* Reorganized the kernel locking related to threads and teams. * We now discriminate correctly between process and thread signals. Signal handlers have been moved to teams. Fixes #5679. * Implemented real-time signal support, including signal queuing, SA_SIGINFO support, sigqueue(), sigwaitinfo(), sigtimedwait(), waitid(), and the addition of the real-time signal range. Closes #1935 and #2695. * Gave SIGBUS a separate signal number. Fixes #6704. * Implemented <time.h> clock and timer support, and fixed/completed alarm() and [set]itimer(). Closes #5682. * Implemented support for thread cancellation. Closes #5686. * Moved send_signal() from <signal.h> to <OS.h>. Fixes #7554. * Lots over smaller more or less related changes. git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@42116 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
405 lines
11 KiB
405 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright 2002-2009, Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Copyright 2001-2002, Travis Geiselbrecht. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the NewOS License.
#ifndef _KERNEL_ARCH_x86_CPU_H
#define _KERNEL_ARCH_x86_CPU_H
#ifndef _ASSEMBLER
#include <module.h>
#include <arch/x86/descriptors.h>
#endif // !_ASSEMBLER
#undef PAUSE
#define PAUSE() asm volatile ("pause;")
// MSR registers (possibly Intel specific)
#define IA32_MSR_TSC 0x10
#define IA32_MSR_APIC_BASE 0x1b
#define IA32_MSR_SYSENTER_CS 0x174
#define IA32_MSR_SYSENTER_ESP 0x175
#define IA32_MSR_SYSENTER_EIP 0x176
#define IA32_MSR_MTRR_DEFAULT_TYPE 0x2ff
#define IA32_MSR_MTRR_PHYSICAL_BASE_0 0x200
#define IA32_MSR_MTRR_PHYSICAL_MASK_0 0x201
// x86 features from cpuid eax 1, edx register
#define IA32_FEATURE_FPU 0x00000001 // x87 fpu
#define IA32_FEATURE_VME 0x00000002 // virtual 8086
#define IA32_FEATURE_DE 0x00000004 // debugging extensions
#define IA32_FEATURE_PSE 0x00000008 // page size extensions
#define IA32_FEATURE_TSC 0x00000010 // rdtsc instruction
#define IA32_FEATURE_MSR 0x00000020 // rdmsr/wrmsr instruction
#define IA32_FEATURE_PAE 0x00000040 // extended 3 level page table addressing
#define IA32_FEATURE_MCE 0x00000080 // machine check exception
#define IA32_FEATURE_CX8 0x00000100 // cmpxchg8b instruction
#define IA32_FEATURE_APIC 0x00000200 // local apic on chip
#define IA32_FEATURE_SEP 0x00000800 // SYSENTER/SYSEXIT
#define IA32_FEATURE_MTRR 0x00001000 // MTRR
#define IA32_FEATURE_PGE 0x00002000 // paging global bit
#define IA32_FEATURE_MCA 0x00004000 // machine check architecture
#define IA32_FEATURE_CMOV 0x00008000 // cmov instruction
#define IA32_FEATURE_PAT 0x00010000 // page attribute table
#define IA32_FEATURE_PSE36 0x00020000 // page size extensions with 4MB pages
#define IA32_FEATURE_PSN 0x00040000 // processor serial number
#define IA32_FEATURE_CLFSH 0x00080000 // cflush instruction
#define IA32_FEATURE_DS 0x00200000 // debug store
#define IA32_FEATURE_ACPI 0x00400000 // thermal monitor and clock ctrl
#define IA32_FEATURE_MMX 0x00800000 // mmx instructions
#define IA32_FEATURE_FXSR 0x01000000 // FXSAVE/FXRSTOR instruction
#define IA32_FEATURE_SSE 0x02000000 // SSE
#define IA32_FEATURE_SSE2 0x04000000 // SSE2
#define IA32_FEATURE_SS 0x08000000 // self snoop
#define IA32_FEATURE_HTT 0x10000000 // hyperthreading
#define IA32_FEATURE_TM 0x20000000 // thermal monitor
#define IA32_FEATURE_PBE 0x80000000 // pending break enable
// x86 features from cpuid eax 1, ecx register
#define IA32_FEATURE_EXT_SSE3 0x00000001 // SSE3
#define IA32_FEATURE_EXT_DSCPL 0x00000010 // CPL qualified debug store
#define IA32_FEATURE_EXT_EST 0x00000080 // speedstep
#define IA32_FEATURE_EXT_TM2 0x00000100 // thermal monitor 2
#define IA32_FEATURE_EXT_CNXTID 0x00000400 // L1 context ID
// x86 features from cpuid eax 0x80000001, edx register (AMD)
// only care about the ones that are unique to this register
#define IA32_FEATURE_AMD_EXT_NX (1 << 20) // no execute bit
#define IA32_FEATURE_AMD_EXT_MMXEXT (1 << 22) // mmx extensions
#define IA32_FEATURE_AMD_EXT_FFXSR (1 << 25) // fast FXSAVE/FXRSTOR
#define IA32_FEATURE_AMD_EXT_RDTSCP (1 << 27) // rdtscp instruction
#define IA32_FEATURE_AMD_EXT_LONG (1 << 29) // long mode
#define IA32_FEATURE_AMD_EXT_3DNOWEXT (1 << 30) // 3DNow! extensions
#define IA32_FEATURE_AMD_EXT_3DNOW (1 << 31) // 3DNow!
// cr4 flags
#define IA32_CR4_PAE (1UL << 5)
#define IA32_CR4_GLOBAL_PAGES (1UL << 7)
// Memory type ranges
#define IA32_MTR_UNCACHED 0
#define IA32_MTR_WRITE_BACK 6
// EFLAGS register
#define X86_EFLAGS_CARRY 0x00000001
#define X86_EFLAGS_RESERVED1 0x00000002
#define X86_EFLAGS_PARITY 0x00000004
#define X86_EFLAGS_AUXILIARY_CARRY 0x00000010
#define X86_EFLAGS_ZERO 0x00000040
#define X86_EFLAGS_SIGN 0x00000080
#define X86_EFLAGS_TRAP 0x00000100
#define X86_EFLAGS_INTERRUPT 0x00000200
#define X86_EFLAGS_DIRECTION 0x00000400
#define X86_EFLAGS_OVERFLOW 0x00000800
#define X86_EFLAGS_IO_PRIVILEG_LEVEL 0x00003000
#define X86_EFLAGS_NESTED_TASK 0x00004000
#define X86_EFLAGS_RESUME 0x00010000
#define X86_EFLAGS_V86_MODE 0x00020000
#define X86_EFLAGS_ALIGNMENT_CHECK 0x00040000
#define X86_EFLAGS_VIRTUAL_INTERRUPT 0x00080000
#define X86_EFLAGS_ID 0x00200000
// iframe types
#define IFRAME_TYPE_MASK 0xf
#ifndef _ASSEMBLER
struct X86PagingStructures;
typedef struct x86_mtrr_info {
uint64 base;
uint64 size;
uint8 type;
} x86_mtrr_info;
typedef struct x86_optimized_functions {
void (*memcpy)(void* dest, const void* source, size_t count);
void* memcpy_end;
void (*memset)(void* dest, int value, size_t count);
void* memset_end;
} x86_optimized_functions;
typedef struct x86_cpu_module_info {
module_info info;
uint32 (*count_mtrrs)(void);
void (*init_mtrrs)(void);
void (*set_mtrr)(uint32 index, uint64 base, uint64 length,
uint8 type);
status_t (*get_mtrr)(uint32 index, uint64* _base, uint64* _length,
uint8* _type);
void (*set_mtrrs)(uint8 defaultType, const x86_mtrr_info* infos,
uint32 count);
void (*get_optimized_functions)(x86_optimized_functions* functions);
} x86_cpu_module_info;
struct tss {
uint16 prev_task;
uint16 unused0;
uint32 sp0;
uint32 ss0;
uint32 sp1;
uint32 ss1;
uint32 sp2;
uint32 ss2;
uint32 cr3;
uint32 eip, eflags, eax, ecx, edx, ebx, esp, ebp, esi, edi;
uint32 es, cs, ss, ds, fs, gs;
uint32 ldt_seg_selector;
uint16 unused1;
uint16 io_map_base;
struct iframe {
uint32 type; // iframe type
uint32 gs;
uint32 fs;
uint32 es;
uint32 ds;
uint32 edi;
uint32 esi;
uint32 ebp;
uint32 esp;
uint32 ebx;
uint32 edx;
uint32 ecx;
uint32 eax;
uint32 orig_eax;
uint32 orig_edx;
uint32 vector;
uint32 error_code;
uint32 eip;
uint32 cs;
uint32 flags;
// user_esp and user_ss are only present when the iframe is a userland
// iframe (IFRAME_IS_USER()). A kernel iframe is shorter.
uint32 user_esp;
uint32 user_ss;
struct vm86_iframe {
uint32 type; // iframe type
uint32 __null_gs;
uint32 __null_fs;
uint32 __null_es;
uint32 __null_ds;
uint32 edi;
uint32 esi;
uint32 ebp;
uint32 __kern_esp;
uint32 ebx;
uint32 edx;
uint32 ecx;
uint32 eax;
uint32 orig_eax;
uint32 orig_edx;
uint32 vector;
uint32 error_code;
uint32 eip;
uint16 cs, __csh;
uint32 flags;
uint32 esp;
uint16 ss, __ssh;
/* vm86 mode specific part */
uint16 es, __esh;
uint16 ds, __dsh;
uint16 fs, __fsh;
uint16 gs, __gsh;
#define IFRAME_IS_USER(f) ((f)->cs == USER_CODE_SEG \
|| ((f)->flags & 0x20000) != 0)
#define IFRAME_IS_VM86(f) (((f)->flags & 0x20000) != 0)
// features
enum x86_feature_type {
FEATURE_COMMON = 0, // cpuid eax=1, ecx register
FEATURE_EXT, // cpuid eax=1, edx register
FEATURE_EXT_AMD, // cpuid eax=0x80000001, edx register (AMD)
enum x86_vendors {
typedef struct arch_cpu_info {
// saved cpu info
enum x86_vendors vendor;
uint32 feature[FEATURE_NUM];
char model_name[49];
const char* vendor_name;
int type;
int family;
int extended_family;
int stepping;
int model;
int extended_model;
struct X86PagingStructures* active_paging_structures;
uint32 dr6; // temporary storage for debug registers (cf.
uint32 dr7; // x86_exit_user_debug_at_kernel_entry())
// local TSS for this cpu
struct tss tss;
struct tss double_fault_tss;
} arch_cpu_info;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define nop() __asm__ ("nop"::)
struct arch_thread;
void __x86_setup_system_time(uint32 conversionFactor,
uint32 conversionFactorNsecs, bool conversionFactorNsecsShift);
void x86_context_switch(struct arch_thread* oldState,
struct arch_thread* newState);
void x86_userspace_thread_exit(void);
void x86_end_userspace_thread_exit(void);
void x86_swap_pgdir(uint32 newPageDir);
void i386_set_tss_and_kstack(addr_t kstack);
void i386_fnsave(void* fpuState);
void i386_fxsave(void* fpuState);
void i386_frstor(const void* fpuState);
void i386_fxrstor(const void* fpuState);
void i386_fnsave_swap(void* oldFpuState, const void* newFpuState);
void i386_fxsave_swap(void* oldFpuState, const void* newFpuState);
uint32 x86_read_ebp();
uint32 x86_read_cr0();
void x86_write_cr0(uint32 value);
uint32 x86_read_cr4();
void x86_write_cr4(uint32 value);
uint64 x86_read_msr(uint32 registerNumber);
void x86_write_msr(uint32 registerNumber, uint64 value);
void x86_set_task_gate(int32 cpu, int32 n, int32 segment);
void* x86_get_idt(int32 cpu);
uint32 x86_count_mtrrs(void);
void x86_set_mtrr(uint32 index, uint64 base, uint64 length, uint8 type);
status_t x86_get_mtrr(uint32 index, uint64* _base, uint64* _length,
uint8* _type);
void x86_set_mtrrs(uint8 defaultType, const x86_mtrr_info* infos,
uint32 count);
bool x86_check_feature(uint32 feature, enum x86_feature_type type);
void* x86_get_double_fault_stack(int32 cpu, size_t* _size);
int32 x86_double_fault_get_cpu(void);
void x86_double_fault_exception(struct iframe* frame);
void x86_page_fault_exception_double_fault(struct iframe* frame);
#define read_cr3(value) \
__asm__("movl %%cr3,%0" : "=r" (value))
#define write_cr3(value) \
__asm__("movl %0,%%cr3" : : "r" (value))
#define read_dr3(value) \
__asm__("movl %%dr3,%0" : "=r" (value))
#define write_dr3(value) \
__asm__("movl %0,%%dr3" : : "r" (value))
#define invalidate_TLB(va) \
__asm__("invlpg (%0)" : : "r" (va))
#define wbinvd() \
#define out8(value,port) \
__asm__ ("outb %%al,%%dx" : : "a" (value), "d" (port))
#define out16(value,port) \
__asm__ ("outw %%ax,%%dx" : : "a" (value), "d" (port))
#define out32(value,port) \
__asm__ ("outl %%eax,%%dx" : : "a" (value), "d" (port))
#define in8(port) ({ \
uint8 _v; \
__asm__ volatile ("inb %%dx,%%al" : "=a" (_v) : "d" (port)); \
_v; \
#define in16(port) ({ \
uint16 _v; \
__asm__ volatile ("inw %%dx,%%ax":"=a" (_v) : "d" (port)); \
_v; \
#define in32(port) ({ \
uint32 _v; \
__asm__ volatile ("inl %%dx,%%eax":"=a" (_v) : "d" (port)); \
_v; \
#define out8_p(value,port) \
__asm__ ("outb %%al,%%dx\n" \
"\tjmp 1f\n" \
"1:\tjmp 1f\n" \
"1:" : : "a" (value), "d" (port))
#define in8_p(port) ({ \
uint8 _v; \
__asm__ volatile ("inb %%dx,%%al\n" \
"\tjmp 1f\n" \
"1:\tjmp 1f\n" \
"1:" : "=a" (_v) : "d" (port)); \
_v; \
extern segment_descriptor* gGDT;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C" {
#endif // !_ASSEMBLER
#endif /* _KERNEL_ARCH_x86_CPU_H */