The get_stack_trace syscall generates a stack trace using the kernel debugging facilities and copies the resulting return address array to the preallocated buffer from userland. It is only possible to get a stack trace of the current thread. The lookup_symbol syscall can be used to look up the symbol and image name corresponding to an address. It can be used to resolve symbols from a stack trace generated by the get_stack_trace syscall. Only symbols of the current team can be looked up. Note that this uses the symbol lookup of the kernel debugger which does not support lookup of all symbols (static functions are missing for example). This is meant to be used in situations where more elaborate stack trace generation, like done in the userland debugging helpers, is not possible due to constraints.
300 lines
9.7 KiB
300 lines
9.7 KiB
* Copyright 2005-2011, Ingo Weinhold, ingo_weinhold@gmx.de.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Userland debugger support.
#include <debugger.h>
#include <arch/user_debugger.h>
#include <timer.h>
// limits
#define B_DEBUG_MIN_PROFILE_INTERVAL 10 /* in us */
struct BreakpointManager;
struct ConditionVariable;
struct function_profile_info;
namespace BKernel {
struct Thread;
using BKernel::Thread;
// Team related debugging data.
// Locking policy:
// 1) When accessing the structure it must be made sure, that the structure,
// (i.e. the struct Team it lives in) isn't deleted. Thus one either needs to
// get a team reference, lock the team, or one accesses the structure from a
// thread of that team.
// 2) Access to the `flags' field is atomic. Reading via atomic_get()
// requires no further locks (in addition to 1) that is). Writing requires
// `lock' to be held and must be done atomically, too
// (atomic_{set,and,or}()). Reading with `lock' being held doesn't need to
// be done atomically.
// 3) Access to all other fields (read or write) requires `lock' to be held.
// 4) Locking order is scheduler lock -> Team -> Thread -> team_debug_info::lock
// -> thread_debug_info::lock.
struct team_debug_info {
spinlock lock;
// Guards the remaining fields. Should always be the innermost lock
// to be acquired/released, save for thread_debug_info::lock.
int32 flags;
// Set atomically. So reading atomically is OK, even when the lock is
// not held (at least if it is certain, that the team struct won't go).
team_id debugger_team;
port_id debugger_port;
thread_id nub_thread;
port_id nub_port;
// the port the nub thread is waiting on for commands from the debugger
sem_id debugger_write_lock;
// synchronizes writes to the debugger port with the setting (but not
// clearing) of the B_TEAM_DEBUG_DEBUGGER_HANDOVER flag
thread_id causing_thread;
// thread that caused the debugger to be attached; -1 for manual
// debugger attachment (or no debugger installed)
int32 image_event;
// counter incremented whenever an image is created/deleted
struct ConditionVariable* debugger_changed_condition;
// Set to a condition variable when going to change the debugger. Anyone
// who wants to change the debugger as well, needs to wait until the
// condition variable is unset again (waiting for the condition and
// rechecking again). The field and the condition variable is protected
// by 'lock'. After setting the a condition variable the team is
// guaranteed not to be deleted (until it is unset) it might be removed
// from the team hash table, though.
struct BreakpointManager* breakpoint_manager;
// manages hard- and software breakpoints
struct arch_team_debug_info arch_info;
// Thread related debugging data.
// Locking policy:
// 1) When accessing the structure it must be made sure, that the structure,
// (i.e. the struct Thread it lives in) isn't deleted. Thus one either needs
// to get a thread reference, lock the thread, or one accesses the structure
// of the current thread.
// 2) Access to the `flags' field is atomic. Reading via atomic_get()
// requires no further locks (in addition to 1) that is). Writing requires
// `lock' to be held and must be done atomically, too
// (atomic_{set,and,or}()). Reading with `lock' being held doesn't need to
// be done atomically.
// 3) Access to all other fields (read or write) requires `lock' to be held.
// 4) Locking order is scheduler lock -> Team -> Thread -> team_debug_info::lock
// -> thread_debug_info::lock.
struct thread_debug_info {
spinlock lock;
// Guards the remaining fields. Should always be the innermost lock
// to be acquired/released.
int32 flags;
// Set atomically. So reading atomically is OK, even when the lock is
// not held (at least if it is certain, that the thread struct won't
// go).
port_id debug_port;
// the port the thread is waiting on for commands from the nub thread
sigset_t ignore_signals;
// the signals the debugger is not interested in
sigset_t ignore_signals_once;
// the signals the debugger wishes not to be notified of, when they
// occur the next time
// profiling related part; if samples != NULL, the thread is profiled
struct {
bigtime_t interval;
// sampling interval
area_id sample_area;
// cloned sample buffer area
addr_t* samples;
// sample buffer
int32 max_samples;
// maximum number of samples the buffer can hold
int32 flush_threshold;
// number of sample when the buffer is flushed (if possible)
int32 sample_count;
// number of samples the buffer currently holds
int32 stack_depth;
// number of return addresses to record per timer interval
int32 dropped_ticks;
// number of ticks that had to be dropped when the sample buffer was
// full and couldn't be flushed
int32 image_event;
// number of the image event when the first sample was written into
// the buffer
int32 last_image_event;
// number of the image event when the last sample was written into
// the buffer
bool variable_stack_depth;
// record a variable number of samples per hit
bool buffer_full;
// indicates that the sample buffer is full
union {
bigtime_t interval_left;
// when unscheduled: the time left of the current sampling
// interval
bigtime_t timer_end;
// when running: the absolute time the timer is supposed to go
// off
timer* installed_timer;
// when running and being profiled: the CPU's profiling timer
} profile;
struct arch_thread_debug_info arch_info;
#define GRAB_TEAM_DEBUG_INFO_LOCK(info) acquire_spinlock(&(info).lock)
#define RELEASE_TEAM_DEBUG_INFO_LOCK(info) release_spinlock(&(info).lock)
// team debugging flags (user-specifiable flags are in <debugger.h>)
enum {
B_TEAM_DEBUG_DEBUGGER_HANDOVER = 0x0002, // marked for hand-over
B_TEAM_DEBUG_DEBUGGER_HANDING_OVER = 0x0004, // handing over
// thread debugging flags (user-specifiable flags are in <debugger.h>)
enum {
B_THREAD_DEBUG_NUB_THREAD = 0x0040, // marks the nub thread
// messages sent from the debug nub thread to a debugged thread
typedef enum {
} debugged_thread_message;
typedef struct {
uint32 handle_event;
bool single_step;
} debugged_thread_continue;
typedef struct {
port_id reply_port;
} debugged_thread_get_cpu_state;
typedef struct {
debug_cpu_state cpu_state;
} debugged_thread_set_cpu_state;
typedef union {
debugged_thread_continue continue_thread;
debugged_thread_set_cpu_state set_cpu_state;
debugged_thread_get_cpu_state get_cpu_state;
} debugged_thread_message_data;
// internal messages sent to the nub thread
typedef enum {
} debug_nub_kernel_message;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// service calls
void clear_team_debug_info(struct team_debug_info *info, bool initLock);
void init_thread_debug_info(struct thread_debug_info *info);
void clear_thread_debug_info(struct thread_debug_info *info, bool dying);
void destroy_thread_debug_info(struct thread_debug_info *info);
void user_debug_prepare_for_exec();
void user_debug_finish_after_exec();
void init_user_debug();
// debug event callbacks
void user_debug_pre_syscall(uint32 syscall, void *args);
void user_debug_post_syscall(uint32 syscall, void *args, uint64 returnValue,
bigtime_t startTime);
bool user_debug_exception_occurred(debug_exception_type exception, int signal);
bool user_debug_handle_signal(int signal, struct sigaction *handler,
bool deadly);
void user_debug_stop_thread();
void user_debug_team_created(team_id teamID);
void user_debug_team_deleted(team_id teamID, port_id debuggerPort);
void user_debug_team_exec();
void user_debug_update_new_thread_flags(Thread* thread);
void user_debug_thread_created(thread_id threadID);
void user_debug_thread_deleted(team_id teamID, thread_id threadID);
void user_debug_thread_exiting(Thread* thread);
void user_debug_image_created(const image_info *imageInfo);
void user_debug_image_deleted(const image_info *imageInfo);
void user_debug_breakpoint_hit(bool software);
void user_debug_watchpoint_hit();
void user_debug_single_stepped();
void user_debug_thread_unscheduled(Thread* thread);
void user_debug_thread_scheduled(Thread* thread);
// syscalls
void _user_debugger(const char *message);
int _user_disable_debugger(int state);
status_t _user_install_default_debugger(port_id debuggerPort);
port_id _user_install_team_debugger(team_id team, port_id debuggerPort);
status_t _user_remove_team_debugger(team_id team);
status_t _user_debug_thread(thread_id thread);
void _user_wait_for_debugger(void);
status_t _user_set_debugger_breakpoint(void *address, uint32 type,
int32 length, bool watchpoint);
status_t _user_clear_debugger_breakpoint(void *address, bool watchpoint);
ssize_t _user_get_stack_trace(size_t addressCount, addr_t* returnAddresses);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"