Using a normal pointer is dangerous when creating a new tab directly in the method call because the tab gets deleted to early.
159 lines
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159 lines
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* Copyright 2006 - 2010, Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef AREA_H
#define AREA_H
#include <Referenceable.h>
#include <Rect.h>
#include <Size.h>
#include <String.h>
class BLayoutItem;
class BView;
namespace LinearProgramming {
class LinearSpec;
class Constraint;
namespace BPrivate {
class SharedSolver;
namespace BALM {
class Column;
class Row;
class XTab;
class YTab;
class RowColumnManager;
* Rectangular area in the GUI, defined by a tab on each side.
class Area {
int32 ID() const;
void SetID(int32 id);
BLayoutItem* Item();
XTab* Left() const;
XTab* Right() const;
YTab* Top() const;
YTab* Bottom() const;
void SetLeft(BReference<XTab> left);
void SetRight(BReference<XTab> right);
void SetTop(BReference<YTab> top);
void SetBottom(BReference<YTab> bottom);
Row* GetRow() const;
Column* GetColumn() const;
double ContentAspectRatio() const;
void SetContentAspectRatio(double ratio);
BSize ShrinkPenalties() const;
BSize GrowPenalties() const;
void SetShrinkPenalties(BSize shrink);
void SetGrowPenalties(BSize grow);
void GetInsets(float* left, float* top, float* right,
float* bottom) const;
float LeftInset() const;
float TopInset() const;
float RightInset() const;
float BottomInset() const;
void SetInsets(float insets);
void SetInsets(float horizontal, float vertical);
void SetInsets(float left, float top, float right,
float bottom);
void SetLeftInset(float left);
void SetTopInset(float top);
void SetRightInset(float right);
void SetBottomInset(float bottom);
BString ToString() const;
SetWidthAs(Area* area, float factor = 1.0f);
SetHeightAs(Area* area, float factor = 1.0f);
void InvalidateSizeConstraints();
BRect Frame() const;
Area(BLayoutItem* item);
void _Init(LinearProgramming::LinearSpec* ls,
XTab* left, YTab* top, XTab* right,
YTab* bottom, RowColumnManager* manager);
void _Init(LinearProgramming::LinearSpec* ls,
Row* row, Column* column,
RowColumnManager* manager);
void _DoLayout(const BPoint& offset);
void _UpdateMinSizeConstraint(BSize min);
void _UpdateMaxSizeConstraint(BSize max);
friend class BALMLayout;
friend class RowColumnManager;
friend class BPrivate::SharedSolver;
BLayoutItem* fLayoutItem;
int32 fID;
LinearProgramming::LinearSpec* fLS;
BReference<XTab> fLeft;
BReference<XTab> fRight;
BReference<YTab> fTop;
BReference<YTab> fBottom;
Row* fRow;
Column* fColumn;
BSize fShrinkPenalties;
BSize fGrowPenalties;
BSize fLeftTopInset;
BSize fRightBottomInset;
double fContentAspectRatio;
RowColumnManager* fRowColumnManager;
LinearProgramming::Constraint* fMinContentWidth;
LinearProgramming::Constraint* fMaxContentWidth;
LinearProgramming::Constraint* fMinContentHeight;
LinearProgramming::Constraint* fMaxContentHeight;
LinearProgramming::Constraint* fContentAspectRatioC;
uint32 _reserved[2];
} // namespace BALM
using BALM::Area;
#endif // AREA_H