This needs to be run under haiku as it uses the package tool. It can be used to remove the _bootstrap tagging from bootstrap packages and then upload them to the repos as normal packages. The goal is to make non-bootstrap builds work even for archs where the bootstrap isn't working yet. Packages built that way should be replaced as soon as better ones are obtained by the proper bootstrapping process.
26 lines
849 B
26 lines
849 B
# Convert _bootstrap packages to non-bootstrap version.
# THIS IS A HACK. The _bootstrap packages are cross-compiled on a pseudo-haiku
# environment running on a different host system. Expect binary
# incompatibilities when trying to use them. However, the development files
# should still be valid, allowing us to build a non-bootstrap Haiku against
# these package before we can get the bootstrap image to run reliably enough
# to actually bootstrap the packages.
mkdir -p work
cd work
for package in ../packages/*.hpkg
echo --- Processing $package ---
echo Cleaning work directory...
rm -r *
echo Extracting package...
package extract $package
echo Converting .PackageInfo...
sed -i .PackageInfo -e s/_bootstrap//g
name=`basename $package|sed -e s/_bootstrap//g`
echo Regenerating package...
package create ../$name