git_svn needs alien_svn, but we don't include this in the build repos. Remove it from the preinstalled software, it is available in the depot if people need it.
276 lines
9.2 KiB
276 lines
9.2 KiB
# This file defines the optional packages that can be added to the Haiku image.
# It is directly included from HaikuImage -- all variables defined there can
# be used.
# Available Optional Packages:
# BeOSCompatibility - creates links within the system to support old apps
# Bluetooth - experimental Haiku components for Bluetooth
# Development - more complete dev environment (including autotools)
# DevelopmentBase - basic development environment (gcc, headers, libs,...)
# DevelopmentMin - development headers, libs, tools, from sources only
# FFMpeg - audio/video library
# FFMpeg-devel - FFMpeg development files
# Git - the distributed version control system
# WebPositive - native, WebKit-based web browser
# Welcome - introductory documentation to Haiku
# WifiFirmwareScriptData - data files needed by install-wifi-firmwares.sh
# dependencies between optional packages
OptionalPackageDependencies Development : DevelopmentBase ;
OptionalPackageDependencies DevelopmentBase : DevelopmentMin ;
OptionalPackageDependencies DevelopmentPowerPC : DevelopmentMin ;
OptionalPackageDependencies NetFS : UserlandFS ;
local baseURL = http://haiku-files.org/files/optional-packages ;
# BeBook
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded BeBook ] {
AddHaikuImagePackages be_book ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage home Desktop
: /boot/system/documentation/BeBook/index.html
: BeBook ;
# BeOSCompatibility
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded BeOSCompatibility ] {
if $(TARGET_ARCH) != x86 {
Echo "No optional package BeOSCompatibility available for"
Echo "No optional package BeOSCompatibility available for gcc4" ;
} else {
Echo "Warning: Adding BeOS compatibility symlinks. This will go away."
"Please fix your apps!" ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage beos : ../system/apps ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage beos : ../system/bin ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage beos
: ../system/documentation ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage beos : ../system/settings/etc ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage beos : ../system/preferences ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage beos : ../system ;
AddDirectoryToHaikuImage var ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage var : /boot/system/var/log ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage var : /boot/system/cache/tmp ;
# Bluetooth stack
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded Bluetooth ] {
# TODO: Make this an actual package!
# local bluetoothDrivers = h2generic ;
# AddDriversToHaikuImage bluetooth : $(bluetoothDrivers) ;
# AddFilesToHaikuImage system servers : bluetooth_server ;
# AddFilesToHaikuImage system lib : libbluetooth.so ;
# AddFilesToHaikuImage
# system add-ons kernel network protocols : l2cap ;
# AddFilesToHaikuImage system add-ons kernel bluetooth
# : btCoreData hci ;
# AddFilesToHaikuImage system preferences : Bluetooth ;
# AddFilesToHaikuImage system bin : bt_dev_info bt_discovery ;
# AddSymlinkToHaikuImage home config settings deskbar menu Preferences
# : /boot/system/preferences/Bluetooth ;
# if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded DevelopmentMin ]
# local arch = $(TARGET_ARCH) ;
# AddSymlinkToHaikuImage system develop lib
# : /system/lib libbluetooth.so ;
# }
# Development
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded Development ] {
# auto tools and perl
AddHaikuImagePackages autoconf automake perl texinfo ;
# some other build tools
AddHaikuImagePackages pkgconfig scons ;
# devel packages for mandatory packages
local architectureObject ;
for architectureObject in [ MultiArchSubDirSetup ] {
on $(architectureObject) {
AddHaikuImagePackages curl_devel ffmpeg_devel fontconfig_devel
freetype_devel glu_devel jpeg_devel libpng16_devel zlib_devel ;
# DevelopmentBase
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded DevelopmentBase ] {
# gcc and binutils (for all target architectures)
local architectureObject ;
for architectureObject in [ MultiArchSubDirSetup ] {
on $(architectureObject) {
AddHaikuImagePackages binutils gcc ;
# other commonly used tools
AddHaikuImagePackages bison cdrtools flex jam m4 make mkdepend nasm patch ;
# DevelopmentMin
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded DevelopmentMin ]
&& ( $(TARGET_ARCH) = x86 || $(TARGET_ARCH) = x86_64 ) {
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system
# FFmpeg
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded FFMpeg ] {
local packages = ffmpeg speex libtheora libvorbis libogg libvpx3 ;
AddHaikuImagePackages $(packages) ;
# FFmpeg-devel
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded FFMpeg-devel ] {
local packages = ffmpeg speex libtheora libvorbis libogg libvpx3 ;
AddHaikuImagePackages $(packages)_devel ;
# Git
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded Git ] {
AddHaikuImagePackages git git_arch git_daemon git_email ;
# WebPositive
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded WebPositive ] {
local architectureObject ;
for architectureObject in [ MultiArchSubDirSetup ] {
on $(architectureObject) {
if [ FIsBuildFeatureEnabled webpositive ] {
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : webpositive.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
: home config settings WebPositive ;
break ;
# Welcome
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded Welcome ] {
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_ca.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_de.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_en.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_es.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_fi.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_fr.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_hu.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_it.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_jp.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_pl.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_pt_BR.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_pt_PT.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_ru.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_sk.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_sv_SE.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_uk.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_userguide_zh_CN.hpkg
: nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddPackageFilesToHaikuImage system : haiku_welcome.hpkg : nameFromMetaInfo ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage home Desktop : /boot/system/bin/welcome
: Welcome ;
AddSymlinkToHaikuImage home Desktop : /boot/system/bin/userguide
: User\ Guide ;
# WifiFirmwareScriptData
# This optional package is for people who build their own images & have wifi
# hardware that requires install-wifi-firmwares.sh & have no active network
# connection. This is not to be added to default images.
if [ IsOptionalHaikuImagePackageAdded WifiFirmwareScriptData ] {
# TODO: Make this an actual package!
# if $(TARGET_ARCH) != x86 {
# Echo "No optional package WifiFirmwareScriptData available for"
# } else {
# # broadcom43xx
# # firmware cutter
# local broadcomFWCutterArchive = b43-fwcutter-012.tar.bz2 ;
# local broadcomFWCutterURL =
# http://www.haiku-files.org/files/wifi-firmwares/b43/fwcutter/$(broadcomFWCutterArchive) ;
# local broadcomFWCutterFile = [ DownloadFile $(broadcomFWCutterArchive)
# : $(broadcomFWCutterURL) ] ;
# AddFilesToHaikuImage
# system data firmware broadcom43xx b43-fwcutter
# : $(broadcomFWCutterFile) ;
# # headers needed to compile firmware cutter
# local glibcDir = [ FDirName
# $(HAIKU_TOP) src system libroot posix glibc ] ;
# local byteswapHeader = [ FDirName $(glibcDir) string byteswap.h ] ;
# AddFilesToHaikuImage
# system data firmware broadcom43xx b43-fwcutter
# : $(byteswapHeader) ;
# local bitByteswapHeader = [ FDirName
# $(glibcDir) include arch x86 bits byteswap.h ] ;
# AddFilesToHaikuImage
# system data firmware broadcom43xx b43-fwcutter bits
# : $(bitByteswapHeader) ;
# # file containing firmware
# local broadcom43xxFile ;
# broadcom43xxFile = [ DownloadFile wl_apsta-
# : http://www.haiku-files.org/files/wifi-firmwares/b43/wl_apsta- ] ;
# AddFilesToHaikuImage system data firmware broadcom43xx
# : $(broadcom43xxFile) ;
# # marvell88w8335
# local marvellArchive = malo-firmware-1.4.tgz ;
# local marvellURL = http://www.haiku-files.org/files/wifi-firmwares/marvell/$(marvellArchive) ;
# local marvellFile = [ DownloadFile $(marvellArchive) : $(marvellURL) ] ;
# AddFilesToHaikuImage system data firmware marvell88w8335
# : $(marvellFile) ;
# }