In order to prevent classes between libnetapi.so with the legacy API and applications using the libnetservices.a library, the latter will have the classes in a distinct namespace. In the implementation, both libbnetapi.so and libnetservices.a will use the same header and source files. If LIBNETAPI_DEPRECATED is defined during build, the headers and source will have binary compatible behavior. Otherwise, the classes and other objects will be put in the HaikuExt namespace. In order to build the libbnetapi.so and libnetservices.a with the proper build configuration, there is a stub `src/kits/net/libnetapi_deprecated` folder that applies the special configuration to the source files. Currently HaikuDepot, Webpositive, libshared.a and the http_streamer add on use the compatible API in libbnetapi.so. Change-Id: Ic73e9f271ef75749adda46f6f72e9a0b2851b461 Reviewed-on: https://review.haiku-os.org/c/haiku/+/3667 Reviewed-by: Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@gmail.com>
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* Copyright 2010 Haiku Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#include <Archivable.h>
#include <DateTime.h>
#include <Message.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <Url.h>
namespace BPrivate {
namespace Network {
class BNetworkCookie : public BArchivable {
BNetworkCookie(const char* name,
const char* value, const BUrl& url);
BNetworkCookie(const BString& cookieString,
const BUrl& url);
BNetworkCookie(BMessage* archive);
virtual ~BNetworkCookie();
// Parse a "SetCookie" string
status_t ParseCookieString(const BString& string,
const BUrl& url);
// Modify the cookie fields
BNetworkCookie& SetName(const BString& name);
BNetworkCookie& SetValue(const BString& value);
status_t SetDomain(const BString& domain);
status_t SetPath(const BString& path);
BNetworkCookie& SetMaxAge(int32 maxAge);
BNetworkCookie& SetExpirationDate(time_t expireDate);
BNetworkCookie& SetExpirationDate(BDateTime& expireDate);
BNetworkCookie& SetSecure(bool secure);
BNetworkCookie& SetHttpOnly(bool httpOnly);
// Access the cookie fields
const BString& Name() const;
const BString& Value() const;
const BString& Domain() const;
const BString& Path() const;
time_t ExpirationDate() const;
const BString& ExpirationString() const;
bool Secure() const;
bool HttpOnly() const;
const BString& RawCookie(bool full) const;
bool IsHostOnly() const;
bool IsSessionCookie() const;
bool IsValid() const;
bool IsValidForUrl(const BUrl& url) const;
bool IsValidForDomain(const BString& domain) const;
bool IsValidForPath(const BString& path) const;
// Test if cookie fields are defined
bool HasName() const;
bool HasValue() const;
bool HasDomain() const;
bool HasPath() const;
bool HasExpirationDate() const;
// Test if cookie could be deleted
bool ShouldDeleteAtExit() const;
bool ShouldDeleteNow() const;
// BArchivable members
virtual status_t Archive(BMessage* into,
bool deep = true) const;
static BArchivable* Instantiate(BMessage* archive);
// Overloaded operators
bool operator==(const BNetworkCookie& other);
bool operator!=(const BNetworkCookie& other);
void _Reset();
int32 _ExtractNameValuePair(const BString& string,
BString& name, BString& value,
int32 index);
int32 _ExtractAttributeValuePair(
const BString& string, BString& name,
BString& value, int32 index);
BString _DefaultPathForUrl(const BUrl& url);
bool _CanBeSetFromUrl(const BUrl& url) const;
bool _CanBeSetFromDomain(const BString& path) const;
bool _CanBeSetFromPath(const BString& path) const;
mutable BString fRawCookie;
mutable bool fRawCookieValid;
mutable BString fRawFullCookie;
mutable bool fRawFullCookieValid;
mutable BString fExpirationString;
mutable bool fExpirationStringValid;
BString fName;
BString fValue;
BString fDomain;
BString fPath;
BDateTime fExpiration;
status_t fInitStatus;
bool fSecure;
bool fHttpOnly;
bool fHostOnly;
bool fSessionCookie;
} // namespace Network
} // namespace BPrivate
#endif // _B_NETWORK_COOKIE_H_