint point)
\since BeOS R5
\fn BRect BRect::InsetByCopy(float dx, float dy) const
\brief Like BRect::InsetBy() but returns a copy of the transformed BRect
leaving the original unmodified.
\param dx The horizontal distance to inset the BRect by.
\param dy The vertical distance to inset the BRect by.
\return A copy of the BRect after it has been transformed.
\sa BRect::InsetBy(float dx, float dy)
\since BeOS R5
//! @}
\name Translation
Positive values move the rectangle right and down, negative values move the
rectangle left and up.
The …Self() versions also return the translated BRect when they are done.
The …Copy() versions translate a copy without changing the original.
//! @{
\fn void BRect::OffsetBy(BPoint point)
\brief Moves the BRect horizontally by the x value of \a point and
vertically by y value of \a point without changing the size
of the rectangle.
\param point The \a point to use to move the rectangle.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BRect::OffsetBy(float dx, float dy)
\brief Moves the BRect horizontally by \a dx units and vertically by
\a dy units point without changing the size of the rectangle.
\param dx The number of units the move the rectangle vertically.
\param dy The number of units the move the rectangle horizontally.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BRect& BRect::OffsetBySelf(BPoint point)
\brief Like BRect::OffsetBy() but returns the translated BRect.
\param point The \a point to use to move the rectangle.
\sa BRect::OffsetBy(BPoint point)
\since BeOS R5
\fn BRect& BRect::OffsetBySelf(float dx, float dy)
\brief Like BRect::OffsetBy() but returns the translated BRect.
\param dx The number of units the move the rectangle vertically.
\param dy The number of units the move the rectangle horizontally.
\return The translated BRect.
\sa BRect::OffsetBy(float dx, float dy)
\since BeOS R5
\fn BRect BRect::OffsetByCopy(BPoint point) const
\brief Like BRect::OffsetBy() but returns a copy of the translated
BRect leaving the original unmodified.
\param point The \a point to use to move the rectangle.
\return A copy of the BRect after it has been translated.
\sa BRect::OffsetBy(BPoint point)
\since BeOS R5
\fn BRect BRect::OffsetByCopy(float dx, float dy) const
\brief Like BRect::OffsetBy() but returns a copy of the translated
BRect leaving the original unmodified.
\param dx The number of units the move the rectangle vertically.
\param dy The number of units the move the rectangle horizontally.
\return A copy of the BRect after it has been translated.
\sa BRect::OffsetBy(float dx, float dy)
\since BeOS R5
\fn void BRect::OffsetTo(BPoint point)
\brief Move the BRect to the location specified by \a point.
\param point The location to move the BRect to.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BRect::OffsetTo(float x, float y)
\brief Move the BRect to the point specified by the given \a x and \a y
\param x The vertical coordinate of the point to move the BRect to.
\param y The horizontal coordinate of the point to move the BRect to.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BRect& BRect::OffsetToSelf(BPoint point)
\brief Like BRect::OffsetTo() but returns the translated BRect.
\param point The \a point to use to move the rectangle.
\return The translated BRect.
\sa BRect::OffsetTo(BPoint point)
\since BeOS R5
\fn BRect& BRect::OffsetToSelf(float x, float y)
\brief Like BRect::OffsetTo() but returns the translated BRect.
\param x The vertical coordinate of the point to move the BRect to.
\param y The horizontal coordinate of the point to move the BRect to.
\return The translated BRect.
\sa BRect::OffsetTo(float x, float y)
\since BeOS R5
\fn BRect BRect::OffsetToCopy(BPoint point) const
\brief Like BRect::OffsetTo() but returns a copy of the translated
BRect leaving the original unmodified.
\param point The \a point to use to move the rectangle.
\return A copy of the BRect after it has been translated.
\sa BRect::OffsetTo(BPoint point)
\since BeOS R5
\fn BRect BRect::OffsetToCopy(float x, float y) const
\brief Like BRect::OffsetTo() but returns a copy of the translated
BRect leaving the original unmodified.
\param x The number of units the move the rectangle vertically.
\param y The number of units the move the rectangle horizontally.
\return A copy of the BRect after it has been translated.
\sa BRect::OffsetTo(float x, float y)
\since BeOS R5
//! @}
\name Operators
//! @{
\fn inline BRect& BRect::operator=(const BRect& other)
\brief Creates a new BRect object as a copy of \a other by overloading
the = operator.
\param other The BRect object to copy.
\return The newly created BRect object.
\since BeOS R3
\fn bool BRect::operator==(BRect other) const
\brief Returns whether or not two rectangles coincide exactly.
\param other The BRect to compare with.
\return \c true if the rectangles coincide, \c false otherwise.
\since BeOS R3
\fn bool BRect::operator!=(BRect other) const
\brief Returns whether or not two rectangles do NOT coincide exactly.
\param other The BRect to compare with.
\return \c true if the rectangles do NOT coincide, \c false otherwise.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BRect BRect::operator&(BRect other) const
\brief Returns a new BRect that is the intersection of the BRect and
\a other.
The intersection of two rectangles is the area that they both share.
\param other The BRect to take the intersection of.
\return A new BRect that is the intersection of the BRect and \a other.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BRect BRect::operator|(BRect other) const
\brief Returns a new BRect that is the union of the BRect and \a other.
The union of two rectangles is the area that encloses both rectangles.
\param other The BRect to take the union of.
\return A new BRect that is the union of the BRect and \a other.
\since BeOS R3
//! @}