git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@40562 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
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1 german x-vnd.Haiku-Devices 2430293984
ACPI Information DeviceACPI ACPI-Information
ACPI controller Device ACPI-Controller
About Devices… DevicesView Über Devices...
Basic information DevicesView Basisinformation
Bridge Device Schnittstellen
Bus DevicesView Bus
Category DevicesView Kategorie
Communication controller Device Kommunikationscontroller
Computer Device Computer
Connection DevicesView Verbindung
Detailed DevicesView Details
Device Name\t\t\t\t: %Name%\nManufacturer\t\t\t: %Manufacturer%\nDriver used\t\t\t\t: %DriverUsed%\nDevice paths\t: %DevicePaths% Device Gerätename\t\t\t\t: %Name%\nHersteller\t\t\t: %Manufacturer%\nBenutzter Treiber\t\t\t\t: %DriverUsed%\nPfade für Treiber\t: %DevicePaths%
Device name Device Gerätename
Device name: Device Gerätename:
Device paths Device Gerätepfade
Devices DevicesApplication Devices
Devices DevicesView Geräte
Devices\n\twritten by Pieter Panman\n\n\tBased on listdev by Jérôme Duval\n\tand the previous Devices preference\n\tby Jérôme Duval and Sikosis\n\tCopyright 2009, Haiku, Inc.\n DevicesApplication Devices\n\tvon Pieter Panman.\n\n\tBasiert auf listdev von Jérôme Duval\n\tund auf den früheren Devices-Einstellungen\n\tvon Jérôme Duval und Sikosis.\n\tCopyright 2009, Haiku, Inc.\n
Display controller Device Anzeige-Controller
Docking station Device Andockstation
Driver used Device Treiber benutzt
Encryption controller Device Verschlüsselungscontroller
Generate system information DevicesView Systeminformationen erstellen
Generic system peripheral Device Peripheriegeräte
Input device controller Device Eingabegeräte-Kontroller
Intelligent controller Device Intelligenter Controller
Manufacturer Device Hersteller
Manufacturer: Device Hersteller:
Mass storage controller Device Massenspeicher-Controller
Memory controller Device Speichercontroller
Multimedia controller Device Multimedia-Controller
Network controller Device Netzwerk-Controller
None Device Kein
OK DevicesApplication OK
Order by: DevicesView Sortieren nach:
PCI Information DevicePCI PCI-Information
Processor Device Prozessor
Properties PropertyList Eigenschaften
Quit DevicesView Beenden
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Report compatibility DevicesView Kompatibilität anzeigen
Satellite communications controller Device Satellitenkommunikations-Controller
Serial bus controller Device Serieller Bus-Controller
Signal processing controller Device Signalverarbeitungscontroller
Unclassified device Device Sonstige Geräte
Wireless controller Device Funknetzwerk-Controller