git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/trunk/current@2923 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
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/ File: TimeSource.h
/ Description: A BTimeSource is something to which others can slave timing information
/ using the Media Kit.
/ Copyright 1997-98, Be Incorporated, All Rights Reserved
#if !defined(_TIME_SOURCE_H)
#define _TIME_SOURCE_H
#include <MediaDefs.h>
#include <MediaNode.h>
class _BSlaveNodeStorageP;
namespace BPrivate { namespace media {
class BMediaRosterEx;
class TimeSourceObject;
class SystemTimeSourceObject;
struct TimeSourceTransmit;
struct SlaveNodes;
} }
class BTimeSource :
public virtual BMediaNode
/* this has to be at the top to force a vtable */
virtual ~BTimeSource();
virtual status_t SnoozeUntil( /* returns error if stopped */
bigtime_t performance_time,
bigtime_t with_latency = 0,
bool retry_signals = false);
bigtime_t Now(); /* convenience, less accurate */
bigtime_t PerformanceTimeFor( /* all three go through GetTime() */
bigtime_t real_time);
bigtime_t RealTimeFor(
bigtime_t performance_time,
bigtime_t with_latency);
bool IsRunning();
status_t GetTime( /* return B_OK if reading is usable */
bigtime_t * performance_time,
bigtime_t * real_time,
float * drift);
static bigtime_t RealTime(); /* this produces real time, nothing else is guaranteed to */
status_t GetStartLatency(
bigtime_t * out_latency);
virtual status_t HandleMessage(
int32 message,
const void * data,
size_t size);
void PublishTime( /* call this at convenient times to update approximation */
bigtime_t performance_time,
bigtime_t real_time,
float drift);
void BroadcastTimeWarp(
bigtime_t at_real_time,
bigtime_t new_performance_time); /* when running */
void SendRunMode(
run_mode mode);
virtual void SetRunMode(
run_mode mode); /* or, instead, SendRunMode() */
enum time_source_op {
struct time_source_op_info {
time_source_op op;
int32 _reserved1;
bigtime_t real_time;
bigtime_t performance_time;
int32 _reserved2[6];
virtual status_t TimeSourceOp(
const time_source_op_info & op,
void * _reserved) = 0;
friend class BMediaNode;
friend class BMediaRoster;
friend class BPrivate::media::BMediaRosterEx;
friend class BPrivate::media::TimeSourceObject;
friend class BPrivate::media::SystemTimeSourceObject;
BTimeSource( /* private unimplemented */
const BTimeSource & clone);
BTimeSource & operator=(
const BTimeSource & clone);
/* Mmmh, stuffing! */
status_t _Reserved_TimeSource_0(void *); // TimeSourceOp()
virtual status_t _Reserved_TimeSource_1(void *);
virtual status_t _Reserved_TimeSource_2(void *);
virtual status_t _Reserved_TimeSource_3(void *);
virtual status_t _Reserved_TimeSource_4(void *);
virtual status_t _Reserved_TimeSource_5(void *);
bool fStarted;
area_id fArea;
volatile BPrivate::media::TimeSourceTransmit *fBuf;
BPrivate::media::SlaveNodes *fSlaveNodes;
area_id _reserved_area;
bool fIsRealtime;
bool _reserved_bool_[3];
uint32 _reserved_time_source_[10];
explicit BTimeSource(
media_node_id id);
void FinishCreate(); /* called by roster and/or server */
virtual status_t RemoveMe(BMediaNode * node);
virtual status_t AddMe(BMediaNode * node);
void DirectStart(bigtime_t at);
void DirectStop(bigtime_t at, bool immediate);
void DirectSeek(bigtime_t to, bigtime_t at);
void DirectSetRunMode(run_mode mode);
void DirectAddMe(const media_node &node);
void DirectRemoveMe(const media_node &node);
#endif /* _TIME_SOURCE_H */