We keep the underscore to help with fallback languages. So in that respect pt_BR falls back to pt in case of untranslated strings. zh-Hans is a way of writing Chinese, as is zh-Hant. Neither of them can or should fall back on a (non-existent) zh language code. They can be combined to form zh-Hans_CN and zh-Hans_TW if there are ever translators that want to further refine that dialect.
28 lines
1.1 KiB
28 lines
1.1 KiB
1 simplified_chinese x-vnd.Haiku.TV 1995288111
Always on top MainWin 置顶
Channel MainWin 频道
DVB - Digital Video Broadcasting TV MainWin DVB -数字视频广播电视
Debug MainWin 调试
Error, connecting to interface failed:\n\n MainWin 错误,无法连接到接口:\n\n
Error, interface is busy:\n\n MainWin 错误,接口正在使用中:\n\n
Full screen MainWin 全屏
Interface MainWin 接口
Keep aspect ratio MainWin 保持高宽比
Next channel MainWin 下一个频道
No border MainWin 无边框
No menu MainWin 隐藏菜单栏
None MainWin 无
OK MainWin 确定
Previous channel MainWin 上一个频道
Quit MainWin 退出
Scale to native size MainWin 恢复原始大小
Settings MainWin 设置
Settings… MainWin 设置…
TV MainWin 电视
TV System name 电视
force 544 x 576, display aspect 4:3 MainWin 强制分辨率 544 x 576,高宽比 4:3
force 704 x 576, display aspect 4:3 MainWin 强制分辨率 704 x 576,高宽比 4:3
force 720 x 576, display aspect 4:3 MainWin 强制分辨率 720 x 576,高宽比 4:3
pixel aspect ratio MainWin 像素长宽比
unknown MainWin 未知