git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@41779 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
50 lines
1.6 KiB
50 lines
1.6 KiB
1 swedish x-vnd.Be-PEPL 2993050801
%name% picture People %name% bild
Address People Adress
Cancel People Avbryt
City People Stad
Close People Stäng
Company People Företag
Configure attributes People Ställ in attribut
Contact information for a person. Long mimetype description Kontaktinformation för en person.
Contact name People Kontaktnamn
Copy People Kopiera
Could not create %s. People Kunde inte skapa %s.
Country People Land
Cut People Klipp ut
Drop an image here,\nor use the contextual menu. People Släpp en bild här,\neller använd högerklicksmenyn.
E-mail People E-post
Edit People Redigera
Error People Fel
Fax People Fax
File People Arkiv
Group People Grupp
Home phone People Hemtelefon
Launching the FileTypes preflet to configure Person attributes has failed.\n\nError: People Misslyckades att starta FilTyper för redigering av attribut.\n\nFel:
Load image… People Välj bild...
Name People Namn
New person People Ny person
New person… People Ny person...
Nickname People Smeknamn
OK People OK
Paste People Klistra in
People System name Personer
Person Short mimetype description Person
Quit People Avsluta
Redo People Gör om
Remove image People Ta bort bild
Revert People Återställ
Save People Spara
Save as… People Spara som...
Save changes before quitting? People Spara ändringar innan avslut?
Select all People Markera allt
Sorry People Tyvärr
State People Region
The file '%name%' could not be written. People Filen '%name%' kunde inte skrivas till.
URL People URL
Undo People Ångra
Unnamed person People Namnlös person
Work phone People Arbetstelefon
Zip People Postnummer
none Groups list ingen