
74 lines
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* Copyright 2010-2011, Oliver Tappe, zooey@hirschkaefer.de.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#include "ICULocaleconvData.h"
#include "LocaleBackend.h"
#include <locale.h>
namespace BPrivate {
namespace Libroot {
class ICUMonetaryData : public ICULocaleconvData {
typedef ICULocaleconvData inherited;
static const int32 kParenthesesAroundCurrencyAndValue = 0;
static const int32 kSignPrecedesCurrencyAndValue = 1;
static const int32 kSignSucceedsCurrencyAndValue = 2;
static const int32 kSignImmediatelyPrecedesCurrency = 3;
static const int32 kSignImmediatelySucceedsCurrency = 4;
ICUMonetaryData(pthread_key_t tlsKey,
struct lconv& localeConv);
void Initialize(
LocaleMonetaryDataBridge* dataBridge);
virtual status_t SetTo(const Locale& locale,
const char* posixLocaleName);
virtual status_t SetToPosix();
const char* GetLanginfo(int index);
static const int32 kCsPrecedesFlag = 1 << 0;
static const int32 kSepBySpaceFlag = 1 << 1;
int32 _DetermineCurrencyPosAndSeparator(
const UnicodeString& prefix,
const UnicodeString& suffix,
const UnicodeString& signSymbol,
const UnicodeString& currencySymbol,
UChar& currencySeparatorChar);
int32 _DetermineSignPos(const UnicodeString& prefix,
const UnicodeString& suffix,
const UnicodeString& signSymbol,
const UnicodeString& currencySymbol);
char fDecimalPoint[skLCBufSize];
char fThousandsSep[skLCBufSize];
char fGrouping[skLCBufSize];
char fIntCurrSymbol[skLCBufSize];
char fCurrencySymbol[skLCBufSize];
char fPositiveSign[skLCBufSize];
char fNegativeSign[skLCBufSize];
struct lconv& fLocaleConv;
const struct lconv* fPosixLocaleConv;
} // namespace Libroot
} // namespace BPrivate