task_looper() again. * removed BMessenger::fPreferred - whenever you had to specify "usePreferred" separately, you don't have to do that anymore - use B_PREFERRED_TOKEN instead. * fixed BTokenSpace::GetToken() semantics: it will no longer touch the "object" argument in case of failure. * Introduced a BWindow::_DistributeMessage() that will be part of the event dispatcher counterpart to the app_server (the other will be _DetermineTarget()). * Made it easier to use Michael's Message4 implementation: just add the following line to your UserBuildConfig: AppendToConfigVar DEFINES : HAIKU_TOP src : USING_MESSAGE4 : global ; * Introduced ServerWindow::HandlerMessenger() and FocusMessenger() - the first will target the client handler, while the other will target the preferred handler of the client looper (usually the view having focus). * Fixed dano message unflattening in the Message4 code. * Changed BMessage::PrintToStream() to no longer use macros in the Message4 implementation. * I hope that's all - it's a huge change, but it's all connected. git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@15046 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
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206 lines
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# include <MessageUtils4.h>
// MessageUtils.h
// Standard Includes -----------------------------------------------------------
// System Includes -------------------------------------------------------------
#include <ByteOrder.h>
#include <DataIO.h>
#include <Entry.h>
#include <Message.h>
#include <Messenger.h>
#include <MessengerPrivate.h>
#include <SupportDefs.h>
// Project Includes ------------------------------------------------------------
// Local Includes --------------------------------------------------------------
// Local Defines ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Globals ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32 _checksum_(const uchar *buf, int32 size);
namespace BPrivate { // Only putting these here because Be did
status_t entry_ref_flatten(char* buffer, size_t* size, const entry_ref* ref);
status_t entry_ref_unflatten(entry_ref* ref, const char* buffer, size_t size);
status_t entry_ref_swap(char* buffer, size_t size);
size_t calc_padding(size_t size, size_t boundary);
} // namespace BPrivate
// _set_message_target_
/*! \brief Sets the target of a message.
\param message The message.
\param token The target handler token.
\param preferred Indicates whether to use the looper's preferred handler.
_set_message_target_(BMessage *message, int32 token, bool preferred)
message->fTarget = token;
message->fPreferred = preferred;
// _set_message_reply_
/*! \brief Sets a message's reply target.
\param message The message.
\param messenger The reply messenger.
_set_message_reply_(BMessage *message, BMessenger messenger)
BMessenger::Private messengerPrivate(messenger);
message->fReplyTo.port = messengerPrivate.Port();
message->fReplyTo.target = messengerPrivate.Token();
message->fReplyTo.team = messengerPrivate.Team();
message->fReplyTo.preferred = messengerPrivate.IsPreferredTarget();
inline int32 _get_message_target_(BMessage *msg)
return msg->fTarget;
inline bool _use_preferred_target_(BMessage *msg)
return msg->fPreferred;
inline status_t normalize_err(status_t err)
return err >= 0 ? B_OK : err;
template<class T>
inline void byte_swap(T& /*data*/)
// Specialize for data types which actually swap
inline void write_helper(BDataIO* stream, const void* data, size_t size,
status_t& err)
err = normalize_err(stream->Write(data, size));
// Will the template madness never cease??
template<class T>
inline status_t write_helper(BDataIO* stream, T& data, status_t& err)
return normalize_err(stream->Write((const void*)data, sizeof (T)));
class TReadHelper
TReadHelper(BDataIO* stream)
: fStream(stream), err(B_OK), fSwap(false)
TReadHelper(BDataIO* stream, bool swap)
: fStream(stream), err(B_OK), fSwap(swap)
template<class T> inline void operator()(T& data)
err = normalize_err(fStream->Read((void*)&data, sizeof (T)));
if (err)
throw err;
if (IsSwapping())
template<class T> inline void operator()(T data, size_t len)
err = normalize_err(fStream->Read((void*)data, len));
if (err)
throw err;
status_t Status() { return err; }
void SetSwap(bool yesNo) { fSwap = yesNo; }
bool IsSwapping() { return fSwap; }
BDataIO* fStream;
status_t err;
bool fSwap;
class TChecksumHelper
TChecksumHelper(uchar* buffer) : fBuffer(buffer), fBufPtr(buffer) {;}
template<class T> inline void Cache(const T& data)
*((T*)fBufPtr) = data;
fBufPtr += sizeof (T);
int32 CheckSum();
uchar* fBuffer;
uchar* fBufPtr;
template<class T> inline status_t read_helper(BDataIO* stream, T& data)
return normalize_err(stream->Read((void*)&data, sizeof (T)));
template<> inline void byte_swap(double& data)
data = __swap_double(data);
template<> inline void byte_swap(float& data)
data = __swap_float(data);
template<> inline void byte_swap(int64& data)
data = __swap_int64(data);
template<> inline void byte_swap(int32& data)
data = __swap_int32(data);
template<> inline void byte_swap(int16& data)
data = __swap_int16(data);
template<> inline void byte_swap(entry_ref& data)
#endif // USING_MESSAGE4