A few weeks back, I spotted in the Musl FAQ that they apparently ship empty libm.a and libpthread.a files (https://www.musl-libc.org/faq.html), which they said was for POSIX compatibility. A bit of digging got me to http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/c99.html which says: > It is unspecified whether the libraries libc.a, libl.a, libm.a, libpthread.a, > librt.a, [OB] [Option Start] libtrace.a, [Option End] libxnet.a, or liby.a > exist as regular files. The implementation may accept as -l option-arguments > names of objects that do not exist as regular files. So to follow the letter of the law, we only need to have the "c99" command accept these; however, it appears all Linux and BSD cstdlibs accept them no matter what compliance mode is in effect. Discussed with PulkoMandy. This will make HaikuPorts' job a lot easier...
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local architecture = $(TARGET_PACKAGING_ARCH) ;
local haikuDevelPackage = haiku_$(architecture)_devel.hpkg ;
HaikuPackage $(haikuDevelPackage) ;
local arch = $(TARGET_ARCH) ;
# glue code
AddFilesToPackage develop lib $(architecture) :
# additional libraries
local developmentLibs = [ MultiArchDefaultGristFiles libroot_debug.so : revisioned ] ;
AddFilesToPackage lib $(architecture) : $(developmentLibs) ;
# library symlinks
local lib ;
for lib in [ HaikuImageGetSystemLibs ] $(developmentLibs) {
AddSymlinkToPackage develop lib $(architecture)
: /system/lib/$(architecture) $(lib:BS) ;
local abiVersion = [ on $(lib) return $(HAIKU_LIB_ABI_VERSION) ] ;
if $(abiVersion) {
local abiVersionedLib = $(lib:BS).$(abiVersion) ;
AddSymlinkToPackage develop lib $(architecture)
: /system/lib/$(architecture) $(abiVersionedLib) ;
# static libraries
AddFilesToPackage develop lib $(architecture) :
<$(architecture)>libshared.a ;
# the POSIX error code mapper library
AddFilesToPackage develop lib $(architecture)
: libposix_error_mapper.a ;
# ABI independent stuff
# cpp headers
if $(HAIKU_GCC_VERSION_$(architecture)[1]) = 2 {
# GCC 2 only -- for GCC 4 they come with the gcc package
CopyDirectoryToPackage develop headers c++
: [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) headers cpp ] : 2.95.3 ;
BuildHaikuPackage $(haikuDevelPackage) : haiku_devel_secondary ;