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* Copyright 2012 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
* Corresponds to:
* src/kits/game/FileGameSound.cpp hrev45076
* src/kits/game/FileGameSound.h hrev45076
\file FileGameSound.h
\ingroup game
\ingroup libbe
\brief Provides the BFileGameSound class.
\class BFileGameSound
\ingroup game
\ingroup libbe
\brief Playback audio from a sound file on disk.
\since BeOS R5
\fn BFileGameSound::BFileGameSound(const entry_ref* file, bool looping,
BGameSoundDevice* device)
\brief Creates and initializes a BFileGameSound object from an
\c entry_ref allowing you to play the specified sound file.
If \a looping is \c true, the sound automatically replays from the
beginning once the end is reached. This is useful for playing
background music in a loop.
You can specify the sound devise to use by setting the \a device
parameter. Setting \a device to \c NULL uses the default sound device.
\param file The entry ref pointing to the sound file on disk.
\param looping Whether or not to repeat the sound in a loop.
\param device The sound device to use to play the sound, use \c NULL for
\since BeOS R5
\fn BFileGameSound::BFileGameSound(const char* file, bool looping,
BGameSoundDevice* device)
\brief Creates and initializes a BFileGameSound object from a file path
allowing you to play the specified sound file.
If \a looping is \c true, the sound automatically replays from the
beginning once the end is reached. This is useful for playing
background music in a loop.
You can specify the sound devise to use by setting the \a device
parameter. Setting \a device to \c NULL uses the default sound device.
\param file The path of the sound file on disk.
\param looping Whether or not to repeat the sound in a loop.
\param device The sound device to use to play the sound, use \c NULL for
\since BeOS R5
\fn BFileGameSound::~BFileGameSound()
\brief Destroys the BFileGameSound object.
\since BeOS R5
\fn BGameSound* BFileGameSound::Clone() const
\brief Not implemented, always returns \c NULL.
\since BeOS R5
\fn status_t BFileGameSound::StartPlaying()
\brief Plays the sound file.
\returns A status code, \c B_OK on success or an error code on error.
\since BeOS R5
\fn status_t BFileGameSound::StopPlaying()
\brief Stops playback of the sound file.
\returns A status code, \c B_OK on success or an error code on error.
\since BeOS R5
\fn status_t BFileGameSound::Preload()
\brief Preload the sound file into memory so that playback won't be delayed.
\returns A status code, \c B_OK on success or an error code if we were
unable to communicate with the sound port.
\since BeOS R5
\fn void BFileGameSound::FillBuffer(void* inBuffer, size_t inByteCount)
\brief Fill a buffer with sound data.
\param inBuffer The buffer to fill.
\param inByteCount The number of bytes to fill buffer with.
\since BeOS R5
\fn status_t BFileGameSound::SetPaused(bool isPaused, bigtime_t rampTime)
\brief Pauses playback if \a isPaused is \c true or resumes play if
\a isPaused is \c false.
\param isPaused \c true to pause playback, \c false to resume playback.
\param rampTime Determines how long the change in playback state should
take to complete in microseconds. Set to 0 for an instantaneous
\returns A status code.
\retval B_OK The playback state was updated.
\retval EALREADY Already in the requested playback state.
\since BeOS R5
\fn int32 BFileGameSound::IsPaused()
\brief Returns the current playback status.
\returns An integer indicating the current playback status.
\retval B_NOT_PAUSED Sound is playing.
\retval B_PAUSE_IN_PROGRESS The sound is transitioning to or from a paused state.
\retval B_PAUSED Sound is paused.
\since BeOS R5