- Add Get{X,Y}Tabs methods. - Remove SaveLayout and RestoreLayout. These can be implemented outside of BALMLayout.
286 lines
8.0 KiB
286 lines
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* Copyright 2006 - 2010, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef ALM_LAYOUT_H
#define ALM_LAYOUT_H
#include <AbstractLayout.h>
#include <Size.h>
#include "Area.h"
#include "LinearSpec.h"
#include "Tab.h"
class BView;
class BLayoutItem;
class Constraint;
namespace BPrivate {
class SharedSolver;
namespace BALM {
class Column;
class ALMGroup;
class Row;
class RowColumnManager;
* A GUI layout engine using the Auckland Layout Model (ALM).
class BALMLayout : public BAbstractLayout {
BALMLayout(float hSpacing = 0.0f,
float vSpacing = 0.0f,
BALMLayout* friendLayout = NULL);
BALMLayout(BMessage* archive);
virtual ~BALMLayout();
BReference<XTab> AddXTab();
void AddXTabs(BReference<XTab>* tabs, uint32 count);
BReference<YTab> AddYTab();
void AddYTabs(BReference<YTab>* tabs, uint32 count);
int32 CountXTabs() const;
int32 CountYTabs() const;
XTab* XTabAt(int32 index, bool ordered = false);
XTab* XTabAt(int32 index) const;
YTab* YTabAt(int32 index, bool ordered = false);
YTab* YTabAt(int32 index) const;
const XTabList GetXTabs() const;
const YTabList GetYTabs() const;
int32 IndexOf(XTab* tab, bool ordered = false);
int32 IndexOf(YTab* tab, bool ordered = false);
int32 CountConstraints() const;
Constraint* ConstraintAt(int32 index) const;
bool AddConstraint(Constraint* constraint);
bool RemoveConstraint(Constraint* constraint,
bool deleteConstraint = true);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
OperatorType op, double rightSide,
double penaltyNeg = -1,
double penaltyPos = -1);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
double coeff2, Variable* var2,
OperatorType op, double rightSide,
double penaltyNeg = -1,
double penaltyPos = -1);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
double coeff2, Variable* var2,
double coeff3, Variable* var3,
OperatorType op, double rightSide,
double penaltyNeg = -1,
double penaltyPos = -1);
Constraint* AddConstraint(double coeff1, Variable* var1,
double coeff2, Variable* var2,
double coeff3, Variable* var3,
double coeff4, Variable* var4,
OperatorType op, double rightSide,
double penaltyNeg = -1,
double penaltyPos = -1);
Row* AddRow(YTab* top, YTab* bottom);
Column* AddColumn(XTab* left, XTab* right);
XTab* Left() const;
XTab* Right() const;
YTab* Top() const;
YTab* Bottom() const;
LinearProgramming::LinearSpec* Solver() const;
LinearProgramming::ResultType ValidateLayout();
void SetInsets(float insets);
void SetInsets(float x, float y);
void SetInsets(float left, float top, float right,
float bottom);
void GetInsets(float* left, float* top, float* right,
float* bottom) const;
void SetSpacing(float hSpacing, float vSpacing);
void GetSpacing(float* _hSpacing,
float* _vSpacing) const;
Area* AreaFor(int32 id) const;
Area* AreaFor(const BView* view) const;
Area* AreaFor(const BLayoutItem* item) const;
int32 CountAreas() const;
Area* AreaAt(int32 index) const;
XTab* LeftOf(const BView* view) const;
XTab* LeftOf(const BLayoutItem* item) const;
XTab* RightOf(const BView* view) const;
XTab* RightOf(const BLayoutItem* item) const;
YTab* TopOf(const BView* view) const;
YTab* TopOf(const BLayoutItem* item) const;
YTab* BottomOf(const BView* view) const;
YTab* BottomOf(const BLayoutItem* item) const;
virtual BLayoutItem* AddView(BView* child);
virtual BLayoutItem* AddView(int32 index, BView* child);
virtual Area* AddView(BView* view, XTab* left, YTab* top,
XTab* right = NULL, YTab* bottom = NULL);
virtual Area* AddView(BView* view, Row* row, Column* column);
virtual bool AddItem(BLayoutItem* item);
virtual bool AddItem(int32 index, BLayoutItem* item);
virtual Area* AddItem(BLayoutItem* item, XTab* left,
YTab* top, XTab* right = NULL,
YTab* bottom = NULL);
virtual Area* AddItem(BLayoutItem* item, Row* row,
Column* column);
struct BadLayoutPolicy;
void SetBadLayoutPolicy(BadLayoutPolicy* policy);
BadLayoutPolicy* GetBadLayoutPolicy() const;
virtual BSize BaseMinSize();
virtual BSize BaseMaxSize();
virtual BSize BasePreferredSize();
virtual BAlignment BaseAlignment();
virtual status_t Archive(BMessage* into, bool deep = true) const;
static BArchivable* Instantiate(BMessage* archive);
virtual status_t Perform(perform_code d, void* arg);
virtual bool ItemAdded(BLayoutItem* item, int32 atIndex);
virtual void ItemRemoved(BLayoutItem* item, int32 fromIndex);
virtual status_t ItemArchived(BMessage* into, BLayoutItem* item,
int32 index) const;
virtual status_t ItemUnarchived(const BMessage* from,
BLayoutItem* item, int32 index);
virtual status_t AllUnarchived(const BMessage* archive);
virtual status_t AllArchived(BMessage* archive) const;
virtual void LayoutInvalidated(bool children);
virtual void DoLayout();
struct BadLayoutPolicy : public BArchivable {
BadLayoutPolicy(BMessage* archive);
virtual ~BadLayoutPolicy();
/* return false to abandon layout, true to use layout */
virtual bool OnBadLayout(BALMLayout* layout,
LinearProgramming::ResultType result,
BLayoutContext* context) = 0;
struct DefaultPolicy : public BadLayoutPolicy {
DefaultPolicy(BMessage* archive);
virtual ~DefaultPolicy();
virtual bool OnBadLayout(BALMLayout* layout,
LinearProgramming::ResultType result,
BLayoutContext* context);
virtual status_t Archive(BMessage* message,
bool deep = false) const;
static BArchivable* Instantiate(BMessage* message);
// FBC padding
virtual void _ReservedALMLayout1();
virtual void _ReservedALMLayout2();
virtual void _ReservedALMLayout3();
virtual void _ReservedALMLayout4();
virtual void _ReservedALMLayout5();
virtual void _ReservedALMLayout6();
virtual void _ReservedALMLayout7();
virtual void _ReservedALMLayout8();
virtual void _ReservedALMLayout9();
virtual void _ReservedALMLayout10();
// forbidden methods
BALMLayout(const BALMLayout&);
void operator =(const BALMLayout&);
template <class T>
struct TabAddTransaction;
template <class T>
friend class TabAddTransaction;
friend class BPrivate::SharedSolver;
friend class XTab;
friend class YTab;
friend class Area;
class BALMLayoutSpecListener;
friend class BALMLayoutSpecListener;
float InsetForTab(XTab* tab) const;
float InsetForTab(YTab* tab) const;
void UpdateConstraints(BLayoutContext* context);
void _RemoveSelfFromTab(XTab* tab);
void _RemoveSelfFromTab(YTab* tab);
bool _HasTabInLayout(XTab* tab);
bool _HasTabInLayout(YTab* tab);
bool _AddedTab(XTab* tab);
bool _AddedTab(YTab* tab);
BLayoutItem* _LayoutItemToAdd(BView* view);
void _SetSolver(BPrivate::SharedSolver* solver);
BPrivate::SharedSolver* fSolver;
BALMLayoutSpecListener* fSpecListener;
BReference<XTab> fLeft;
BReference<XTab> fRight;
BReference<YTab> fTop;
BReference<YTab> fBottom;
BSize fMinSize;
BSize fMaxSize;
BSize fPreferredSize;
float fLeftInset;
float fRightInset;
float fTopInset;
float fBottomInset;
float fHSpacing;
float fVSpacing;
XTabList fXTabList;
bool fXTabsSorted;
YTabList fYTabList;
bool fYTabsSorted;
BObjectList<Constraint> fConstraints;
RowColumnManager* fRowColumnManager;
BadLayoutPolicy* fBadLayoutPolicy;
uint32 _reserved[5];
} // namespace BALM
using BALM::BALMLayout;
#endif // ALM_LAYOUT_H