875 lines
22 KiB
875 lines
22 KiB
* Copyright 2002-2016 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef _ELF_H
#define _ELF_H
#include <SupportDefs.h>
#include <ByteOrder.h>
typedef uint32 Elf32_Addr;
typedef uint16 Elf32_Half;
typedef uint32 Elf32_Off;
typedef int32 Elf32_Sword;
typedef uint32 Elf32_Word;
typedef Elf32_Half Elf32_Versym;
typedef uint64 Elf64_Addr;
typedef uint64 Elf64_Off;
typedef uint16 Elf64_Half;
typedef uint32 Elf64_Word;
typedef int32 Elf64_Sword;
typedef uint64 Elf64_Xword;
typedef int64 Elf64_Sxword;
typedef Elf64_Half Elf64_Versym;
/*** ELF header ***/
#define EI_NIDENT 16
typedef struct {
uint8 e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
Elf32_Half e_type;
Elf32_Half e_machine;
Elf32_Word e_version;
Elf32_Addr e_entry;
Elf32_Off e_phoff;
Elf32_Off e_shoff;
Elf32_Word e_flags;
Elf32_Half e_ehsize;
Elf32_Half e_phentsize;
Elf32_Half e_phnum;
Elf32_Half e_shentsize;
Elf32_Half e_shnum;
Elf32_Half e_shstrndx;
#ifdef __cplusplus
bool IsHostEndian() const;
} Elf32_Ehdr;
typedef struct {
uint8 e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
Elf64_Half e_type;
Elf64_Half e_machine;
Elf64_Word e_version;
Elf64_Addr e_entry;
Elf64_Off e_phoff;
Elf64_Off e_shoff;
Elf64_Word e_flags;
Elf64_Half e_ehsize;
Elf64_Half e_phentsize;
Elf64_Half e_phnum;
Elf64_Half e_shentsize;
Elf64_Half e_shnum;
Elf64_Half e_shstrndx;
#ifdef __cplusplus
bool IsHostEndian() const;
} Elf64_Ehdr;
#define ELFMAG "\x7f""ELF"
#define SELFMAG 4
/* e_ident[] indices */
#define EI_MAG0 0
#define EI_MAG1 1
#define EI_MAG2 2
#define EI_MAG3 3
#define EI_CLASS 4
#define EI_DATA 5
#define EI_VERSION 6
#define EI_PAD 7
/* e_type (Object file type) */
#define ET_NONE 0 /* No file type */
#define ET_REL 1 /* Relocatable file */
#define ET_EXEC 2 /* Executable file */
#define ET_DYN 3 /* Shared-object file */
#define ET_CORE 4 /* Core file */
#define ET_LOOS 0xfe00 /* OS-specific range start */
#define ET_HIOS 0xfeff /* OS-specific range end */
#define ET_LOPROC 0xff00 /* Processor-specific range start */
#define ET_HIPROC 0xffff /* Processor-specific range end */
/* e_machine (Architecture) */
#define EM_NONE 0 /* No machine */
#define EM_M32 1 /* AT&T WE 32100 */
#define EM_SPARC 2 /* Sparc */
#define EM_386 3 /* Intel 80386 */
#define EM_68K 4 /* Motorola m68k family */
#define EM_88K 5 /* Motorola m88k family */
#define EM_486 6 /* Intel 80486, Reserved for future use */
#define EM_860 7 /* Intel 80860 */
#define EM_MIPS 8 /* MIPS R3000 (officially, big-endian only) */
#define EM_S370 9 /* IBM System/370 */
#define EM_MIPS_RS3_LE 10 /* MIPS R3000 little-endian, Deprecated */
#define EM_PARISC 15 /* HPPA */
#define EM_VPP550 17 /* Fujitsu VPP500 */
#define EM_SPARC32PLUS 18 /* Sun "v8plus" */
#define EM_960 19 /* Intel 80960 */
#define EM_PPC 20 /* PowerPC */
#define EM_PPC64 21 /* 64-bit PowerPC */
#define EM_S390 22 /* IBM S/390 */
#define EM_V800 36 /* NEC V800 series */
#define EM_FR20 37 /* Fujitsu FR20 */
#define EM_RH32 38 /* TRW RH32 */
#define EM_MCORE 39 /* Motorola M*Core */
#define EM_RCE 39 /* Old name for MCore */
#define EM_ARM 40 /* ARM */
#define EM_OLD_ALPHA 41 /* Digital Alpha */
#define EM_SH 42 /* Renesas / SuperH SH */
#define EM_SPARCV9 43 /* SPARC v9 64-bit */
#define EM_TRICORE 44 /* Siemens Tricore embedded processor */
#define EM_ARC 45 /* ARC Cores */
#define EM_H8_300 46 /* Renesas H8/300 */
#define EM_H8_300H 47 /* Renesas H8/300H */
#define EM_H8S 48 /* Renesas H8S */
#define EM_H8_500 49 /* Renesas H8/500 */
#define EM_IA_64 50 /* Intel IA-64 Processor */
#define EM_MIPS_X 51 /* Stanford MIPS-X */
#define EM_COLDFIRE 52 /* Motorola Coldfire */
#define EM_68HC12 53 /* Motorola M68HC12 */
#define EM_MMA 54 /* Fujitsu Multimedia Accelerator */
#define EM_PCP 55 /* Siemens PCP */
#define EM_NCPU 56 /* Sony nCPU embedded RISC processor */
#define EM_NDR1 57 /* Denso NDR1 microprocesspr */
#define EM_STARCORE 58 /* Motorola Star*Core processor */
#define EM_ME16 59 /* Toyota ME16 processor */
#define EM_ST100 60 /* STMicroelectronics ST100 processor */
#define EM_TINYJ 61 /* Advanced Logic Corp. TinyJ embedded processor */
#define EM_X86_64 62 /* Advanced Micro Devices X86-64 processor */
/* architecture class (EI_CLASS) */
#define ELFCLASS32 1
#define ELFCLASS64 2
/* endian (EI_DATA) */
#define ELFDATANONE 0 /* invalid */
#define ELFDATA2LSB 1 /* little endian */
#define ELFDATA2MSB 2 /* big endian */
/* ELF version (EI_VERSION) */
#define EV_NONE 0 /* invalid */
#define EV_CURRENT 1 /* current version */
/*** section header ***/
typedef struct {
Elf32_Word sh_name;
Elf32_Word sh_type;
Elf32_Word sh_flags;
Elf32_Addr sh_addr;
Elf32_Off sh_offset;
Elf32_Word sh_size;
Elf32_Word sh_link;
Elf32_Word sh_info;
Elf32_Word sh_addralign;
Elf32_Word sh_entsize;
} Elf32_Shdr;
typedef struct {
Elf64_Word sh_name;
Elf64_Word sh_type;
Elf64_Xword sh_flags;
Elf64_Addr sh_addr;
Elf64_Off sh_offset;
Elf64_Xword sh_size;
Elf64_Word sh_link;
Elf64_Word sh_info;
Elf64_Xword sh_addralign;
Elf64_Xword sh_entsize;
} Elf64_Shdr;
/* special section indices */
#define SHN_UNDEF 0
#define SHN_LORESERVE 0xff00
#define SHN_LOPROC 0xff00
#define SHN_HIPROC 0xff1f
#define SHN_ABS 0xfff1
#define SHN_COMMON 0xfff2
#define SHN_HIRESERVE 0xffff
/* section header type */
#define SHT_NULL 0
#define SHT_PROGBITS 1
#define SHT_SYMTAB 2
#define SHT_STRTAB 3
#define SHT_RELA 4
#define SHT_HASH 5
#define SHT_DYNAMIC 6
#define SHT_NOTE 7
#define SHT_NOBITS 8
#define SHT_REL 9
#define SHT_SHLIB 10
#define SHT_DYNSYM 11
#define SHT_GNU_verdef 0x6ffffffd /* version definition section */
#define SHT_GNU_verneed 0x6ffffffe /* version needs section */
#define SHT_GNU_versym 0x6fffffff /* version symbol table */
#define SHT_LOPROC 0x70000000
#define SHT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff
#define SHT_LOUSER 0x80000000
#define SHT_HIUSER 0xffffffff
/* section header flags */
#define SHF_WRITE 1
#define SHF_ALLOC 2
#define SHF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000
/*** program header ***/
typedef struct {
Elf32_Word p_type;
Elf32_Off p_offset; /* offset from the beginning of the file of the segment */
Elf32_Addr p_vaddr; /* virtual address for the segment in memory */
Elf32_Addr p_paddr;
Elf32_Word p_filesz; /* the size of the segment in the file */
Elf32_Word p_memsz; /* the size of the segment in memory */
Elf32_Word p_flags;
Elf32_Word p_align;
#ifdef __cplusplus
bool IsReadWrite() const;
bool IsExecutable() const;
} Elf32_Phdr;
typedef struct {
Elf64_Word p_type;
Elf64_Word p_flags;
Elf64_Off p_offset; /* offset from the beginning of the file of the segment */
Elf64_Addr p_vaddr; /* virtual address for the segment in memory */
Elf64_Addr p_paddr;
Elf64_Xword p_filesz; /* the size of the segment in the file */
Elf64_Xword p_memsz; /* the size of the segment in memory */
Elf64_Xword p_align;
#ifdef __cplusplus
bool IsReadWrite() const;
bool IsExecutable() const;
} Elf64_Phdr;
/* program header segment types */
#define PT_NULL 0
#define PT_LOAD 1
#define PT_DYNAMIC 2
#define PT_INTERP 3
#define PT_NOTE 4
#define PT_SHLIB 5
#define PT_PHDR 6
#define PT_TLS 7
#define PT_STACK 0x6474e551
#define PT_RELRO 0x6474e552
#define PT_LOPROC 0x70000000
#define PT_ARM_UNWIND 0x70000001
#define PT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff
/* program header segment flags */
#define PF_EXECUTE 0x1
#define PF_WRITE 0x2
#define PF_READ 0x4
#define PF_MASKPROC 0xf0000000
/* symbol table entry */
typedef struct {
Elf32_Word st_name;
Elf32_Addr st_value;
Elf32_Word st_size;
uint8 st_info;
uint8 st_other;
Elf32_Half st_shndx;
#ifdef __cplusplus
uint8 Bind() const;
uint8 Type() const;
void SetInfo(uint8 bind, uint8 type);
} Elf32_Sym;
typedef struct {
Elf64_Word st_name;
uint8 st_info;
uint8 st_other;
Elf64_Half st_shndx;
Elf64_Addr st_value;
Elf64_Xword st_size;
#ifdef __cplusplus
uint8 Bind() const;
uint8 Type() const;
void SetInfo(uint8 bind, uint8 type);
} Elf64_Sym;
#define ELF32_ST_BIND(i) ((i) >> 4)
#define ELF32_ST_TYPE(i) ((i) & 0xf)
#define ELF32_ST_INFO(b, t) (((b) << 4) + ((t) & 0xf))
#define ELF64_ST_BIND(i) ((i) >> 4)
#define ELF64_ST_TYPE(i) ((i) & 0xf)
#define ELF64_ST_INFO(b, t) (((b) << 4) + ((t) & 0xf))
/* symbol types */
#define STT_NOTYPE 0
#define STT_OBJECT 1
#define STT_FUNC 2
#define STT_SECTION 3
#define STT_FILE 4
#define STT_TLS 6
#define STT_LOPROC 13
#define STT_HIPROC 15
/* symbol binding */
#define STB_LOCAL 0
#define STB_GLOBAL 1
#define STB_WEAK 2
#define STB_LOPROC 13
#define STB_HIPROC 15
/* special symbol indices */
#define STN_UNDEF 0
/* relocation table entry */
typedef struct {
Elf32_Addr r_offset;
Elf32_Word r_info;
#ifdef __cplusplus
uint8 SymbolIndex() const;
uint8 Type() const;
} Elf32_Rel;
typedef struct {
Elf64_Addr r_offset;
Elf64_Xword r_info;
#ifdef __cplusplus
uint8 SymbolIndex() const;
uint8 Type() const;
} Elf64_Rel;
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef struct Elf32_Rela : public Elf32_Rel {
typedef struct {
Elf32_Addr r_offset;
Elf32_Word r_info;
Elf32_Sword r_addend;
} Elf32_Rela;
#ifdef __cplusplus
typedef struct Elf64_Rela : public Elf64_Rel {
typedef struct {
Elf64_Addr r_offset;
Elf64_Xword r_info;
Elf64_Sxword r_addend;
} Elf64_Rela;
#define ELF32_R_SYM(i) ((i) >> 8)
#define ELF32_R_TYPE(i) ((unsigned char)(i))
#define ELF32_R_INFO(s, t) (((s) << 8) + (unsigned char)(t))
#define ELF64_R_SYM(i) ((i) >> 32)
#define ELF64_R_TYPE(i) ((i) & 0xffffffffL)
#define ELF64_R_INFO(s, t) ((((Elf64_Xword)(s)) << 32) + ((t) & 0xffffffffL))
/* dynamic section entry */
typedef struct {
Elf32_Sword d_tag;
union {
Elf32_Word d_val;
Elf32_Addr d_ptr;
} d_un;
} Elf32_Dyn;
typedef struct {
Elf64_Sxword d_tag;
union {
Elf64_Xword d_val;
Elf64_Addr d_ptr;
} d_un;
} Elf64_Dyn;
/* dynamic entry type */
#define DT_NULL 0
#define DT_NEEDED 1
#define DT_PLTRELSZ 2
#define DT_PLTGOT 3
#define DT_HASH 4
#define DT_STRTAB 5
#define DT_SYMTAB 6
#define DT_RELA 7
#define DT_RELASZ 8
#define DT_RELAENT 9
#define DT_STRSZ 10
#define DT_SYMENT 11
#define DT_INIT 12
#define DT_FINI 13
#define DT_SONAME 14
#define DT_RPATH 15
#define DT_SYMBOLIC 16
#define DT_REL 17
#define DT_RELSZ 18
#define DT_RELENT 19
#define DT_PLTREL 20
#define DT_DEBUG 21
#define DT_TEXTREL 22
#define DT_JMPREL 23
#define DT_BIND_NOW 24 /* no lazy binding */
#define DT_INIT_ARRAY 25 /* init function array */
#define DT_FINI_ARRAY 26 /* termination function array */
#define DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ 27 /* init function array size */
#define DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ 28 /* termination function array size */
#define DT_RUNPATH 29 /* library search path (supersedes DT_RPATH) */
#define DT_FLAGS 30 /* flags (see below) */
#define DT_ENCODING 32
#define DT_PREINIT_ARRAY 32 /* preinitialization array */
#define DT_PREINIT_ARRAYSZ 33 /* preinitialization array size */
#define DT_VERSYM 0x6ffffff0 /* symbol version table */
#define DT_VERDEF 0x6ffffffc /* version definition table */
#define DT_VERDEFNUM 0x6ffffffd /* number of version definitions */
#define DT_VERNEED 0x6ffffffe /* table with needed versions */
#define DT_VERNEEDNUM 0x6fffffff /* number of needed versions */
#define DT_LOPROC 0x70000000
#define DT_HIPROC 0x7fffffff
/* DT_FLAGS values */
#define DF_ORIGIN 0x01
#define DF_SYMBOLIC 0x02
#define DF_TEXTREL 0x04
#define DF_BIND_NOW 0x08
#define DF_STATIC_TLS 0x10
/* version definition section */
typedef struct {
Elf32_Half vd_version; /* version revision */
Elf32_Half vd_flags; /* version information flags */
Elf32_Half vd_ndx; /* version index as specified in the
symbol version table */
Elf32_Half vd_cnt; /* number of associated verdaux entries */
Elf32_Word vd_hash; /* version name hash value */
Elf32_Word vd_aux; /* byte offset to verdaux array */
Elf32_Word vd_next; /* byte offset to next verdef entry */
} Elf32_Verdef;
typedef struct {
Elf64_Half vd_version; /* version revision */
Elf64_Half vd_flags; /* version information flags */
Elf64_Half vd_ndx; /* version index as specified in the
symbol version table */
Elf64_Half vd_cnt; /* number of associated verdaux entries */
Elf64_Word vd_hash; /* version name hash value */
Elf64_Word vd_aux; /* byte offset to verdaux array */
Elf64_Word vd_next; /* byte offset to next verdef entry */
} Elf64_Verdef;
/* values for vd_version (version revision) */
#define VER_DEF_NONE 0 /* no version */
#define VER_DEF_CURRENT 1 /* current version */
#define VER_DEF_NUM 2 /* given version number */
/* values for vd_flags (version information flags) */
#define VER_FLG_BASE 0x1 /* version definition of file itself */
#define VER_FLG_WEAK 0x2 /* weak version identifier */
/* values for versym symbol index */
#define VER_NDX_LOCAL 0 /* symbol is local */
#define VER_NDX_GLOBAL 1 /* symbol is global/unversioned */
#define VER_NDX_INITIAL 2 /* initial version -- that's the one given
to symbols when a library becomes
versioned; handled by the linker (and
runtime loader) similar to
#define VER_NDX_LORESERVE 0xff00 /* beginning of reserved entries */
#define VER_NDX_ELIMINATE 0xff01 /* symbol is to be eliminated */
#define VER_NDX_FLAG_HIDDEN 0x8000 /* flag: version is hidden */
#define VER_NDX_MASK 0x7fff /* mask to get the actual version index */
#define VER_NDX(x) ((x) & VER_NDX_MASK)
/* auxiliary version information */
typedef struct {
Elf32_Word vda_name; /* string table offset to version or dependency
name */
Elf32_Word vda_next; /* byte offset to next verdaux entry */
} Elf32_Verdaux;
typedef struct {
Elf64_Word vda_name; /* string table offset to version or dependency
name */
Elf64_Word vda_next; /* byte offset to next verdaux entry */
} Elf64_Verdaux;
/* version dependency section */
typedef struct {
Elf32_Half vn_version; /* version of structure */
Elf32_Half vn_cnt; /* number of associated vernaux entries */
Elf32_Word vn_file; /* byte offset to file name for this
dependency */
Elf32_Word vn_aux; /* byte offset to vernaux array */
Elf32_Word vn_next; /* byte offset to next verneed entry */
} Elf32_Verneed;
typedef struct {
Elf64_Half vn_version; /* version of structure */
Elf64_Half vn_cnt; /* number of associated vernaux entries */
Elf64_Word vn_file; /* byte offset to file name for this
dependency */
Elf64_Word vn_aux; /* byte offset to vernaux array */
Elf64_Word vn_next; /* byte offset to next verneed entry */
} Elf64_Verneed;
/* values for vn_version (version revision) */
#define VER_NEED_NONE 0 /* no version */
#define VER_NEED_CURRENT 1 /* current version */
#define VER_NEED_NUM 2 /* given version number */
/* auxiliary needed version information */
typedef struct {
Elf32_Word vna_hash; /* dependency name hash value */
Elf32_Half vna_flags; /* dependency specific information flags */
Elf32_Half vna_other; /* version index as specified in the symbol
version table */
Elf32_Word vna_name; /* string table offset to dependency name */
Elf32_Word vna_next; /* byte offset to next vernaux entry */
} Elf32_Vernaux;
typedef struct {
Elf64_Word vna_hash; /* dependency name hash value */
Elf64_Half vna_flags; /* dependency specific information flags */
Elf64_Half vna_other; /* version index as specified in the symbol
version table */
Elf64_Word vna_name; /* string table offset to dependency name */
Elf64_Word vna_next; /* byte offset to next vernaux entry */
} Elf64_Vernaux;
/* values for vna_flags */
#define VER_FLG_WEAK 0x2 /* weak version identifier */
/*** core files ***/
/* note section header */
typedef struct {
Elf32_Word n_namesz; /* length of the note's name */
Elf32_Word n_descsz; /* length of the note's descriptor */
Elf32_Word n_type; /* note type */
} Elf32_Nhdr;
typedef struct {
Elf64_Word n_namesz; /* length of the note's name */
Elf64_Word n_descsz; /* length of the note's descriptor */
Elf64_Word n_type; /* note type */
} Elf64_Nhdr;
/* values for note name */
#define ELF_NOTE_HAIKU "Haiku"
/* values for note type (n_type) */
/* ELF_NOTE_CORE/... */
#define NT_FILE 0x46494c45 /* mapped files */
/* ELF_NOTE_HAIKU/... */
#define NT_TEAM 0x7465616d /* team */
#define NT_AREAS 0x61726561 /* areas */
#define NT_IMAGES 0x696d6167 /* images */
#define NT_THREADS 0x74687264 /* threads */
#define NT_SYMBOLS 0x73796d73 /* symbols */
/* NT_TEAM: uint32 entrySize; Elf32_Note_Team; char[] args */
typedef struct {
int32 nt_id; /* team ID */
int32 nt_uid; /* team owner ID */
int32 nt_gid; /* team group ID */
} Elf32_Note_Team;
typedef Elf32_Note_Team Elf64_Note_Team;
* uint32 count;
* uint32 entrySize;
* Elf32_Note_Area_Entry[count];
* char[] names
typedef struct {
int32 na_id; /* area ID */
uint32 na_lock; /* lock type (B_NO_LOCK, ...) */
uint32 na_protection; /* protection (B_READ_AREA | ...) */
uint32 na_base; /* area base address */
uint32 na_size; /* area size */
uint32 na_ram_size; /* physical memory used */
} Elf32_Note_Area_Entry;
* uint32 count;
* uint32 entrySize;
* Elf64_Note_Area_Entry[count];
* char[] names
typedef struct {
int32 na_id; /* area ID */
uint32 na_lock; /* lock type (B_NO_LOCK, ...) */
uint32 na_protection; /* protection (B_READ_AREA | ...) */
uint32 na_pad1;
uint64 na_base; /* area base address */
uint64 na_size; /* area size */
uint64 na_ram_size; /* physical memory used */
} Elf64_Note_Area_Entry;
* uint32 count;
* uint32 entrySize;
* Elf32_Note_Image_Entry[count];
* char[] names
typedef struct {
int32 ni_id; /* image ID */
int32 ni_type; /* image type (B_APP_IMAGE, ...) */
uint32 ni_init_routine; /* address of init function */
uint32 ni_term_routine; /* address of termination function */
int32 ni_device; /* device ID of mapped file */
int64 ni_node; /* node ID of mapped file */
uint32 ni_text_base; /* base address of text segment */
uint32 ni_text_size; /* size of text segment */
int32 ni_text_delta; /* delta of the text segment relative to
load address specified in the ELF file */
uint32 ni_data_base; /* base address of data segment */
uint32 ni_data_size; /* size of data segment */
uint32 ni_symbol_table; /* address of dynamic symbol table */
uint32 ni_symbol_hash; /* address of dynamic symbol hash */
uint32 ni_string_table; /* address of dynamic string table */
} Elf32_Note_Image_Entry;
* uint32 count;
* uint32 entrySize;
* Elf64_Note_Image_Entry[count];
* char[] names
typedef struct {
int32 ni_id; /* image ID */
int32 ni_type; /* image type (B_APP_IMAGE, ...) */
uint64 ni_init_routine; /* address of init function */
uint64 ni_term_routine; /* address of termination function */
uint32 ni_pad1;
int32 ni_device; /* device ID of mapped file */
int64 ni_node; /* node ID of mapped file */
uint64 ni_text_base; /* base address of text segment */
uint64 ni_text_size; /* size of text segment */
int64 ni_text_delta; /* delta of the text segment relative to
load address specified in the ELF file */
uint64 ni_data_base; /* base address of data segment */
uint64 ni_data_size; /* size of data segment */
uint64 ni_symbol_table; /* address of dynamic symbol table */
uint64 ni_symbol_hash; /* address of dynamic symbol hash */
uint64 ni_string_table; /* address of dynamic string table */
} Elf64_Note_Image_Entry;
* uint32 count;
* uint32 entrySize;
* uint32 cpuStateSize;
* {Elf32_Note_Thread_Entry, uint8[cpuStateSize] cpuState}[count];
* char[] names
typedef struct {
int32 nth_id; /* thread ID */
int32 nth_state; /* thread state (B_THREAD_RUNNING, ...) */
int32 nth_priority; /* thread priority */
uint32 nth_stack_base; /* thread stack base address */
uint32 nth_stack_end; /* thread stack end address */
} Elf32_Note_Thread_Entry;
* uint32 count;
* uint32 entrySize;
* uint32 cpuStateSize;
* {Elf64_Note_Thread_Entry, uint8[cpuStateSize] cpuState}[count];
* char[] names
typedef struct {
int32 nth_id; /* thread ID */
int32 nth_state; /* thread state (B_THREAD_RUNNING, ...) */
int32 nth_priority; /* thread priority */
uint32 nth_pad1;
uint64 nth_stack_base; /* thread stack base address */
uint64 nth_stack_end; /* thread stack end address */
} Elf64_Note_Thread_Entry;
* int32 imageId;
* uint32 symbolCount;
* uint32 entrySize;
* Elf{32,64}_Sym[count];
* char[] strings
/*** inline functions ***/
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline bool
Elf32_Ehdr::IsHostEndian() const
return e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2LSB;
return e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2MSB;
inline bool
Elf64_Ehdr::IsHostEndian() const
return e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2LSB;
return e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2MSB;
inline bool
Elf32_Phdr::IsReadWrite() const
return !(~p_flags & (PF_READ | PF_WRITE));
inline bool
Elf32_Phdr::IsExecutable() const
return (p_flags & PF_EXECUTE) != 0;
inline bool
Elf64_Phdr::IsReadWrite() const
return !(~p_flags & (PF_READ | PF_WRITE));
inline bool
Elf64_Phdr::IsExecutable() const
return (p_flags & PF_EXECUTE) != 0;
inline uint8
Elf32_Sym::Bind() const
return ELF32_ST_BIND(st_info);
inline uint8
Elf32_Sym::Type() const
return ELF32_ST_TYPE(st_info);
inline void
Elf32_Sym::SetInfo(uint8 bind, uint8 type)
st_info = ELF32_ST_INFO(bind, type);
inline uint8
Elf64_Sym::Bind() const
return ELF64_ST_BIND(st_info);
inline uint8
Elf64_Sym::Type() const
return ELF64_ST_TYPE(st_info);
inline void
Elf64_Sym::SetInfo(uint8 bind, uint8 type)
st_info = ELF64_ST_INFO(bind, type);
inline uint8
Elf32_Rel::SymbolIndex() const
return ELF32_R_SYM(r_info);
inline uint8
Elf32_Rel::Type() const
return ELF32_R_TYPE(r_info);
inline uint8
Elf64_Rel::SymbolIndex() const
return ELF64_R_SYM(r_info);
inline uint8
Elf64_Rel::Type() const
return ELF64_R_TYPE(r_info);
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* _ELF_H */