
169 lines
4.2 KiB

* Copyright 2001-2005, Haiku, Inc.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* DarkWyrm <bpmagic@columbus.rr.com>
* Gabe Yoder <gyoder@stny.rr.com>
* Stephan Aßmus <superstippi@gmx.de>
#include <Accelerant.h>
#include <Font.h>
#include <Locker.h>
#include <Point.h>
class BPoint;
class BRect;
class BRegion;
class DrawState;
class HWInterface;
class Painter;
class RGBColor;
class ServerBitmap;
class ServerCursor;
class ServerFont;
typedef struct {
BPoint pt1;
BPoint pt2;
rgb_color color;
} LineArrayData;
class DrawingEngine {
DrawingEngine(HWInterface* interface = NULL);
virtual ~DrawingEngine();
// when implementing, be sure to call the inherited version
status_t Initialize();
void Shutdown();
// locking
bool Lock();
void Unlock();
bool WriteLock();
void WriteUnlock();
// for "changing" hardware
void Update();
void SetHWInterface(HWInterface* interface);
// for screen shots
bool DumpToFile(const char *path);
ServerBitmap* DumpToBitmap();
// clipping for all drawing functions, passing a NULL region
// will remove any clipping (drawing allowed everywhere)
void ConstrainClippingRegion(const BRegion* region);
// drawing functions
void CopyRegion(/*const*/ BRegion* region,
int32 xOffset, int32 yOffset);
void InvertRect(BRect r);
void DrawBitmap(ServerBitmap *bitmap,
const BRect &source, const BRect &dest,
const DrawState *d);
// drawing primitives
void DrawArc(BRect r, const float &angle,
const float &span,
const DrawState *d,
bool filled);
void DrawBezier(BPoint *pts, const DrawState *d,
bool filled);
void DrawEllipse(BRect r, const DrawState *d,
bool filled);
void DrawPolygon(BPoint *ptlist, int32 numpts,
BRect bounds, const DrawState *d,
bool filled, bool closed);
// this version used by Decorator
void StrokeRect(BRect r, const RGBColor &color);
void FillRect(BRect r, const RGBColor &color);
void StrokeRect(BRect r, const DrawState *d);
void FillRect(BRect r, const DrawState *d);
// for debugging purposes?
// void StrokeRegion(BRegion &r, const DrawState *d);
void FillRegion(BRegion &r, const DrawState *d);
void FillRegion(BRegion &r, const RGBColor& color);
void DrawRoundRect(BRect r, float xrad,
float yrad, const DrawState *d,
bool filled);
void DrawShape(const BRect &bounds,
int32 opcount, const uint32 *oplist,
int32 ptcount, const BPoint *ptlist,
const DrawState *d, bool filled);
void DrawTriangle(BPoint *pts, const BRect &bounds,
const DrawState *d, bool filled);
// this version used by Decorator
void StrokeLine(const BPoint &start,
const BPoint &end, const RGBColor &color);
void StrokeLine(const BPoint &start,
const BPoint &end, DrawState *d);
void StrokeLineArray(int32 numlines,
const LineArrayData *data,
const DrawState *d);
// this version used by Decorator
void StrokePoint(const BPoint &pt,
const RGBColor &color);
void StrokePoint(const BPoint &pt,
DrawState *d);
// -------- text related calls
// DrawState is NOT const because this call updates the pen position in the passed DrawState
BPoint DrawString(const char* string, int32 length,
const BPoint& pt, DrawState* d,
escapement_delta* delta = NULL);
float StringWidth(const char* string, int32 length,
const DrawState* d,
escapement_delta* delta = NULL);
float StringWidth(const char* string,
int32 length, const ServerFont& font,
escapement_delta* delta = NULL);
float StringHeight(const char* string,
int32 length, const DrawState* d);
BRect _CopyRect(BRect r, int32 xOffset,
int32 yOffset) const;
void _CopyRect(uint8* bits, uint32 width,
uint32 height, uint32 bytesPerRow,
int32 xOffset, int32 yOffset) const;
Painter* fPainter;
HWInterface* fGraphicsCard;
uint32 fAvailableHWAccleration;