* This indicates the view will manage whatever scrollbars are targeted to it. * Use _B_RESERVED7_ for this. It's been RESERVED since BeOS R5 (I guess it was probably something on some older BeOS version?) and we don't really care about BeOS R4 ABI compatibility, so that should be fine. * Update BScrollView to not touch BScrollBar range/proportion when the target view has this set. * Update BListView to set this flag, always. Fixes #14871. Change-Id: I17027f3b63ef28da1e735c5393593496c415dce3 Reviewed-on: https://review.haiku-os.org/c/998 Reviewed-by: Adrien Destugues <pulkomandy@gmail.com>
820 lines
25 KiB
820 lines
25 KiB
* Copyright 2001-2015 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef _VIEW_H
#define _VIEW_H
#include <AffineTransform.h>
#include <Alignment.h>
#include <Font.h>
#include <Handler.h>
#include <InterfaceDefs.h>
#include <Rect.h>
#include <Gradient.h>
// mouse button
enum {
// mouse transit
enum {
// event mask
enum {
B_POINTER_EVENTS = 0x00000001,
B_KEYBOARD_EVENTS = 0x00000002
// event mask options
enum {
B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS = 0x00000001,
B_SUSPEND_VIEW_FOCUS = 0x00000002,
B_NO_POINTER_HISTORY = 0x00000004,
// NOTE: New in Haiku (unless this flag is
// specified, both BWindow and BView::GetMouse()
// will filter out older mouse moved messages)
enum {
// set font mask
enum {
B_FONT_SIZE = 0x00000002,
B_FONT_SHEAR = 0x00000004,
B_FONT_ROTATION = 0x00000008,
B_FONT_SPACING = 0x00000010,
B_FONT_ENCODING = 0x00000020,
B_FONT_FACE = 0x00000040,
B_FONT_FLAGS = 0x00000080,
B_FONT_ALL = 0x000001FF
// view flags
const uint32 B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE = 0x80000000UL; /* 31 */
const uint32 _B_RESERVED1_ = 0x40000000UL; /* 30 */
const uint32 B_WILL_DRAW = 0x20000000UL; /* 29 */
const uint32 B_PULSE_NEEDED = 0x10000000UL; /* 28 */
const uint32 B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP = 0x08000000UL; /* 27 */
const uint32 B_FRAME_EVENTS = 0x04000000UL; /* 26 */
const uint32 B_NAVIGABLE = 0x02000000UL; /* 25 */
const uint32 B_SUBPIXEL_PRECISE = 0x01000000UL; /* 24 */
const uint32 B_DRAW_ON_CHILDREN = 0x00800000UL; /* 23 */
const uint32 B_INPUT_METHOD_AWARE = 0x00400000UL; /* 23 */
const uint32 B_SCROLL_VIEW_AWARE = 0x00200000UL; /* 22 */
const uint32 B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT = 0x00100000UL; /* 21 */
const uint32 B_INVALIDATE_AFTER_LAYOUT = 0x00080000UL; /* 20 */
#define _RESIZE_MASK_ (0xffff)
const uint32 _VIEW_TOP_ = 1UL;
const uint32 _VIEW_LEFT_ = 2UL;
const uint32 _VIEW_BOTTOM_ = 3UL;
const uint32 _VIEW_RIGHT_ = 4UL;
const uint32 _VIEW_CENTER_ = 5UL;
inline uint32 _rule_(uint32 r1, uint32 r2, uint32 r3, uint32 r4)
{ return ((r1 << 12) | (r2 << 8) | (r3 << 4) | r4); }
#define B_FOLLOW_NONE 0
#define B_FOLLOW_LEFT _rule_(0, _VIEW_LEFT_, 0, _VIEW_LEFT_)
#define B_FOLLOW_RIGHT _rule_(0, _VIEW_RIGHT_, 0, _VIEW_RIGHT_)
#define B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT _rule_(0, _VIEW_LEFT_, 0, _VIEW_RIGHT_)
#define B_FOLLOW_H_CENTER _rule_(0, _VIEW_CENTER_, 0, _VIEW_CENTER_)
#define B_FOLLOW_TOP _rule_(_VIEW_TOP_, 0, _VIEW_TOP_, 0)
#define B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM _rule_(_VIEW_BOTTOM_, 0, _VIEW_BOTTOM_, 0)
#define B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM _rule_(_VIEW_TOP_, 0, _VIEW_BOTTOM_, 0)
#define B_FOLLOW_V_CENTER _rule_(_VIEW_CENTER_, 0, _VIEW_CENTER_, 0)
class BBitmap;
class BCursor;
class BLayout;
class BLayoutContext;
class BLayoutItem;
class BMessage;
class BPicture;
class BPolygon;
class BRegion;
class BScrollBar;
class BScrollView;
class BShape;
class BShelf;
class BString;
class BToolTip;
class BWindow;
struct _array_data_;
struct _array_hdr_;
struct overlay_restrictions;
namespace BPrivate {
class ViewState;
class BView : public BHandler {
BView(const char* name, uint32 flags,
BLayout* layout = NULL);
BView(BRect frame, const char* name,
uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags);
virtual ~BView();
BView(BMessage* archive);
static BArchivable* Instantiate(BMessage* archive);
virtual status_t Archive(BMessage* archive,
bool deep = true) const;
virtual status_t AllUnarchived(const BMessage* archive);
virtual status_t AllArchived(BMessage* archive) const;
virtual void AttachedToWindow();
virtual void AllAttached();
virtual void DetachedFromWindow();
virtual void AllDetached();
virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message);
void AddChild(BView* child, BView* before = NULL);
bool AddChild(BLayoutItem* child);
bool RemoveChild(BView* child);
int32 CountChildren() const;
BView* ChildAt(int32 index) const;
BView* NextSibling() const;
BView* PreviousSibling() const;
bool RemoveSelf();
BWindow* Window() const;
virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect);
virtual void MouseDown(BPoint where);
virtual void MouseUp(BPoint where);
virtual void MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 code,
const BMessage* dragMessage);
virtual void WindowActivated(bool active);
virtual void KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes);
virtual void KeyUp(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes);
virtual void Pulse();
virtual void FrameMoved(BPoint newPosition);
virtual void FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight);
virtual void TargetedByScrollView(BScrollView* scrollView);
void BeginRectTracking(BRect startRect,
uint32 style = B_TRACK_WHOLE_RECT);
void EndRectTracking();
void GetMouse(BPoint* location, uint32* buttons,
bool checkMessageQueue = true);
void DragMessage(BMessage* message, BRect dragRect,
BHandler* replyTo = NULL);
void DragMessage(BMessage* message, BBitmap* bitmap,
BPoint offset, BHandler* replyTo = NULL);
void DragMessage(BMessage* message, BBitmap* bitmap,
drawing_mode dragMode, BPoint offset,
BHandler* replyTo = NULL);
BView* FindView(const char* name) const;
BView* Parent() const;
BRect Bounds() const;
BRect Frame() const;
void ConvertToScreen(BPoint* point) const;
BPoint ConvertToScreen(BPoint point) const;
void ConvertFromScreen(BPoint* point) const;
BPoint ConvertFromScreen(BPoint point) const;
void ConvertToScreen(BRect* rect) const;
BRect ConvertToScreen(BRect rect) const;
void ConvertFromScreen(BRect* rect) const;
BRect ConvertFromScreen(BRect rect) const;
void ConvertToParent(BPoint* point) const;
BPoint ConvertToParent(BPoint point) const;
void ConvertFromParent(BPoint* point) const;
BPoint ConvertFromParent(BPoint point) const;
void ConvertToParent(BRect* rect) const;
BRect ConvertToParent(BRect rect) const;
void ConvertFromParent(BRect* rect) const;
BRect ConvertFromParent(BRect rect) const;
BPoint LeftTop() const;
void GetClippingRegion(BRegion* region) const;
virtual void ConstrainClippingRegion(BRegion* region);
void ClipToPicture(BPicture* picture,
BPoint where = B_ORIGIN, bool sync = true);
void ClipToInversePicture(BPicture* picture,
BPoint where = B_ORIGIN, bool sync = true);
void ClipToRect(BRect rect);
void ClipToInverseRect(BRect rect);
void ClipToShape(BShape* shape);
void ClipToInverseShape(BShape* shape);
virtual void SetDrawingMode(drawing_mode mode);
drawing_mode DrawingMode() const;
void SetBlendingMode(source_alpha srcAlpha,
alpha_function alphaFunc);
void GetBlendingMode(source_alpha* srcAlpha,
alpha_function* alphaFunc) const;
virtual void SetPenSize(float size);
float PenSize() const;
void SetViewCursor(const BCursor* cursor,
bool sync = true);
bool HasDefaultColors() const;
bool HasSystemColors() const;
void AdoptParentColors();
void AdoptSystemColors();
void AdoptViewColors(BView* view);
virtual void SetViewColor(rgb_color color);
void SetViewColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue,
uchar alpha = 255);
rgb_color ViewColor() const;
void SetViewUIColor(color_which which,
float tint = B_NO_TINT);
color_which ViewUIColor(float* tint = NULL) const;
void SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap,
BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect,
uint32 followFlags = B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP,
uint32 options = B_TILE_BITMAP);
void SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap,
uint32 followFlags = B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP,
uint32 options = B_TILE_BITMAP);
void ClearViewBitmap();
status_t SetViewOverlay(const BBitmap* overlay,
BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect,
rgb_color* colorKey,
uint32 followFlags = B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP,
uint32 options = 0);
status_t SetViewOverlay(const BBitmap* overlay,
rgb_color* colorKey,
uint32 followFlags = B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP,
uint32 options = 0);
void ClearViewOverlay();
virtual void SetHighColor(rgb_color color);
void SetHighColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue,
uchar alpha = 255);
rgb_color HighColor() const;
void SetHighUIColor(color_which which,
float tint = B_NO_TINT);
color_which HighUIColor(float* tint = NULL) const;
virtual void SetLowColor(rgb_color color);
void SetLowColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue,
uchar alpha = 255);
rgb_color LowColor() const;
void SetLowUIColor(color_which which,
float tint = B_NO_TINT);
color_which LowUIColor(float* tint = NULL) const;
void SetLineMode(cap_mode lineCap,
join_mode lineJoin,
float miterLimit = B_DEFAULT_MITER_LIMIT);
join_mode LineJoinMode() const;
cap_mode LineCapMode() const;
float LineMiterLimit() const;
void SetFillRule(int32 rule);
int32 FillRule() const;
void SetOrigin(BPoint where);
void SetOrigin(float x, float y);
BPoint Origin() const;
// Works in addition to Origin and Scale.
// May be used in parallel or as a much
// more powerful alternative.
void SetTransform(BAffineTransform transform);
BAffineTransform Transform() const;
void TranslateBy(double x, double y);
void ScaleBy(double x, double y);
void RotateBy(double angleRadians);
void PushState();
void PopState();
void MovePenTo(BPoint pt);
void MovePenTo(float x, float y);
void MovePenBy(float x, float y);
BPoint PenLocation() const;
void StrokeLine(BPoint toPoint,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokeLine(BPoint start, BPoint end,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void BeginLineArray(int32 count);
void AddLine(BPoint start, BPoint end,
rgb_color color);
void EndLineArray();
void StrokePolygon(const BPolygon* polygon,
bool closed = true,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokePolygon(const BPoint* pointArray,
int32 numPoints, bool closed = true,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokePolygon(const BPoint* pointArray,
int32 numPoints, BRect bounds,
bool closed = true,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillPolygon(const BPolygon* polygon,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray,
int32 numPoints,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray,
int32 numPoints, BRect bounds,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillPolygon(const BPolygon* polygon,
const BGradient& gradient);
void FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray,
int32 numPoints, const BGradient& gradient);
void FillPolygon(const BPoint* pointArray,
int32 numPoints, BRect bounds,
const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2,
BPoint point3, BRect bounds,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokeTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2,
BPoint point3,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2,
BPoint point3,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2,
BPoint point3, BRect bounds,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2,
BPoint point3, const BGradient& gradient);
void FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2,
BPoint point3, BRect bounds,
const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeRect(BRect rect,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillRect(BRect rect,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillRect(BRect rect, const BGradient& gradient);
void FillRegion(BRegion* rectegion,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillRegion(BRegion* rectegion,
const BGradient& gradient);
void InvertRect(BRect rect);
void StrokeRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius,
float yRadius,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius,
float yRadius,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius,
float yRadius, const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius,
float yRadius,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokeEllipse(BRect rect,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius,
float yRadius,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillEllipse(BRect rect,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius,
float yRadius, const BGradient& gradient);
void FillEllipse(BRect rect,
const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeArc(BPoint center, float xRadius,
float yRadius, float startAngle,
float arcAngle,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokeArc(BRect rect, float startAngle,
float arcAngle,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillArc(BPoint center, float xRadius,
float yRadius, float startAngle,
float arcAngle,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillArc(BRect rect, float startAngle,
float arcAngle,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillArc(BPoint center, float xRadius,
float yRadius, float startAngle,
float arcAngle, const BGradient& gradient);
void FillArc(BRect rect, float startAngle,
float arcAngle, const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeBezier(BPoint* controlPoints,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillBezier(BPoint* controlPoints,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillBezier(BPoint* controlPoints,
const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeShape(BShape* shape,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillShape(BShape* shape,
::pattern pattern = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillShape(BShape* shape,
const BGradient& gradient);
void CopyBits(BRect src, BRect dst);
void DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect,
uint32 options);
void DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect);
void DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect viewRect);
void DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BPoint where);
void DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* aBitmap);
void DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect,
uint32 options);
void DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect);
void DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect viewRect);
void DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BPoint where);
void DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* aBitmap);
void DrawChar(char aChar);
void DrawChar(char aChar, BPoint location);
void DrawString(const char* string,
escapement_delta* delta = NULL);
void DrawString(const char* string,
BPoint location,
escapement_delta* delta = NULL);
void DrawString(const char* string, int32 length,
escapement_delta* delta = NULL);
void DrawString(const char* string, int32 length,
BPoint location,
escapement_delta* delta = 0L);
void DrawString(const char* string,
const BPoint* locations,
int32 locationCount);
void DrawString(const char* string, int32 length,
const BPoint* locations,
int32 locationCount);
virtual void SetFont(const BFont* font,
uint32 mask = B_FONT_ALL);
void GetFont(BFont* font) const;
void TruncateString(BString* in_out, uint32 mode,
float width) const;
float StringWidth(const char* string) const;
float StringWidth(const char* string,
int32 length) const;
void GetStringWidths(char* stringArray[],
int32 lengthArray[], int32 numStrings,
float widthArray[]) const;
void SetFontSize(float size);
void ForceFontAliasing(bool enable);
void GetFontHeight(font_height* height) const;
void Invalidate(BRect invalRect);
void Invalidate(const BRegion* invalRegion);
void Invalidate();
void DelayedInvalidate(bigtime_t delay);
void DelayedInvalidate(bigtime_t delay,
BRect invalRect);
void SetDiskMode(char* filename, long offset);
void BeginPicture(BPicture* a_picture);
void AppendToPicture(BPicture* a_picture);
BPicture* EndPicture();
void DrawPicture(const BPicture* a_picture);
void DrawPicture(const BPicture* a_picture,
BPoint where);
void DrawPicture(const char* filename, long offset,
BPoint where);
void DrawPictureAsync(const BPicture* a_picture);
void DrawPictureAsync(const BPicture* a_picture,
BPoint where);
void DrawPictureAsync(const char* filename,
long offset, BPoint where);
void BeginLayer(uint8 opacity);
void EndLayer();
status_t SetEventMask(uint32 mask, uint32 options = 0);
uint32 EventMask();
status_t SetMouseEventMask(uint32 mask,
uint32 options = 0);
virtual void SetFlags(uint32 flags);
uint32 Flags() const;
virtual void SetResizingMode(uint32 mode);
uint32 ResizingMode() const;
void MoveBy(float dh, float dv);
void MoveTo(BPoint where);
void MoveTo(float x, float y);
void ResizeBy(float dh, float dv);
void ResizeTo(float width, float height);
void ResizeTo(BSize size);
void ScrollBy(float dh, float dv);
void ScrollTo(float x, float y);
virtual void ScrollTo(BPoint where);
virtual void MakeFocus(bool focus = true);
bool IsFocus() const;
virtual void Show();
virtual void Hide();
bool IsHidden() const;
bool IsHidden(const BView* looking_from) const;
void Flush() const;
void Sync() const;
virtual void GetPreferredSize(float* _width, float* _height);
virtual void ResizeToPreferred();
BScrollBar* ScrollBar(orientation direction) const;
virtual BHandler* ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* message, int32 index,
BMessage* specifier, int32 form,
const char* property);
virtual status_t GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* data);
bool IsPrinting() const;
void SetScale(float scale) const;
float Scale() const;
// new for Haiku
virtual status_t Perform(perform_code code, void* data);
virtual void DrawAfterChildren(BRect updateRect);
// layout related
virtual BSize MinSize();
virtual BSize MaxSize();
virtual BSize PreferredSize();
virtual BAlignment LayoutAlignment();
void SetExplicitMinSize(BSize size);
void SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize size);
void SetExplicitPreferredSize(BSize size);
void SetExplicitSize(BSize size);
void SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment alignment);
BSize ExplicitMinSize() const;
BSize ExplicitMaxSize() const;
BSize ExplicitPreferredSize() const;
BAlignment ExplicitAlignment() const;
virtual bool HasHeightForWidth();
virtual void GetHeightForWidth(float width, float* min,
float* max, float* preferred);
void InvalidateLayout(bool descendants = false);
virtual void SetLayout(BLayout* layout);
BLayout* GetLayout() const;
void EnableLayoutInvalidation();
void DisableLayoutInvalidation();
bool IsLayoutInvalidationDisabled();
bool IsLayoutValid() const;
void ResetLayoutInvalidation();
BLayoutContext* LayoutContext() const;
void Layout(bool force);
void Relayout();
class Private;
virtual void LayoutInvalidated(bool descendants = false);
virtual void DoLayout();
// tool tip support
void SetToolTip(const char* text);
void SetToolTip(BToolTip* tip);
BToolTip* ToolTip() const;
void ShowToolTip(BToolTip* tip = NULL);
void HideToolTip();
virtual bool GetToolTipAt(BPoint point, BToolTip** _tip);
virtual void LayoutChanged();
status_t ScrollWithMouseWheelDelta(BScrollBar*, float);
void _Layout(bool force, BLayoutContext* context);
void _LayoutLeft(BLayout* deleted);
void _InvalidateParentLayout();
// FBC padding and forbidden methods
virtual void _ReservedView13();
virtual void _ReservedView14();
virtual void _ReservedView15();
virtual void _ReservedView16();
BView(const BView&);
BView& operator=(const BView&);
struct LayoutData;
friend class Private;
friend class BBitmap;
friend class BLayout;
friend class BPrintJob;
friend class BScrollBar;
friend class BShelf;
friend class BTabView;
friend class BWindow;
void _InitData(BRect frame, const char* name,
uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags);
status_t _SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap,
BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect,
uint32 followFlags, uint32 options);
void _ClipToPicture(BPicture* picture, BPoint where,
bool invert, bool sync);
void _ClipToRect(BRect rect, bool inverse);
void _ClipToShape(BShape* shape, bool inverse);
bool _CheckOwnerLockAndSwitchCurrent() const;
bool _CheckOwnerLock() const;
void _CheckLockAndSwitchCurrent() const;
void _CheckLock() const;
void _SwitchServerCurrentView() const;
void _SetOwner(BWindow* newOwner);
void _RemoveCommArray();
BShelf* _Shelf() const;
void _SetShelf(BShelf* shelf);
void _MoveTo(int32 x, int32 y);
void _ResizeBy(int32 deltaWidth, int32 deltaHeight);
void _ParentResizedBy(int32 deltaWidth,
int32 deltaHeight);
void _ConvertToScreen(BPoint* pt,
bool checkLock) const;
void _ConvertFromScreen(BPoint* pt,
bool checkLock) const;
void _ConvertToParent(BPoint* pt,
bool checkLock) const;
void _ConvertFromParent(BPoint* pt,
bool checkLock) const;
void _Activate(bool state);
void _Attach();
void _ColorsUpdated(BMessage* message);
void _Detach();
void _Draw(BRect screenUpdateRect);
void _DrawAfterChildren(BRect screenUpdateRect);
void _FontsUpdated(BMessage*);
void _Pulse();
void _UpdateStateForRemove();
void _UpdatePattern(::pattern pattern);
void _FlushIfNotInTransaction();
bool _CreateSelf();
bool _AddChildToList(BView* child,
BView* before = NULL);
bool _RemoveChildFromList(BView* child);
bool _AddChild(BView *child, BView *before);
bool _RemoveSelf();
void _RemoveLayoutItemsFromLayout(bool deleteItems);
// Debugging methods
void _PrintToStream();
void _PrintTree();
int32 _unused_int1;
uint32 fFlags;
BPoint fParentOffset;
BWindow* fOwner;
BView* fParent;
BView* fNextSibling;
BView* fPreviousSibling;
BView* fFirstChild;
int16 fShowLevel;
bool fTopLevelView;
bool fNoISInteraction;
BPicture* fCurrentPicture;
_array_data_* fCommArray;
BScrollBar* fVerScroller;
BScrollBar* fHorScroller;
bool fIsPrinting;
bool fAttached;
bool _unused_bool1;
bool _unused_bool2;
::BPrivate::ViewState* fState;
BRect fBounds;
BShelf* fShelf;
uint32 fEventMask;
uint32 fEventOptions;
uint32 fMouseEventOptions;
LayoutData* fLayoutData;
BToolTip* fToolTip;
uint32 _reserved[6];
// #pragma mark - inline definitions
inline void
BView::ScrollTo(float x, float y)
ScrollTo(BPoint(x, y));
inline void
BView::SetViewColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha)
rgb_color color;
color.red = red;
color.green = green;
color.blue = blue;
color.alpha = alpha;
inline void
BView::SetHighColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha)
rgb_color color;
color.red = red;
color.green = green;
color.blue = blue;
color.alpha = alpha;
inline void
BView::SetLowColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha)
rgb_color color;
color.red = red;
color.green = green;
color.blue = blue;
color.alpha = alpha;
#endif // _VIEW_H