2022-02-02 22:21:48 +00:00

158 lines
9.1 KiB

1 friulian x-vnd.Haiku-MediaPlayer 716811487
Remove Entry into Trash MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Sposte element te Scovacere
Close MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Siere
Volume of background clips MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Volum des riproduzions di sotfont
Use hardware video overlays if available MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Dopre soreposizions video in hardware, se disponibilis
Audio MediaPlayer-InfoWin Audio
Subtitle placement: MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Plaçament dai sottitui:
MediaPlayer System name MediaPlayer
Audio track MediaPlayer-Main Linie audio
Muted MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Cidinât
OK MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Va ben
Open Playlist MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Vierç liste di riproduzion
Subtitles MediaPlayer-Main Sottitui
%app% encountered an internal error. The file could not be opened. MediaPlayer-Main %app% al è lât incuintri a un erôr interni. Nol è stât pussibil vierzi il file.
DrawBitmap MediaPlayer-InfoWin Dissegnâ Bitmap
File info MediaPlayer-InfoWin Informazions file
raw audio MediaPlayer-InfoWin audio grês
Select all MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Selezione dut
New player… MediaPlayer-Main Gnove riproduzion…
Move Entries MediaPlayer-MovePLItemsCmd Sposte vôs
OK MediaPlayer-Main Va ben
Remove MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Gjave
<unknown> MediaPlayer-InfoWin <no cognossût>
Resume: MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Ripie:
Duration MediaPlayer-InfoWin Durade
Import Entries MediaPlayer-ImportPLItemsCmd Impuarte vôs
Open network stream MediaPlayer-Main Vierç flus di rêt
Move file to Trash MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Sposte file te Scovacere
Open file… MediaPlayer-Main Vierç file…
Scale controls in full screen mode MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Ridimensione controi in modalitât plen visôr
View options MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Opzions di visualizazion
%d kHz MediaPlayer-InfoWin %d kHz
Eject Device MediaPlayer-Main Pare fûr il dispositîf
Full volume MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Volum massim
<untitled> PlaylistItem-title <cence titul>
Start media server MediaPlayer-Main Invie servidôr multimediâl
It appears the media server is not running.\nWould you like to start it ? MediaPlayer-Main Al semee che il servidôr multimediâl nol sedi in esecuzion.\nInviâlu?
Location MediaPlayer-InfoWin Lûc
Opening '%s'. MediaPlayer-Main Daûr a vierzi '%s'.
Medium MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Medi
Play mode MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Modalitât di riproduzion
Playlist MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Liste di riproduzion
%d Bit MediaPlayer-InfoWin %d bit
Track Audio Track Menu Linie
Close MediaPlayer-Main Siere
Save error MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Erôr di salvament
Attributes MediaPlayer-Main Atributs
Bottom of screen MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Part inferiôr dal visôr
MediaPlayer settings MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Impostazions di MediaPlayer
Copyright MediaPlayer-InfoWin Copyright
Invalid URL inserted! MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Inserît URL no valit!
Aspect ratio MediaPlayer-Main Proporzions
Saving the playlist failed.\n\nError: MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Salvament de liste di riproduzion falît.\n\nErôr:
<no media> MediaPlayer-InfoWin <cence media>
Hide interface MediaPlayer-Main Plate interface
Error: MediaPlayer-Main Erôr:
Video track MediaPlayer-Main Linie video
Playlist… MediaPlayer-Main Liste di riproduzion…
<unnamed media> MediaPlayer-InfoWin <media cence non>
Save MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Salve
Randomize Entries MediaPlayer-RandomizePLItemsCmd Rint casuâls lis vôs
Cancel MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Anule
Nothing to Play MediaPlayer-Main Nuie di riprodusi
OK MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Va ben
Remove Entries MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Gjave vôs
never MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow mai
Loop audio MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Audio ciclic
Internal error (malformed message). Saving the playlist failed. MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Erôr interni (messaç malformât). Salvament de liste di riproduzion falît.
Open… MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Vierç…
Revert MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Torne indaûr
Low volume MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Volum bas
Audio MediaPlayer-Main Audio
{0, plural, =1{Mono} =2{Stereo} other{# Channels}} MediaPlayer-InfoWin {0, plural, =1{Mono} =2{Stereo} other{# Canâi}}
Quit MediaPlayer-Main Jes
Redo MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Torne fâs
Move Entry MediaPlayer-MovePLItemsCmd Sposte vôs
<unknown> PlaylistItem-author <no cognossût>
Cancel MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Anule
Large MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Grancj
Import Entry MediaPlayer-ImportPLItemsCmd Impuarte vôs
unknown format MediaPlayer-InfoWin formât no cognossût
Track %d MediaPlayer-Main Linie %d
All files could not be moved into Trash. MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Nol è stât pussibil spostâ ducj i file te Scovacere.
Total duration: %s MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Durade totâl: %s
%.3f kHz MediaPlayer-InfoWin %.3f kHz
Move into trash error MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Erôr dal spostament te scovacere
50% scale MediaPlayer-Main Scjale 50%
Drop files to play MediaPlayer-Main Strissine achì i file di riprodusi
Copy Entry MediaPlayer-CopyPLItemsCmd Copie vôs
Close window after playing audio MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Siere barcon ae fin de riproduzion audio
Edit MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Modifiche
Copy Entries MediaPlayer-CopyPLItemsCmd Copie vôs
Always on top MediaPlayer-Main Simpri denant
Open MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Vierç
always MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow simpri
Loop video MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Video ciclic
Stream URL: MediaPlayer-NetworkStream URL dal flus:
<unknown> PlaylistItem-album <no cognossût>
Stream settings MediaPlayer-Main Impostazions dal flus
none Subtitles menu nissun
Save Playlist MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Salve liste di riproduzion
Overlay MediaPlayer-InfoWin Soreposizion
2.35 : 1 (Cinemascope) MediaPlayer-Main 2.35 : 1 (Cinemascope)
Rating MediaPlayer-Main Valutazion
Internal error (out of memory). Saving the playlist failed. MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Erôr interni (memorie plene). Salvament de liste di riproduzion falît.
Video MediaPlayer-Main Video
There is no decoder installed to handle the file format, or the decoder has trouble with the specific version of the format. MediaPlayer-Main Nissun decoder instalât par gjestî il formât di file, o il decoder al à fastidis cun chê specifiche version dal formât.
Lock Peaks MediaPlayer-PeakView Bloche pics
none Audio track menu nissun
Open network stream MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Vierç flus di rêt
Automatically start playing MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Scomence la riproduzion in automatic
Undo MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Disfe
Display mode MediaPlayer-InfoWin Modalitât visualizazion
Bottom of video MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Part inferiôr dal video
Small MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Piçui
Settings… MediaPlayer-Main Impostazions…
min MediaPlayer-InfoWin Minutes min
Saving the playlist failed:\n\nError: MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Salvament de liste di riproduzion falît:\n\nErôr:
Video MediaPlayer-InfoWin Video
File info… MediaPlayer-Main Informazions sul file…
1.85 : 1 (American) MediaPlayer-Main 1.85 : 1 (American)
<unnamed> PlaylistItem-name <cence non>
Track Video Track Menu Linie
Full screen MediaPlayer-Main Plen visôr
OK MediaPlayer-NetworkStream Va ben
Internal error (locking failed). Saving the playlist failed. MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Erôr interni (erôr tal blocâ/lock). Salvament de liste di riproduzion falît.
100% scale MediaPlayer-Main Scjale 100%
<nothing to redo> MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow <nie di tornâ a fâ>
Bad URL MediaPlayer-NetworkStream URL sbaliât
Save MediaPlayer-Main Salve
Close window after playing video MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Siere barcon ae fin de riproduzion video
Scale movies smoothly (non-overlay mode) MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Scjale i filmâts in mût fluit (modalitât no soreposizion)
200% scale MediaPlayer-Main Scjale 200%
The file '%filename' could not be opened.\n\n MediaPlayer-Main Il file '%filename' nol pues jessi viert.\n\n
None of the files you wanted to play appear to be media files. MediaPlayer-Main Nissun dai file che si voleve riprodusi al semee jessi un file multimediâl.
Remove Entry MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Gjave vôs
Remove Entries into Trash MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Gjave vôs te Scovacere
Subtitle size: MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow Dimension dai sottitui:
No aspect correction MediaPlayer-Main Nissune corezion dal aspiet
raw video MediaPlayer-InfoWin video grês
Container MediaPlayer-InfoWin Contignidôr
none MediaPlayer-Main nissun
Open clips MediaPlayer-Main Vierç videoclips
Some files could not be moved into Trash. MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Cualchi file nol pues jessi spostât te Scovacere.
<nothing to undo> MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow <nie di disfâ>
Save as… MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Salve come…
Error: MediaPlayer-RemovePLItemsCmd Erôr:
300% scale MediaPlayer-Main Scjale 300%
Open MediaPlayer-Main Vierç
ask every time MediaPlayer-SettingsWindow domande ogni volte
(not supported) MediaPlayer-InfoWin (no supuartât)
Randomize MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Rangje a câs
%.3f fps MediaPlayer-InfoWin %.3f fps
Off Subtitles menu Disativâts
400% scale MediaPlayer-Main Scjale 400%
h MediaPlayer-InfoWin Hours h
OK MediaPlayer-PlaylistWindow Va ben