first remove the target and its attributes (if any). Before gcc would just unlink it and leak the attributes, which could lead to later mixups, if the file's inode ID was re-used. As reported by Rene this improves the attribute mixup situation, but doesn't solve it completely. So that status quo is still the same: When using the generic attribute emulation one has to build from the scratch to be sure all attributes are fine. * Got rid of superfluous whitespace. git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@27385 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
692 lines
16 KiB
692 lines
16 KiB
# Overridden to allow spaces in file names.
actions Chmod1
$(CHMOD) "$(MODE)" "$(1)"
# Overridden to allow spaces in file names.
actions piecemeal together existing Clean
$(RM) "$(>)"
# Link rule/action are overwritten as they don't handle linking files who's name
# contain spaces very well. Also adds resources and version to executable.
rule Link
# Note: RESFILES must be set before invocation.
if [ on $(1) return $(PLATFORM) ] = host {
LINK on $(1) = $(HOST_LINK) ;
LINKFLAGS on $(1) = $(HOST_LINKFLAGS) [ on $(1) return $(LINKFLAGS) ] ;
} else {
LINK on $(1) = $(TARGET_LINK) ;
[ on $(1) return $(LINKFLAGS) ] ;
NEEDLIBS on $(1) = [ on $(1) return $(NEEDLIBS) ] ;
LINKLIBS on $(1) = [ on $(1) return $(LINKLIBS) ] ;
MODE on $(<) = $(EXEMODE) ;
on $(1) XRes $(1) : $(RESFILES) ;
if ! [ on $(1) return $(DONT_USE_BEOS_RULES) ] {
SetType $(1) ;
MimeSet $(1) ;
SetVersion $(1) ;
# If the generic attribute emulation is enabled, make sure the tool to
# remove the attributes is built first.
Depends $(1) : $(HOST_RM_ATTRS_TARGET) ;
Chmod $(<) ;
# When using "real" attributes (i.e. BeOS attributes or xattr/extattr) on the
# host platform, unlinking the main target by gcc will also automatically get
# rid of the attributes. When using the generic attribute emulation, which
# uses separate files, we need to remove the target explicitely first, so that
# the attributes won't be "leaked".
$(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) -o "$(1)" $(UNDEFS) "$(LINK_BEGIN_GLUE)" "$(2)" \
} else {
$(RM) "$(1)"
$(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) -o "$(1)" $(UNDEFS) "$(LINK_BEGIN_GLUE)" "$(2)" \
rule Object
# find out which headers and defines to use
local headers ;
local sysHeaders ;
local defines ;
on $(1) { # use on $(1) variable values
return ;
# Save HDRS for -I$(HDRS) on compile.
# We shouldn't need -I$(SEARCH_SOURCE) as cc can find headers
# in the .c file's directory, but generated .c files (from
# yacc, lex, etc) are located in $(LOCATE_TARGET), possibly
# different from $(SEARCH_SOURCE).
$(HDRS) ;
sysHeaders = $(SUBDIRSYSHDRS) $(SYSHDRS) ;
defines = $(DEFINES) ;
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
sysHeaders += $(HOST_HDRS) ;
defines += $(HOST_DEFINES) ;
if $(USES_BE_API) {
sysHeaders += $(HOST_BE_API_HEADERS) ;
} else {
sysHeaders += $(TARGET_HDRS) ;
defines += $(TARGET_DEFINES) ;
# locate object and search for source
LocalClean clean : $(<) ;
MakeLocateDebug $(<) ;
HDRS on $(<) = $(headers) ;
SYSHDRS on $(<) = $(sysHeaders) ;
# handle #includes for source: Jam scans for headers with
# the regexp pattern $(HDRSCAN) and then invokes $(HDRRULE)
# with the scanned file as the target and the found headers
# as the sources. HDRSEARCH is the value of SEARCH used for
# the found header files. Finally, if jam must deal with
# header files of the same name in different directories,
# they can be distinguished with HDRGRIST.
# $(SEARCH_SOURCE:E) is where cc first looks for #include
# "foo.h" files. If the source file is in a distant directory,
# look there. Else, look in "" (the current directory).
HDRRULE on $(>) = HdrRule ;
HDRSEARCH on $(>) = $(headers) $(sysHeaders) $(STDHDRS) ;
HDRGRIST on $(>) = $(HDRGRIST) ;
# propagate target specific-defines
DEFINES on $(1) = $(defines) ;
# if source is not .c, generate .c with specific rule
switch $(>:S)
case .asm : As $(<) : $(>) ;
case .c : Cc $(<) : $(>) ;
case .C : C++ $(<) : $(>) ;
case .cc : C++ $(<) : $(>) ;
case .cpp : C++ $(<) : $(>) ;
case .f : Fortran $(<) : $(>) ;
case .l : if [ on $(2) return $(GENERATE_C++) ] {
InheritPlatform $(<:S=.cpp) : $(1) ;
C++ $(<) : $(<:S=.cpp) ;
Lex $(<:S=.cpp) : $(>) ;
} else {
InheritPlatform $(<:S=.c) : $(1) ;
Cc $(<) : $(<:S=.c) ;
Lex $(<:S=.c) : $(>) ;
case *.o : return ;
case .s : As $(<) : $(>) ;
case .S : As $(<) : $(>) ;
case .y : if [ on $(2) return $(GENERATE_C++) ] {
InheritPlatform $(1:S=.cpp) $(1:S=.hpp) : $(1) ;
C++ $(1) : $(1:S=.cpp) ;
Yacc $(1:S=.cpp) $(1:S=.hpp) : $(2) ;
} else {
InheritPlatform $(1:S=.c) $(1:S=.h) : $(1) ;
Cc $(1) : $(1:S=.c) ;
Yacc $(1:S=.c) $(1:S=.h) : $(2) ;
case * : UserObject $(<) : $(>) ;
rule As
local flags ;
local includesSeparator ;
local localIncludesOption ;
local systemIncludesOption ;
if [ on $(1) return $(PLATFORM) ] = host {
flags = [ on $(1) return $(HOST_ASFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) ] ;
CC on $(1) = $(HOST_CC) ;
includesSeparator = $(HOST_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(HOST_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(HOST_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
} else {
flags = [ on $(1) return $(TARGET_ASFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) ] ;
CC on $(1) = $(TARGET_CC) ;
includesSeparator = $(TARGET_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(TARGET_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(TARGET_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
ASFLAGS on $(<) += $(flags) $(SUBDIRASFLAGS) ;
ASHDRS on $(<) = [ on $(<) FIncludes $(HDRS) : $(localIncludesOption) ]
[ on $(<) FSysIncludes $(SYSHDRS) : $(systemIncludesOption) ] ;
ASDEFS on $(<) = [ on $(<) FDefines $(DEFINES) ] ;
# TODO: The KERNEL_CCFLAGS were used here before. Check whether we need any
# flags we don't have now.
actions As
$(CC) -c "$(2)" -O2 $(ASFLAGS) -D_ASSEMBLER $(ASDEFS) $(ASHDRS) -o "$(1)" ;
rule Lex
Depends $(1) : $(2) ;
MakeLocateArch $(1) ;
LocalClean clean : $(1) ;
actions Lex
$(LEX) $(LEXFLAGS) -o$(1) $(2)
rule Yacc
local source = $(1[1]) ;
local header = $(1[2]) ;
local yaccSource = $(2) ;
MakeLocateArch $(source) $(header) ;
Depends $(source) $(header) : $(yaccSource) ;
Yacc1 $(source) $(header) : $(yaccSource) ;
LocalClean clean : $(source) $(header) ;
# make sure someone includes $(header) else it will be
# a deadly independent target
Includes $(source) : $(header) ;
actions Yacc1
bison $(YACCFLAGS) -o $(1[1]) $(2)
[ -f $(1[1]).h ] && mv $(1[1]).h $(1[2]) || true
rule Cc
Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
on $(1) {
local flags ;
local includesSeparator ;
local localIncludesOption ;
local systemIncludesOption ;
# optimization flags
if $(DEBUG) = 0 {
flags += $(OPTIM) ;
} else {
flags += -O0 ;
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
# warning flags
if $(WARNINGS) != 0 {
# debug and other flags
if $(USES_BE_API) {
flags += $(HOST_BE_API_CCFLAGS) ;
CC on $(1) = $(HOST_CC) ;
includesSeparator = $(HOST_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(HOST_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(HOST_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
} else {
# warning flags
if $(WARNINGS) != 0 {
# debug and other flags
CC on $(1) = $(TARGET_CC) ;
includesSeparator = $(TARGET_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(TARGET_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(TARGET_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
CCFLAGS on $(<) = $(flags) ;
CCHDRS on $(<) = [ FIncludes $(HDRS) : $(localIncludesOption) ]
[ FSysIncludes $(SYSHDRS) : $(systemIncludesOption) ] ;
CCDEFS on $(<) = [ FDefines $(DEFINES) ] ;
actions Cc
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c "$(2)" $(CCDEFS) $(CCHDRS) -o "$(1)" ;
rule C++
Depends $(<) : $(>) ;
on $(1) {
local flags ;
local includesSeparator ;
local localIncludesOption ;
local systemIncludesOption ;
# optimization flags
if $(DEBUG) = 0 {
flags += $(OPTIM) ;
} else {
flags += -O0 ;
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
# warning flags
if $(WARNINGS) != 0 {
flags += $(HOST_WARNING_C++FLAGS) ;
# debug and other flags
if $(USES_BE_API) {
flags += $(HOST_BE_API_C++FLAGS) ;
C++ on $(1) = $(HOST_C++) ;
includesSeparator = $(HOST_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(HOST_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(HOST_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
} else {
# warning flags
if $(WARNINGS) != 0 {
# debug and other flags
C++ on $(1) = $(TARGET_C++) ;
includesSeparator = $(TARGET_INCLUDES_SEPARATOR) ;
localIncludesOption = $(TARGET_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(TARGET_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
C++FLAGS on $(<) = $(flags) ;
CCHDRS on $(<) = [ FIncludes $(HDRS) : $(localIncludesOption) ]
[ FSysIncludes $(SYSHDRS) : $(systemIncludesOption) ] ;
CCDEFS on $(<) = [ FDefines $(DEFINES) ] ;
actions C++
$(C++) -c "$(2)" $(C++FLAGS) $(CCDEFS) $(CCHDRS) -o "$(1)" ;
actions together Archive
# Force recreation of the archive to avoid build errors caused by
# stale dependencies after renaming or deleting object files.
$(RM) $(<)
$(AR) $(<) $(>)
rule Library
local lib = $(1) ;
local sources = [ FGristFiles $(2) ] ;
local objects = $(sources:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ;
InheritPlatform $(objects) : $(lib) ;
LibraryFromObjects $(lib) : $(objects) ;
Objects $(sources) ;
rule LibraryFromObjects
local _i _l _s ;
# Add grist to file names
# bonefish: No, don't. The Library rule does that anyway, and when we
# have an object from another dir, we certainly don't want that.
_s = $(>) ;
_l = $(<:S=$(SUFLIB)) ;
on $(_l) {
# set the tools according to the platform
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
AR on $(_l) = $(HOST_AR) $(HOST_ARFLAGS) ;
RANLIB on $(_l) = $(HOST_RANLIB) ;
} else {
AR on $(_l) = $(TARGET_AR) $(TARGET_ARFLAGS) ;
RANLIB on $(_l) = $(TARGET_RANLIB) ;
# library depends on its member objects
LocalDepends obj : $(_s) ;
LocalDepends lib : $(_l) ;
# Set LOCATE for the library and its contents. The bound
# value shows up as $(NEEDLIBS) on the Link actions.
# For compatibility, we only do this if the library doesn't
# already have a path.
if ! $(_l:D)
# locate the library only, if it hasn't been located yet
local dir = $(LOCATE[1]) ;
if ! $(dir) {
MakeLocateDebug $(_l) ;
dir = [ on $(_l) return $(LOCATE[1]) ] ;
# Note: The "on ..." is necessary, since our environment
# isn't changed by MakeLocateDebug.
MakeLocate $(_l)($(_s:BS)) : $(dir) ;
# If we can't scan the library to timestamp its contents,
# we have to just make the library depend directly on the
# on-disk object files.
Depends $(_l) : $(_s) ;
# If we can scan the library, we make the library depend
# on its members and each member depend on the on-disk
# object file.
Depends $(_l) : $(_l)($(_s:BS)) ;
for _i in $(_s)
Depends $(_l)($(_i:BS)) : $(_i) ;
LocalClean clean : $(_l) ;
# bonefish: Not needed on the supported platforms. Maybe later...
# if $(CRELIB) { CreLib $(_l) : $(_s[1]) ; }
Archive $(_l) : $(_s) ;
if $(RANLIB) { Ranlib $(_l) ; }
# If we can't scan the library, we have to leave the .o's around.
if ! ( $(KEEPOBJS) || $(NOARSCAN) || $(NOARUPDATE) ) {
RmTemps $(_l) : $(_s) ;
rule Main
local target = $(1) ;
local sources = [ FGristFiles $(2) ] ;
local objects = $(sources:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ;
InheritPlatform $(objects) : $(target) ;
MainFromObjects $(target) : $(objects) ;
Objects $(sources) ;
rule MainFromObjects
local _s _t ;
# Add grist to file names
# Add suffix to exe
_s = [ FGristFiles $(>) ] ;
_t = [ FAppendSuffix $(<) : $(SUFEXE) ] ;
# so 'jam foo' works when it's really foo.exe
if $(_t) != $(<)
Depends $(<) : $(_t) ;
NotFile $(<) ;
# make compiled sources a dependency of target
LocalDepends exe : $(_t) ;
Depends $(_t) : $(_s) ;
MakeLocateDebug $(_t) ;
LocalClean clean : $(_t) ;
Link $(_t) : $(_s) ;
# Override Jam 2.5rc3 MakeLocate and MkDir to deal more intelligently
# with grist set on the supplied directory name.
rule MakeLocate
local dir = $(2[1]) ;
if $(dir)
if ! $(dir:G) {
dir = $(dir:G=dir) ;
LOCATE on $(1) += $(dir:G=) ; # don't relocate once located
Depends $(1) : $(dir) ;
MkDir $(dir) ;
rule MkDir
local dir = $(<) ;
if ! $(dir:G) {
dir = $(dir:G=dir) ;
# make this and all super directories
while true {
# If dir exists, don't update it
# Do this even for $(DOT).
NoUpdate $(dir) ;
# Bail out when reaching the CWD (".") or a directory we've already
# made.
if $(dir:G=) = $(DOT) || $($(dir:G=)-mkdir) {
return ;
local s ;
# Cheesy gate to prevent multiple invocations on same dir
# MkDir1 has the actions
# Arrange for jam dirs
$(dir:G=)-mkdir = true ;
MkDir1 $(dir) ;
LocalDepends dirs : $(dir) ;
# Recursively make parent directories.
# $(dir:P) = $(dir)'s parent, & we recurse until root
s = $(dir:P) ; # parent keeps grist
if $(s:G=) && $(s) != $(dir) {
Depends $(dir) : $(s) ;
dir = $(s) ;
} else if $(s) {
NotFile $(s) ;
break ;
rule ObjectCcFlags
# supports inheriting the global variable value
local file ;
for file in [ FGristFiles $(1:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ] {
CCFLAGS on $(file) = [ on $(file) return $(CCFLAGS) ] $(2) ;
rule ObjectC++Flags
# supports inheriting the global variable value
local file ;
for file in [ FGristFiles $(1:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ] {
C++FLAGS on $(file) = [ on $(file) return $(C++FLAGS) ] $(2) ;
rule ObjectDefines
# supports inheriting the global variable value and multiple files
if $(2) {
local file ;
for file in [ FGristFiles $(1:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ] {
DEFINES on $(file) = [ on $(file) return $(DEFINES) ] $(2) ;
CCDEFS on $(file) = [ on $(file) FDefines $(DEFINES) ] ;
rule ObjectHdrs
# ObjectHdrs <sources or objects> : <headers> : <gristed objects>
# Note: Parameter 3 <gristed objects> is an extension.
local objects = [ FGristFiles $(1:S=$(SUFOBJ)) ] $(3) ;
local headers = $(2) ;
local file ;
for file in $(objects) {
on $(file) {
local localHeaders = $(HDRS) $(headers) ;
SYSHDRS on $(file) = $(localHeaders) ;
# reformat ASHDRS and CCHDRS
local fileHeaders ;
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
fileHeaders =
[ FIncludes $(localHeaders) : $(HOST_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ]
[ FSysIncludes $(SYSHDRS)
} else {
fileHeaders =
[ FIncludes $(localHeaders) : $(TARGET_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ]
[ FSysIncludes $(SYSHDRS)
ASHDRS on $(file) = $(fileHeaders) ;
CCHDRS on $(file) = $(fileHeaders) ;
# Overridden to avoid calling SubDir for a directory twice (in SubInclude
# and from the Jamfile in the directory).
rule SubInclude
# SubInclude TOP d1 ... ;
# Include a subdirectory's Jamfile.
if ! $($(<[1]))
Exit SubInclude $(<[1]) without prior SubDir $(<[1]) ;
# Set up the config variables for the subdirectory.
local config = [ ConfigObject $(1) ] ;
__configured = ;
if ! [ on $(config) return $(__configured) ] {
# No custom configuration defined for the subdir. We use the variable
# values inherited by the closest ancestor.
local oldSubDirTokens = $(SUBDIR_TOKENS) ;
on $(config) {
include [ FDirName $($(1[1])) $(1[2-) $(JAMFILE) ] ;
SUBDIR_TOKENS = $(oldSubDirTokens) ;