If the alternate signal stack is used randomize the initial stack pointer in the same way it is randomized on "normal" thread stacks. Also, update MINSIGSTKSZ value so that regardless of where the new stack pointer points to there is at least 4k of stack left.
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365 lines
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* Copyright 2002-2011, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef _SIGNAL_H_
#define _SIGNAL_H_
#include <sys/types.h>
typedef int sig_atomic_t;
typedef __haiku_uint64 sigset_t;
/* macros defining the standard signal handling behavior */
#define SIG_DFL ((__sighandler_t)0) /* "default" signal behaviour */
#define SIG_IGN ((__sighandler_t)1) /* ignore signal */
#define SIG_ERR ((__sighandler_t)-1) /* an error occurred during signal
processing */
#define SIG_HOLD ((__sighandler_t)3) /* the signal was hold */
/* macros specifying the event notification type (sigevent::sigev_notify) */
#define SIGEV_NONE 0 /* no notification */
#define SIGEV_SIGNAL 1 /* notify via queued signal */
#define SIGEV_THREAD 2 /* notify via function called in new thread */
union sigval {
int sival_int;
void* sival_ptr;
struct sigevent {
int sigev_notify; /* notification type */
int sigev_signo; /* signal number */
union sigval sigev_value; /* user-defined signal value */
void (*sigev_notify_function)(union sigval);
/* notification function in case of
pthread_attr_t* sigev_notify_attributes;
/* pthread creation attributes in case of
typedef struct __siginfo_t {
int si_signo; /* signal number */
int si_code; /* signal code */
int si_errno; /* if non zero, an error number associated with
this signal */
pid_t si_pid; /* sending process ID */
uid_t si_uid; /* real user ID of sending process */
void* si_addr; /* address of faulting instruction */
int si_status; /* exit value or signal */
long si_band; /* band event for SIGPOLL */
union sigval si_value; /* signal value */
} siginfo_t;
/* signal handler function types */
typedef void (*__sighandler_t)(int);
typedef void (*__siginfo_handler_t)(int, siginfo_t*, void*);
#ifdef __USE_GNU
typedef __sighandler_t sighandler_t;
/* GNU-like signal handler typedef */
/* structure used by sigaction() */
struct sigaction {
union {
__sighandler_t sa_handler;
__siginfo_handler_t sa_sigaction;
sigset_t sa_mask;
int sa_flags;
void* sa_userdata; /* will be passed to the signal
handler, BeOS extension */
/* values for sa_flags */
#define SA_NOCLDSTOP 0x01
#define SA_NOCLDWAIT 0x02
#define SA_RESETHAND 0x04
#define SA_NODEFER 0x08
#define SA_RESTART 0x10
#define SA_ONSTACK 0x20
#define SA_SIGINFO 0x40
/* values for ss_flags */
#define SS_ONSTACK 0x1
#define SS_DISABLE 0x2
#define MINSIGSTKSZ 8192
#define SIGSTKSZ 16384
/* for signals using an alternate stack */
typedef struct stack_t {
void* ss_sp;
size_t ss_size;
int ss_flags;
} stack_t;
/* for the 'how' arg of sigprocmask() */
#define SIG_BLOCK 1
#define SIG_UNBLOCK 2
#define SIG_SETMASK 3
* The list of all defined signals:
* The numbering of signals for Haiku attempts to maintain
* some consistency with UN*X conventions so that things
* like "kill -9" do what you expect.
#define SIGHUP 1 /* hangup -- tty is gone! */
#define SIGINT 2 /* interrupt */
#define SIGQUIT 3 /* `quit' special character typed in tty */
#define SIGILL 4 /* illegal instruction */
#define SIGCHLD 5 /* child process exited */
#define SIGABRT 6 /* abort() called, dont' catch */
#define SIGPIPE 7 /* write to a pipe w/no readers */
#define SIGFPE 8 /* floating point exception */
#define SIGKILL 9 /* kill a team (not catchable) */
#define SIGSTOP 10 /* suspend a thread (not catchable) */
#define SIGSEGV 11 /* segmentation violation (read: invalid pointer) */
#define SIGCONT 12 /* continue execution if suspended */
#define SIGTSTP 13 /* `stop' special character typed in tty */
#define SIGALRM 14 /* an alarm has gone off (see alarm()) */
#define SIGTERM 15 /* termination requested */
#define SIGTTIN 16 /* read of tty from bg process */
#define SIGTTOU 17 /* write to tty from bg process */
#define SIGUSR1 18 /* app defined signal 1 */
#define SIGUSR2 19 /* app defined signal 2 */
#define SIGWINCH 20 /* tty window size changed */
#define SIGKILLTHR 21 /* be specific: kill just the thread, not team */
#define SIGTRAP 22 /* Trace/breakpoint trap */
#define SIGPOLL 23 /* Pollable event */
#define SIGPROF 24 /* Profiling timer expired */
#define SIGSYS 25 /* Bad system call */
#define SIGURG 26 /* High bandwidth data is available at socket */
#define SIGVTALRM 27 /* Virtual timer expired */
#define SIGXCPU 28 /* CPU time limit exceeded */
#define SIGXFSZ 29 /* File size limit exceeded */
#define SIGBUS 30 /* access to undefined portion of a memory object */
#define SIGRESERVED1 31 /* reserved for future use */
#define SIGRESERVED2 32 /* reserved for future use */
#define SIGRTMIN (__signal_get_sigrtmin())
/* lowest realtime signal number */
#define SIGRTMAX (__signal_get_sigrtmax())
/* greatest realtime signal number */
#define __MAX_SIGNO 64 /* greatest possible signal number, can be used (+1)
as size of static arrays */
#define NSIG (__MAX_SIGNO + 1)
/* BSD extension, size of the sys_siglist table,
obsolete */
/* Signal code values appropriate for siginfo_t::si_code: */
/* any signal */
#define SI_USER 0 /* signal sent by user */
#define SI_QUEUE 1 /* signal sent by sigqueue() */
#define SI_TIMER 2 /* signal sent on timer_settime() timeout */
#define SI_ASYNCIO 3 /* signal sent on asynchronous I/O completion */
#define SI_MESGQ 4 /* signal sent on arrival of message on empty
message queue */
/* SIGILL */
#define ILL_ILLOPC 10 /* illegal opcode */
#define ILL_ILLOPN 11 /* illegal operand */
#define ILL_ILLADR 12 /* illegal addressing mode */
#define ILL_ILLTRP 13 /* illegal trap */
#define ILL_PRVOPC 14 /* privileged opcode */
#define ILL_PRVREG 15 /* privileged register */
#define ILL_COPROC 16 /* coprocessor error */
#define ILL_BADSTK 17 /* internal stack error */
/* SIGFPE */
#define FPE_INTDIV 20 /* integer division by zero */
#define FPE_INTOVF 21 /* integer overflow */
#define FPE_FLTDIV 22 /* floating-point division by zero */
#define FPE_FLTOVF 23 /* floating-point overflow */
#define FPE_FLTUND 24 /* floating-point underflow */
#define FPE_FLTRES 25 /* floating-point inexact result */
#define FPE_FLTINV 26 /* invalid floating-point operation */
#define FPE_FLTSUB 27 /* subscript out of range */
#define SEGV_MAPERR 30 /* address not mapped to object */
#define SEGV_ACCERR 31 /* invalid permissions for mapped object */
/* SIGBUS */
#define BUS_ADRALN 40 /* invalid address alignment */
#define BUS_ADRERR 41 /* nonexistent physical address */
#define BUS_OBJERR 42 /* object-specific hardware error */
#define TRAP_BRKPT 50 /* process breakpoint */
#define TRAP_TRACE 51 /* process trace trap. */
#define CLD_EXITED 60 /* child exited */
#define CLD_KILLED 61 /* child terminated abnormally without core dump */
#define CLD_DUMPED 62 /* child terminated abnormally with core dump */
#define CLD_TRAPPED 63 /* traced child trapped */
#define CLD_STOPPED 64 /* child stopped */
#define CLD_CONTINUED 65 /* stopped child continued */
#define POLL_IN 70 /* input available */
#define POLL_OUT 71 /* output available */
#define POLL_MSG 72 /* input message available */
#define POLL_ERR 73 /* I/O error */
#define POLL_PRI 74 /* high priority input available */
#define POLL_HUP 75 /* device disconnected */
/* the global table of text strings containing descriptions for each signal */
extern const char* const sys_siglist[NSIG];
/* BSD extension, obsolete, use strsignal() instead */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* signal management (actions and block masks) */
__sighandler_t signal(int _signal, __sighandler_t signalHandler);
int sigaction(int _signal, const struct sigaction* action,
struct sigaction* oldAction);
__sighandler_t sigset(int _signal, __sighandler_t signalHandler);
int sigignore(int _signal);
int siginterrupt(int _signal, int flag);
int sigprocmask(int how, const sigset_t* set, sigset_t* oldSet);
int pthread_sigmask(int how, const sigset_t* set, sigset_t* oldSet);
int sighold(int _signal);
int sigrelse(int _signal);
/* sending signals */
int raise(int _signal);
int kill(pid_t pid, int _signal);
int killpg(pid_t processGroupID, int _signal);
int sigqueue(pid_t pid, int _signal, const union sigval userValue);
int pthread_kill(pthread_t thread, int _signal);
/* querying and waiting for signals */
int sigpending(sigset_t* set);
int sigsuspend(const sigset_t* mask);
int sigpause(int _signal);
int sigwait(const sigset_t* set, int* _signal);
int sigwaitinfo(const sigset_t* set, siginfo_t* info);
int sigtimedwait(const sigset_t* set, siginfo_t* info,
const struct timespec* timeout);
/* setting the per-thread signal stack */
int sigaltstack(const stack_t* stack, stack_t* oldStack);
/* signal set (sigset_t) manipulation */
int sigemptyset(sigset_t* set);
int sigfillset(sigset_t* set);
int sigaddset(sigset_t* set, int _signal);
int sigdelset(sigset_t* set, int _signal);
int sigismember(const sigset_t* set, int _signal);
/* printing signal names */
void psiginfo(const siginfo_t* info, const char* message);
void psignal(int _signal, const char* message);
/* implementation private */
int __signal_get_sigrtmin();
int __signal_get_sigrtmax();
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* TODO: move this into the documentation!
* ==================================================
* ==================================================
* The standard Posix interface for signal handlers is not as useful
* as it could be. The handler can define only one single argument
* (the signal number). For example:
* void
* my_signal_handler(int sig)
* {
* . . .
* }
* // install the handler
* signal(SIGINT, &my_signal_handler);
* The sigaction() function allows finer grained control of the signal
* handling. It also allows an opportunity, via the 'sigaction' struct, to
* enable additional data to be passed to the handler. For example:
* void
* my_signal_handler(int sig, char* userData, vregs* regs)
* {
* . . .
* }
* struct sigaction sa;
* char data_buffer[32];
* sa.sa_handler = (__sighandler_t)my_signal_handler;
* sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
* sa.sa_userdata = userData;
* // install the handler
* sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL);
* The two additional arguments available to the signal handler are extensions
* to the Posix standard. This feature was introduced by the BeOS and retained
* by Haiku. However, to remain compatible with Posix and ANSI C, the type
* of the sa_handler field is defined as '__sighandler_t'. This requires the
* handler to be cast when assigned to the sa_handler field, as in the example
* above.
* The 3 arguments that Haiku provides to signal handlers are as follows:
* 1) The first argument is the (usual) signal number.
* 2) The second argument is whatever value is put in the sa_userdata field
* of the sigaction struct.
* 3) The third argument is a pointer to a vregs struct (defined below).
* The vregs struct contains the contents of the volatile registers at
* the time the signal was delivered to your thread. You can change the
* fields of the structure. After your signal handler completes, the OS uses
* this struct to reload the registers for your thread (privileged registers
* are not loaded of course). The vregs struct is of course terribly machine
* dependent.
* Note that in BeOS the vregs argument was passed by value, not by pointer.
* While Haiku retains binary compability with code compiled for BeOS, code
* built under Haiku must use the pointer argument.
* the vregs struct:
* signal handlers get this as the last argument
typedef struct vregs vregs;
/* BeOS extension */
/* include architecture specific definitions */
#include __HAIKU_ARCH_HEADER(signal.h)
typedef struct vregs mcontext_t;
typedef struct __ucontext_t {
struct __ucontext_t* uc_link;
sigset_t uc_sigmask;
stack_t uc_stack;
mcontext_t uc_mcontext;
} ucontext_t;
#endif /* _SIGNAL_H_ */