
133 lines
6.5 KiB

1 czech x-vnd.Haiku-DiskProbe 4190255633
%ld (native) ProbeView %Id (nativní)
(native) ProbeView (nativní)
15 bit TypeEditors 15-bit
16 bit TypeEditors 16-bit
16 bit signed value: TypeEditors Hodnota 16-bit signed:
16 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Hodnota 16-bit unsigned:
32 bit TypeEditors 32-bit
32 bit signed value: TypeEditors Hodnota 32-bit signed:
32 bit size or status: TypeEditors 32-bit velikost nebo stav:
32 bit unsigned pointer: TypeEditors Ukazatel 32-bit unsigned:
32 bit unsigned size: TypeEditors Velikost 32-bit unsigned:
32 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Hodnota 32-bit unsigned:
64 bit signed offset: TypeEditors 64-bit signed ofset:
64 bit signed value: TypeEditors Hodnota 64-bit signed:
64 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors 64-bit unsigned hodnota:
8 bit palette TypeEditors 8-bitová paleta
8 bit signed value: TypeEditors Hodnota 8-bit signed:
8 bit unsigned value: TypeEditors Hodnota 8-bit unsigned:
Add ProbeView Přidat
Attribute AttributeWindow Atribut
Attribute ProbeView Atribut
Attribute offset: ProbeView Ofset atributu:
Attribute type: ProbeView Typ atributu
Attribute: ProbeView Atribut:
Attributes ProbeView Atributy
Back ProbeView Zpět
Base ProbeView A menu item, the number that is basis for a system of calculation. The base 10 system is a decimal system. This is in the same menu window than 'Font size' and 'BlockSize' Soustava
Block ProbeView Blok
Block %Ld (0x%Lx) ProbeView Blok %Ld (0x%Lx)
Block 0x%Lx ProbeView Blok 0x%Lx
Block: ProbeView Blok:
BlockSize ProbeView A menu item, a shortened form from 'block size'. This is in the same menu windowthan 'Base' and 'Font size' Velikost bloku
Bookmarks ProbeView Záložky
Boolean TypeEditors This is the type of editor Boolean
Boolean editor TypeEditors Editor Boolean
Boolean value: TypeEditors Hodnota Boolean:
Cancel AttributeWindow Zrušit
Cancel OpenWindow Zrušit
Cancel ProbeView Zrušit
Case sensitive FindWindow Rozlišovat malá a velká písmenka
Close AttributeWindow Zavřít
Close FileWindow Zavřít
Close ProbeView Zavřít
Contents: TypeEditors Obsahuje:
Copy ProbeView Kopírovat
Could not find search string. ProbeView Nelze nalézt hledaný text.
Could not open \"%s\":\n%s DiskProbe Opening of entry reference buffer for a DiskProbe request Alert message. The name of entry reference and error message is shown. Nelze otevřít \"%s\":\n%s
Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n DiskProbe Nelze otevřít soubor \"%s\": %s\n
Could not read image TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Nelze načíst obrázek
Decimal ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Desetinné
Device ProbeView Zařízení
Device offset: ProbeView Ofset zařízení:
Device: ProbeView Zařízení:
DiskProbe request AttributeWindow Požadavek DiskProbe
DiskProbe request DiskProbe Požadavek DiskProbe
DiskProbe request ProbeView Požadavek DiskProbe
Do you really want to remove the attribute \"%s\" from the file \"%s\"?\n\nYou cannot undo this action. AttributeWindow Určitě chcete odebrat atribut \"%s\" ze souboru \"%s\"? Tuto akci nelze vzít zpět.
Don't save ProbeView Neukládat
Double precision floating-point value: TypeEditors Hodnota Double precision floating-point:
Edit ProbeView Upravit
Examine device: OpenWindow Prozkoumat zařízení:
File FileWindow Soubor
File ProbeView Soubor
File offset: ProbeView Ofset souboru:
File: ProbeView Soubor:
Find FindWindow Vyhledat
Find again ProbeView Najít další
Find… ProbeView Najít...
Fit ProbeView Size of fonts, fits to available room Přizpůsobit
Flattened bitmap TypeEditors Prostá bitmapa
Floating-point value: TypeEditors Hodnota desetiné čárky:
Font size ProbeView Velikost písma
Grayscale TypeEditors Stupně šedi
Hex ProbeView A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hex
Hexadecimal FindWindow A menu item, as short as possible, noun is recommended if it is shorter than adjective. Hexadecimální
Icon TypeEditors Ikona
Icon view TypeEditors Zobrazení Ikon
Image TypeEditors This is the type of view Obrázek
Image view TypeEditors Image means here a picture file, not a disk image. Zobrazit obrázek
MIME type editor TypeEditors Editor typu MIME
MIME type: TypeEditors MIME typ:
Message TypeEditors This is the type of view Zprávu
Message View TypeEditors Zobrazení zprávy
Mode: FindWindow Režim:
Native: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) ProbeView Nativní: %Ld (0x%0*Lx)
Native: 0x%0*Lx ProbeView Nativní: 0x%0*Lx
New… FileWindow Nový...
Next ProbeView Další
No type editor available AttributeWindow Žádný typový editor nenalezen
Number TypeEditors This is the type of editor Číslo
Number editor TypeEditors Editor čísla
Number: TypeEditors Číslo:
OK DiskProbe OK
OK ProbeView OK
Offset: ProbeView Ofset:
Open device FileWindow Otevřít zařízení
Open file… FileWindow Otevřít soubor...
PNG format TypeEditors Formát PNG
Page setup… ProbeView Nastavení stránky...
Paste ProbeView Vložit
Previous ProbeView Předchozí
Print… ProbeView Tisk...
Probe device OpenWindow Prozkoumat zařízení
Probe file… OpenWindow Prozkoumat soubor...
Quit FileWindow Konec
Raw editor AttributeWindow Raw editor
Redo ProbeView Znovu
Remove AttributeWindow Odebrat
Remove from file AttributeWindow Odebrat ze souboru
Save ProbeView Uložit
Save changes before closing? ProbeView Uložit změny před uzavřením?
Select all ProbeView Vybrat vše
Selection ProbeView Výběr
Stop ProbeView Stop
String editor TypeEditors Editor řetězce
Swapped: %Ld (0x%0*Lx) ProbeView Odloženo: %Ld (0x%0*Lx)
Swapped: 0x%0*Lx ProbeView Odloženo: 0x%0*Lx
Text FindWindow Text
Text TypeEditors This is the type of editor Text
Type editor AttributeWindow Editor typu
Type editor ProbeView Editor typu:
Type editor not supported ProbeView Editor typu není podporován
Undo ProbeView Zpět
Unknown format TypeEditors Neznámý formát
Unknown type TypeEditors Neznámý typ
View ProbeView This is the last menubar item 'File Edit Block View' Zobrazení
Writing to the file failed:\n%s\n\nAll changes will be lost when you quit. ProbeView Zápis do souboru selhal: \n%s\n\nVšechny změny budou ztraceny pokud nyní program ukončíte.
none ProbeView No attributes žádné
of ProbeView z
of 0x0 ProbeView This is a part of 'Block 0xXXXX of 0x0026' message. In languages without 'of' structure it can be replaced simply with '/'. z 0x0
what: '%.4s'\n\n TypeEditors 'What' is a message specifier that defines the type of the message. co: '%.4s'\n\n