* move libprint headers into libs headers folder accordingly * merge all shared folders sources into kits print, we might build later on a real print kit, propably also to access cups from an nicely API, atm static * move all shared headers into private print, also pr_server.h from interface * adjust build to work with the changed folder layout git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@26570 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
357 lines
13 KiB
357 lines
13 KiB
* JobData.h
* Copyright 1999-2000 Y.Takagi. All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __JOBDATA_H
#define __JOBDATA_H
#include <SupportDefs.h>
#include <GraphicsDefs.h>
#include <Rect.h>
#include "Halftone.h"
#include "MarginView.h" // for MarginUnit
class BMessage;
class PrinterCap;
class JobData {
enum Orientation {
enum Paper {
kLetter = 1, // 1 Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in
kLetterSmall, // 2 Letter Small 8 1/2 x 11 in
kTabloid, // 3 Tabloid 11 x 17 in
kLedger, // 4 Ledger 17 x 11 in
kLegal, // 5 Legal 8 1/2 x 14 in
kStatement, // 6 Statement 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in
kExecutive, // 7 Executive 7 1/4 x 10 1/2 in
kA3, // 8 A3 297 x 420 mm
kA4, // 9 A4 210 x 297 mm
kA4Small, // 10 A4 Small 210 x 297 mm
kA5, // 11 A5 148 x 210 mm
kB4, // 12 B4 (JIS) 250 x 354
kB5, // 13 B5 (JIS) 182 x 257 mm
kFolio, // 14 Folio 8 1/2 x 13 in
kQuarto, // 15 Quarto 215 x 275 mm
k10X14, // 16 10x14 in
k11X17, // 17 11x17 in
kNote, // 18 Note 8 1/2 x 11 in
kEnv9, // 19 Envelope #9 3 7/8 x 8 7/8
kEnv10, // 20 Envelope #10 4 1/8 x 9 1/2
kEnv11, // 21 Envelope #11 4 1/2 x 10 3/8
kEnv12, // 22 Envelope #12 4 \276 x 11
kEnv14, // 23 Envelope #14 5 x 11 1/2
kCSheet, // 24 C size sheet
kDSheet, // 25 D size sheet
kESheet, // 26 E size sheet
kEnvDL, // 27 Envelope DL 110 x 220mm
kEnvC5, // 28 Envelope C5 162 x 229 mm
kEnvC3, // 29 Envelope C3 324 x 458 mm
kEnvC4, // 30 Envelope C4 229 x 324 mm
kEnvC6, // 31 Envelope C6 114 x 162 mm
kEnvC65, // 32 Envelope C65 114 x 229 mm
kEnvB4, // 33 Envelope B4 250 x 353 mm
kEnvB5, // 34 Envelope B5 176 x 250 mm
kEnvB6, // 35 Envelope B6 176 x 125 mm
kEnvItaly, // 36 Envelope 110 x 230 mm
kEnvMonarch, // 37 Envelope Monarch 3.875 x 7.5 in
kEnvPersonal, // 38 6 3/4 Envelope 3 5/8 x 6 1/2 in
kFanFoldUS, // 39 US Std Fanfold 14 7/8 x 11 in
kFanFoldStdGerman, // 40 German Std Fanfold 8 1/2 x 12 in
kFanFoldLglGerman, // 41 German Legal Fanfold 8 1/2 x 13 in
kIsoB4, // 42 B4 (ISO) 250 x 353 mm
kJapanesePostcard, // 43 Japanese Postcard 100 x 148 mm
k9X11, // 44 9 x 11 in
k10X11, // 45 10 x 11 in
k15X11, // 46 15 x 11 in
kEnvInvite, // 47 Envelope Invite 220 x 220 mm
kReserved48, // 48 RESERVED--DO NOT USE
kReserved49, // 49 RESERVED--DO NOT USE
kLetterExtra, // 50 Letter Extra 9 \275 x 12 in
kLegalExtra, // 51 Legal Extra 9 \275 x 15 in
kTabloidExtra, // 52 Tabloid Extra 11.69 x 18 in
kA4Extra, // 53 A4 Extra 9.27 x 12.69 in
kLetterTransverse, // 54 Letter Transverse 8 \275 x 11 in
kA4Transverse, // 55 A4 Transverse 210 x 297 mm
kLetterExtraTransverse, // 56 Letter Extra Transverse 9\275 x 12 in
kAPlus, // 57 SuperA/SuperA/A4 227 x 356 mm
kBPlus, // 58 SuperB/SuperB/A3 305 x 487 mm
kLetterPlus, // 59 Letter Plus 8.5 x 12.69 in
kA4Plus, // 60 A4 Plus 210 x 330 mm
kA5Transverse, // 61 A5 Transverse 148 x 210 mm
kB5Transverse, // 62 B5 (JIS) Transverse 182 x 257 mm
kA3Extra, // 63 A3 Extra 322 x 445 mm
kA5Extra, // 64 A5 Extra 174 x 235 mm
kB5Extra, // 65 B5 (ISO) Extra 201 x 276 mm
kA2, // 66 A2 420 x 594 mm
kA3Transverse, // 67 A3 Transverse 297 x 420 mm
kA3ExtraTransverse, // 68 A3 Extra Transverse 322 x 445 mm
kDBLJapanesePostcard, // 69 Japanese Double Postcard 200 x 148 mm
kA6, // 70 A6 105 x 148 mm
kJEnvKaku2, // 71 Japanese Envelope Kaku #2
kJEnvKaku3, // 72 Japanese Envelope Kaku #3
kJEnvChou3, // 73 Japanese Envelope Chou #3
kJEnvChou4, // 74 Japanese Envelope Chou #4
kLetterRotated, // 75 Letter Rotated 11 x 8 1/2 11 in
kA3Rotated, // 76 A3 Rotated 420 x 297 mm
kA4Rotated, // 77 A4 Rotated 297 x 210 mm
kA5Rotated, // 78 A5 Rotated 210 x 148 mm
kB4JISRotated, // 79 B4 (JIS) Rotated 364 x 257 mm
kB5JISRotated, // 80 B5 (JIS) Rotated 257 x 182 mm
kJapanesePostcardRotated, // 81 Japanese Postcard Rotated 148 x 100 mm
kDBLJapanesePostcardRotated, // 82 Double Japanese Postcard Rotated 148 x 200 mm
kA6Rotated, // 83 A6 Rotated 148 x 105 mm
kJEnvKaku2Rotated, // 84 Japanese Envelope Kaku #2 Rotated
kJEnvKaku3Rotated, // 85 Japanese Envelope Kaku #3 Rotated
kJEnvChou3Rotated, // 86 Japanese Envelope Chou #3 Rotated
kJEnvChou4Rotated, // 87 Japanese Envelope Chou #4 Rotated
kB6JIS, // 88 B6 (JIS) 128 x 182 mm
kB6JISRotated, // 89 B6 (JIS) Rotated 182 x 128 mm
k12X11, // 90 12 x 11 in
kJEnvYou4, // 91 Japanese Envelope You #4
kJEnvYou4Rotated, // 92 Japanese Envelope You #4 Rotated
kP16K, // 93 PRC 16K 146 x 215 mm
kP32K, // 94 PRC 32K 97 x 151 mm
kP32KBig, // 95 PRC 32K(Big) 97 x 151 mm
kPEnv1, // 96 PRC Envelope #1 102 x 165 mm
kPEnv2, // 97 PRC Envelope #2 102 x 176 mm
kPEnv3, // 98 PRC Envelope #3 125 x 176 mm
kPEnv4, // 99 PRC Envelope #4 110 x 208 mm
kPEnv5, // 100 PRC Envelope #5 110 x 220 mm
kPEnv6, // 101 PRC Envelope #6 120 x 230 mm
kPEnv7, // 102 PRC Envelope #7 160 x 230 mm
kPEnv8, // 103 PRC Envelope #8 120 x 309 mm
kPEnv9, // 104 PRC Envelope #9 229 x 324 mm
kPEnv10, // 105 PRC Envelope #10 324 x 458 mm
kP16KRotated, // 106 PRC 16K Rotated
kP32KRotated, // 107 PRC 32K Rotated
kP32KBIGRotated, // 108 PRC 32K(Big) Rotated
kPEnv1Rotated, // 109 PRC Envelope #1 Rotated 165 x 102 mm
kPEnv2Rotated, // 110 PRC Envelope #2 Rotated 176 x 102 mm
kPEnv3Rotated, // 111 PRC Envelope #3 Rotated 176 x 125 mm
kPEnv4Rotated, // 112 PRC Envelope #4 Rotated 208 x 110 mm
kPEnv5Rotated, // 113 PRC Envelope #5 Rotated 220 x 110 mm
kPEnv6Rotated, // 114 PRC Envelope #6 Rotated 230 x 120 mm
kPEnv7Rotated, // 115 PRC Envelope #7 Rotated 230 x 160 mm
kPEnv8Rotated, // 116 PRC Envelope #8 Rotated 309 x 120 mm
kPEnv9Rotated, // 117 PRC Envelope #9 Rotated 324 x 229 mm
kPEnv10Rotated, // 118 PRC Envelope #10 Rotated 458 x 324 mm
kUserDefined = 256
enum PaperSource {
kAuto, // 7 o
kManual, // 4 o
kUpper, // 1 o
kMiddle, // 3 o
kLower, // 2 o
// kOnlyOne, // 1 x
// kEnvelope, // 5 o
// kEnvManual, // 6 x
// kTractor, // 8 x
// kSmallFmt, // 9 x
// kLargeFmt, // 10 x
// kLargeCapacity, // 11 x
// kCassette, // 14 x
// kFormSource, // 15 x
kCassette1 = 21,
kUser = 256 // device specific bins start here
enum PrintStyle {
enum BindingLocation {
kLongEdge = kLongEdgeLeft,
kShortEdge = kShortEdgeTop
enum PageOrder {
kLeftToRight = kAcrossFromLeft,
kRightToLeft = kAcrossFromRight
enum Quality {
kDraft = -1,
kLow = -2,
kMedium = -3,
kHigh = -4
enum Color {
kMonochrome = 1,
// Some PCL6 printers do not support compressed data
// in color mode.
enum Settings {
enum PageSelection {
bool fShowPreview;
Paper fPaper;
int32 fXRes;
int32 fYRes;
Orientation fOrientation;
float fScaling;
BRect fPaperRect;
BRect fScaledPaperRect;
BRect fPrintableRect;
BRect fScaledPrintableRect;
BRect fPhysicalRect;
BRect fScaledPhysicalRect;
int32 fNup;
int32 fFirstPage;
int32 fLastPage;
float fGamma; // 1 identiy, < 1 brigther, > 1 darker
float fInkDensity; // [0, 255] lower means higher density
PaperSource fPaperSource;
int32 fCopies;
bool fCollate;
bool fReverse;
PrintStyle fPrintStyle;
BindingLocation fBindingLocation;
PageOrder fPageOrder;
Settings fSettings;
BMessage *fMsg;
Color fColor;
Halftone::DitherType fDitherType;
PageSelection fPageSelection;
MarginUnit fMarginUnit;
JobData(BMessage *msg, const PrinterCap *cap, Settings settings);
JobData(const JobData &job_data);
JobData &operator = (const JobData &job_data);
void load(BMessage *msg, const PrinterCap *cap, Settings settings);
void save(BMessage *msg = NULL);
bool getShowPreview() const { return fShowPreview; }
void setShowPreview(bool showPreview) { fShowPreview = showPreview; }
Paper getPaper() const { return fPaper; }
void setPaper(Paper paper) { fPaper = paper; }
int32 getXres() const { return fXRes; }
void setXres(int32 xres) { fXRes = xres; }
int32 getYres() const { return fYRes; }
void setYres(int32 yres) { fYRes = yres; };
Orientation getOrientation() const { return fOrientation; }
void setOrientation(Orientation orientation) { fOrientation = orientation; }
float getScaling() const { return fScaling; }
void setScaling(float scaling) { fScaling = scaling; }
const BRect &getPaperRect() const { return fPaperRect; }
void setPaperRect(const BRect &paper_rect) { fPaperRect = paper_rect; }
const BRect &getScaledPaperRect() const { return fScaledPaperRect; }
void setScaledPaperRect(const BRect &paper_rect) { fScaledPaperRect = paper_rect; }
const BRect &getPrintableRect() const { return fPrintableRect; }
void setPrintableRect(const BRect &printable_rect) { fPrintableRect = printable_rect; }
const BRect &getScaledPrintableRect() const { return fScaledPrintableRect; }
void setScaledPrintableRect(const BRect &printable_rect) { fScaledPrintableRect = printable_rect; }
const BRect &getPhysicalRect() const { return fPhysicalRect; }
void setPhysicalRect(const BRect &Physical_rect) { fPhysicalRect = Physical_rect; }
const BRect &getScaledPhysicalRect() const { return fScaledPhysicalRect; }
void setScaledPhysicalRect(const BRect &Physical_rect) { fScaledPhysicalRect = Physical_rect; }
int32 getNup() const { return fNup; }
void setNup(int32 nup) { fNup = nup; }
bool getReverse() const { return fReverse; }
void setReverse(bool reverse) { fReverse = reverse; }
int32 getFirstPage() const { return fFirstPage; }
void setFirstPage(int32 first_page) { fFirstPage = first_page; }
int32 getLastPage() const { return fLastPage; }
void setLastPage(int32 last_page) { fLastPage = last_page; }
// libprint supports only B_RGB32
color_space getSurfaceType() const { return B_RGB32; }
float getGamma() const { return fGamma; }
void setGamma(float gamma) { fGamma = gamma; }
float getInkDensity() const { return fInkDensity; }
void setInkDensity(float inkDensity) { fInkDensity = inkDensity; }
PaperSource getPaperSource() const { return fPaperSource; }
void setPaperSource(PaperSource paper_source) { fPaperSource = paper_source; };
int32 getCopies() const { return fCopies; }
void setCopies(int32 copies) { fCopies = copies; }
bool getCollate() const { return fCollate; }
void setCollate(bool collate) { fCollate = collate; }
PrintStyle getPrintStyle() const { return fPrintStyle; }
void setPrintStyle(PrintStyle print_style) { fPrintStyle = print_style; }
BindingLocation getBindingLocation() const { return fBindingLocation; }
void setBindingLocation(BindingLocation binding_location) { fBindingLocation = binding_location; }
PageOrder getPageOrder() const { return fPageOrder; }
void setPageOrder(PageOrder page_order) { fPageOrder = page_order; }
Color getColor() const { return fColor; }
void setColor(Color color) { fColor = color; }
Halftone::DitherType getDitherType() const { return fDitherType; }
void setDitherType(Halftone::DitherType dither_type) { fDitherType = dither_type; }
PageSelection getPageSelection() const { return fPageSelection; }
void setPageSelection(PageSelection pageSelection) { fPageSelection = pageSelection; }
MarginUnit getMarginUnit() const { return fMarginUnit; }
void setMarginUnit(MarginUnit marginUnit) { fMarginUnit = marginUnit; }
#endif /* __JOBDATA_H */