
2198 lines
66 KiB

* Copyright 2007, Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Niels Sascha Reedijk, niels.reedijk@gmail.com
* Corresponds to:
* /trunk/headers/os/app/Message.h rev 21562
* /trunk/src/kits/app/Message.cpp rev 22240
\file Message.h
\brief Provides the BMessage class.
///// Name lengths and Scripting specifiers /////
\brief Undocumented...
\brief Undocumented...
\brief Undocumented...
\brief Undocumented...
\brief Undocumented...
\brief Undocumented...
\brief Undocumented...
\brief Undocumented...
\brief Undocumented...
\brief Undocumented...
\brief Undocumented...
///// Class BMessage /////
\class BMessage
\ingroup app
\brief A container that can be send and received using the Haiku messaging
This class is at the center of the web of messaging classes, in the sense
that it defines the actual structure of the messages. Messages have two
<b>important elements</b>: the #what identifer, and the data members. The
first can be directly manipulated, the latter can be manipulated through
AddData(), FindData() and ReplaceData() and their deratives. Neither of
these elements are mandatory.
The second important role of BMessage is that it stores <b>meta data</b>:
who sent the message and with what intention? The methods of BMessage will
disclose if the message was a reply (IsReply()), where it came from
(IsSourceRemote()), whether a reply is expected (IsSourceWaiting()), and in
case the message is a reply, what it's a reply to (Previous()).
Mostly, messages are used to pass information between the the objects in
your application, but because messages are such flexible data containers,
they are also often used for other <b>data storage purposes</b>. Many
applications store their settings as messages. Because messages can be
flattened to data streams (such as files), they provide an easy but
powerful tool for data storage.
All methods can be classified in these areas:
- Adding, Finding, Replacing and Removing Data.
- Statistics and Miscelanous information.
- Delivery information.
- Utilities to reply to messages.
To see how messages fit in with the greater picture, have a look at the
\ref app_messaging "Messaging Introduction".
\var BMessage::what
\brief A 4-byte constant that determines the type of message.
You can directly manipulate this data member.
\fn BMessage::BMessage()
\brief Construct an empty message, without any data members and with a
\c what constant set to zero (0).
\see BMessage(uint32 what)
\see BMessage(const BMessage &other)
\fn BMessage::BMessage(uint32 what)
\brief Construct an empty message with the \c what member set tot the
specified value.
\see BMessage::BMessage()
\see BMessage::BMessage(const BMessage &other)
\fn BMessage::BMessage(const BMessage &other)
\brief Construct a new message that is a copy of another message.
The \c what member and the data values are copied. The metadata, such as
whether or not the message is a drop message or reply information, is
not copied. So if the original message is a reply to a previous message,
which will make IsReply() return \c true, calling the same method on a copy
of the message will return \c false.
\remarks BeOS R5 did keep the metadata of the message. Haiku deviates from
this behaviour. Please use the Haiku implementation of message copying as
the default behavior. This will keep your applications backwards
\see BMessage::BMessage()
\see BMessage(uint32 what)
\fn BMessage::~BMessage()
\brief Free the data members associated with the message.
If there still is a sender waiting for a reply, the \c B_NO_REPLY message
will be sent to inform them that there won't be a reply.
\fn BMessage &BMessage::operator=(const BMessage &other)
\brief Copy one message into another.
See the copy constructor, BMessage(const BMessage &other), for details on what is
copied, and what isn't.
\name Statistics and Miscelanous Information
//! @{
\fn status_t BMessage::GetInfo(type_code typeRequested, int32 index,
char **nameFound, type_code *typeFound, int32 *countFound) const
\brief Retrieve the name, the type and the number of items in a message by
an \a index.
\param[in] typeRequested If you want to limit the search to only one type,
pass that type code here. If you don't care which type the data has,
you can pass \c B_ANY_TYPE.
\param[in] index The index of the data you want to investigate.
\param[out] nameFound The name of the item if it is found. Haiku will fill
in a pointer to the internal name buffer in the message. This means
that you should not manipulate this name. If you are not interested in
the name, you can safely pass \c NULL.
\param[out] typeFound The type of the item at \a index. If you are not
interested in the type (because you specifically asked for a type), you
can safely pass NULL.
\param[out] countFound The number of items at \a index. If data items have
the same name, they will be placed under the same index.
\return If the \a index is found, and matches the requested type, the
other parameters will be filled in. If this is not the case, the method
will return with an error.
\retval B_OK An match was found. The values have been filled in.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index was out of range. None of the passed
variables have been altered.
\retval B_BAD_TYPE The data field at \a index does not have the requested
\fn status_t BMessage::GetInfo(const char *name, type_code *typeFound,
int32 *countFound) const
\brief Retrieve the type and the number of data items in this message that
are associated with a \a name.
\param[in] name The name of the data member that you are looking for.
\param[out] typeFound In case of a match, the name of the data member will
be put in this parameter. In case you are not interested, you can pass
\c NULL.
\param[out] countFound In case of a match, the number of items at this
label will be in this parameter. In case you are not interested, you
can safely pass \c NULL.
\return If the message has data associated with the given \a name, the
other parameters will contain information associated with the data.
Else, the method will return with an error.
\retval B_OK A match was found. The other parameters have been filled in.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE You passed \c NULL as argument to \a name.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no data with the label \a name.
\fn status_t BMessage::GetInfo(const char *name, type_code *typeFound,
bool *fixedSize) const
\brief Retrieve the type and whether or not the size of the data is fixed
associated with a \a name.
This method is the same as GetInfo(const char *,type_code *, int32 *) const , with the difference that you can find out whether or
not the size of the data associated with the \a name is fixed. You will
get this value in the variable you passed as \a fixedSize parameter.
\fn int32 BMessage::CountNames(type_code type) const
\brief Count the number of names of a certain \a type.
This method can be used to count the number of items of a certain type.
It's practical use is limited to debugging purposes.
\param type The type you want to find. If you pass \c B_ANY_TYPE, this
method will return the total number of data items.
\return The number of data items in this message with the specified
\a type, or zero in case no items match the type.
\fn bool BMessage::IsEmpty() const
\brief Check if the message has data members.
\return If this message contains data members, this method will return
\c true, else it will return \c false.
\see MakeEmpty()
\fn bool BMessage::IsSystem() const
\brief Check if the message is a system message.
\return If this message is a system message, the method will return
\c true.
\fn bool BMessage::IsReply() const
\brief Check if the message is a reply to a (previous) message.
\return If this message is a reply, this method will return \c true.
\fn void BMessage::PrintToStream() const
\brief Print the message to the standard output.
This method can be used to debug your application. It can be used to check
if it creates the messages properly, by checking if all the required fields
are present, and it can be used to debug your message handling routines,
especially the handling of those that are sent by external applications, to
see if you understand the semantics correctly.
\fn status_t BMessage::Rename(const char *oldEntry, const char *newEntry)
\brief Rename a data label.
\param oldEntry The name of the label you want to rename.
\param newEntry The new name of the data entry.
\retval B_OK Renaming succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE Either the \a oldEntry or the \a newEntry pointers are
\c NULL.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no data associated with the label
\a oldEntry.
//! @}
\name Delivery Info
//! @{
\fn bool BMessage::WasDelivered() const
\brief Check if this message was delivered through the delivery methods.
If this message is passed via a BMessenger or BLooper::PostMessage(), this
method will return \c true.
\warning This method should not be abused by a thread that sends a message
to track whether or not a message was delivered. This is because the
ownership of the message goes to the receiving looper, which will
delete the message as soon as it is done with it.
\warning If you need to check whether a message is delivered, you should
either ask for a reply, or use one of the synchronous
BMessenger::SendMessage() methods.
\fn bool BMessage::IsSourceWaiting() const
\brief Check if the sender expects a reply.
This method will return \c true, if the sender flagged that it is waiting
for a reply, and such a reply has not yet been sent.
\fn bool BMessage::IsSourceRemote() const
\brief Check if the message is sent by another application.
\fn BMessenger BMessage::ReturnAddress() const
\brief Get a messenger that points to the sender of the message.
Using this method, you can fetch a BMessenger that can be used to deliver
replies to this message. This method works both for local and remote
For remote deliveries, this approach is preferred over sending the reply
using a standard BMessenger that is created with the signature of the
application. A standard BMessenger sends the messages to the main BLooper
of the application, the BApplication object. With the delivery data stored
in the messages, the reply using this messenger will be directed at a
specific looper that is able to handle the replies.
If this method is called on a message that has not been delivered (yet),
it will return an empty BMessenger object.
\fn const BMessage *BMessage::Previous() const
\brief Get the message to which this message is a reply.
\return Returns a new BMessage with the same data stuctures as the message
to which this message is a reply. You get the ownership of this
message, so free it when you're done. If this message isn't a reply to
another message, this method will return \c NULL.
\fn bool BMessage::WasDropped() const
\brief Check if the message was delivered through 'drag and drop'.
\return This method returns \c true if the message has been delivered
through drag and drop. It returns \c false if it has been delivered
through the regular messaging functions, or if the message has not
been delivered at all.
\see DropPoint()
\fn BPoint BMessage::DropPoint(BPoint *offset) const
\brief Get the coordinates of the drop point of the message.
If the message has been delivered because of drag and drop, which can be
verified with the WasDropped() method, this method will return a BPoint to
where exactly the drop off was made.
Because drop messages are delivered to the BWindow in which they were
dropped, and BWindow is a subclass of BLooper, you can use BWindow to
determine based on the location, how you should react to it.
If this message was not delivered through drag and drop, it will return
a \c NULL pointer.
\see WasDropped()
//! @}
\name Replying
//! @{
\fn status_t BMessage::SendReply(uint32 command, BHandler *replyTo)
\brief Asynchronously send a reply to this message.
This is an overloaded member of SendReply(BMessage *, BMessenger, bigtime_t).
Use this variant if you want to send a message without data members.
\fn status_t BMessage::SendReply(BMessage *reply, BHandler *replyTo,
bigtime_t timeout)
\brief Asynchronously send a reply to this message.
This is an overloaded member of SendReply(BMessage *, BMessenger, bigtime_t).
Use this variant if you want to send the message to a specific handler
(instead of a complete messenger).
\fn status_t BMessage::SendReply(BMessage *reply, BMessenger replyTo,
bigtime_t timeout)
\brief Asynchronously send a reply to this message.
This method sends a reply to this message to the sender. On your turn,
you specify a messenger that handles a reply back to the message you
specify as the \a reply argument. You can set a timeout for the message
to be delivered. This method blocks until the message has been received,
or the \a timeout has been reached.
\param reply The message that is in reply to this message.
\param replyTo In case the receiver needs to reply to the message you are
sending, you can specify the return address with this argument.
\param timeout The maximum time in microseconds this delivery may take. The
\a timeout is a relative timeout. You can also use
\c B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT if you want to wait infinitely for the message
to be delivered.
\retval B_OK The message has been delivered.
\retval B_DUPLICATE_REPLY There already has been a reply to this message.
\retval B_BAD_PORT_ID The reply address is not valid (anymore).
\retval B_WOULD_BLOCK The delivery \a timeout was \c B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT
(zero) and the target port was full when trying to deliver the message.
\retval B_TIMED_OUT The timeout expired while trying to deliver the
\see SendReply(uint32 command, BHandler *replyTo)
\fn status_t BMessage::SendReply(uint32 command, BMessage *replyToReply)
\brief Synchronously send a reply to this message, and wait for a reply
This is an overloaded member of SendReply(BMessage *, BMessage *,
bigtime_t, bigtime_t) Use this variant if you want to send a message
without data members.
\fn status_t BMessage::SendReply(BMessage *reply, BMessage *replyToReply,
bigtime_t sendTimeout, bigtime_t replyTimeout)
\brief Synchronously send a reply to this message, and wait for a reply
This method sends a reply to this message to the sender. The \a reply is
delivered, and then the method waits for a reply from the receiver. If a
reply is received, that reply is copied into the \a replyToReply argument.
If the message was delivered properly, but the receiver did not reply
within the specified \a replyTimeout, the \c what member of \a replyToReply
will be set to \c B_NO_REPLY.
\param reply The message that is in reply to this message.
\param[out] replyToReply The reply is copied into this argument.
\param sendTimeout The maximum time in microseconds this delivery may take.
The \a timeout is a relative timeout. You can also use
\c B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT if you want to wait infinitely for the message
to be delivered.
\param replyTimeout The maximum time in microseconds you want to wait for a
reply. Note that the timer starts when the message has been delivered.
\retval B_OK The message has been delivered.
\retval B_DUPLICATE_REPLY There already has been a reply to this message.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE Either \a reply or \a replyToReply is \c NULL.
\retval B_BAD_PORT_ID The reply address is not valid (anymore).
\retval B_WOULD_BLOCK The delivery \a timeout was \c B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT
(zero) and the target port was full when trying to deliver the message.
\retval B_TIMED_OUT The timeout expired while trying to deliver the
\retval B_NO_MORE_PORTS All reply ports are in use.
\see SendReply(uint32 command, BMessage *replyToReply)
//! @}
\name Flattening methods
Because of historical reasons and for binary compatibility, this class
provides a flattening API without inheriting the BFlattenable class. The
API is more or less the same, but you are inconvenienced when you want to
use messages in methods that handle BFlattenable objects.
//! @{
\fn ssize_t BMessage::FlattenedSize() const
\brief Return the size in bytes required when you want to flatten this
message to a stream of bytes.
\fn status_t BMessage::Flatten(char *buffer, ssize_t size) const
\brief Flatten the message to a \a buffer.
\param buffer The buffer to write the data to.
\param size The size of the buffer.
\return \c B_OK in case of success, or an error code in case something went
\warning Make sure the buffer is large enough to hold the message. This
method does not double-check for you!
\see FlattenedSize()
\see Flatten(BDataIO *stream, ssize_t *size) const
\fn status_t BMessage::Flatten(BDataIO *stream, ssize_t *size) const
\brief Flatten the message to a \a stream.
\param[in] stream The stream to flatten the message to.
\param[out] size The method writes the number of bytes actually written to
this argument.
\return \c B_OK in case of success, or an error code in case something went
\warning Make sure the subclass of the BDataIO interface either protects
against buffer overwrites, or check if the number of bytes that is
going to be written isn't larger than it can handle.
\see FlattenedSize()
\see Flatten(char *buffer, ssize_t size) const
\fn status_t BMessage::Unflatten(const char *flatBuffer)
\brief Unflatten a message from a buffer and put it into the current
This action clears the current contents of the message.
\param flatBuffer The buffer that contains the message.
\retval B_OK The buffer has been unflattened.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE The buffer does not contain a valid message.
\retval B_NO_MEMORY An error occured whilst allocating memory for the data
\see Flatten(char *buffer, ssize_t size) const
\see Unflatten(BDataIO *stream)
\fn status_t BMessage::Unflatten(BDataIO *stream)
\brief Unflatten a message from a stream and put it into the current
This action clears the current contents of the message.
\param stream The stream that contains the message.
\retval B_OK The message has been unflattened.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE The stream does not contain a valid message.
\retval B_NO_MEMORY An error occured whilst allocating memory for the data
\see Flatten(BDataIO *stream, ssize_t *size) const
\see Unflatten(const char *flatBuffer)
//! @}
\name Specifiers (Scripting)
//! @{
\fn status_t BMessage::AddSpecifier(const char *property)
\brief Undocumented.
\fn status_t BMessage::AddSpecifier(const char *property, int32 index)
\brief Undocumented.
\fn status_t BMessage::AddSpecifier(const char *property, int32 index,
int32 range)
\brief Undocumented.
\fn status_t BMessage::AddSpecifier(const char *property, const char *name)
\brief Undocumented.
\fn status_t BMessage::AddSpecifier(const BMessage *specifier)
\brief Undocumented.
\fn status_t BMessage::SetCurrentSpecifier(int32 index)
\brief Undocumented.
\fn status_t BMessage::GetCurrentSpecifier(int32 *index,
BMessage *specifier, int32 *what, const char **property) const
\brief Undocumented.
\fn bool BMessage::HasSpecifiers() const
\brief Undocumented.
\fn status_t BMessage::PopSpecifier()
\brief Undocumented.
//! @}
\name Adding Data
//! @{
\fn status_t BMessage::AddData(const char *name, type_code type,
const void *data, ssize_t numBytes, bool isFixedSize, int32 count)
\brief Add \a data of a certain \a type to the message.
The amount of \a numBytes is copied into the message. The data is stored
at the label specified in \a name. You are responsible for specifying the
correct \a type. The Haiku API already specifies many constants, such as
B_FLOAT_TYPE or B_RECT_TYPE. See TypeConstants.h for more information on
the system-wide defined types.
If the field with the \a name already exists, the data is added in an
array-like form. If you are adding a certain \a name for the first time,
you are able to specify some properties of this array. You can fix the size
of each data entry, and you can also instruct BMessage to allocate a
\a count of items. The latter does not mean that the number of items is
fixed; the array will grow nonetheless. Also, note that every \a name can
only be associated with one \a type of data. If consecutive method calls
specify a different \a type than the initial, these calls will fail.
There is no limit to the number of labels, or the amount of data, but
note that searching of data members is linear, as well as that some
messages will be copied whilst being passed around, so if the amount of
data you need to pass is too big, find another way to pass it.
\param name The label to which this data needs to be associated. If the
\a name already exists, the new data will be added in an array-like
\param type The type of data. If you are adding data to the same \a name,
make sure it is the same type.
\param data The data buffer to copy the bytes from.
\param numBytes The number of bytes to be copied. If this is the first call
to this method for this type of data, and you set \a isFixedSize to
\c true, this will specify the size of all consecutive calls to this
\param isFixedSize If this is the first call to this method with this
\a name, you can specify the whether or not all items in this array
should have the same fixed size.
\param count If this is the first call to this method with this
\a name, you can instruct this message to allocate a number of items in
advance. This does not limit the amount of items though. The array will
grow if needed.
\retval B_OK The \a data is succesfully added.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE The \a numBytes is less than, or equal to zero (0), or
the size of this item is larger than the \a name allows, since it has
been specified to have a fixed size.
\retval B_ERROR There was an error whilst creating the label with your
\a name.
\retval B_BAD_TYPE The \a type you specified is different than the one
already associated with \a name.
\fn status_t BMessage::AddRect(const char *name, BRect aRect)
\brief Convenience method to add a BRect to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_RECT_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param aRect The rectangle to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindRect()
\see ReplaceRect()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddPoint(const char *name, BPoint aPoint)
\brief Convenience method to add a BPoint to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_POINT_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param aPoint The point to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindPoint()
\see ReplacePoint()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddString(const char *name, const char *aString)
\brief Convenience method to add a C-string to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_STRING_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param aString The string to copy to the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindString()
\see ReplaceString()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddString(const char *name, const BString &aString)
\brief Convenience method to add a BString to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_STRING_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param aString The string to copy to the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindString()
\see ReplaceString()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddInt8(const char *name, int8 value)
\brief Convenience method to add an \c int8 to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_INT8_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param value The value to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindInt8()
\see ReplaceInt8()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddInt16(const char *name, int16 value)
\brief Convenience method to add an \c int16 to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_INT16_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param value The value to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindInt16()
\see ReplaceInt16()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddInt32(const char *name, int32 value)
\brief Convenience method to add an \c int32 to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_INT32_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param value The value to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindInt32()
\see ReplaceInt32()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddInt64(const char *name, int64 value)
\brief Convenience method to add an \c int64 to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_INT64_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param value The value to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindInt64()
\see ReplaceInt64()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddBool(const char *name, bool aBoolean)
\brief Convenience method to add a \c bool to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_BOOL_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param aBoolean The value to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindBool()
\see ReplaceBool()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddFloat(const char *name, float aFloat)
\brief Convenience method to add a \c float to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_FLOAT_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param aFloat The value to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindFloat()
\see ReplaceFloat()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddDouble(const char *name, double aDouble)
\brief Convenience method to add a \c double to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_DOUBLE_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param aDouble The value to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindDouble()
\see ReplaceDouble()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddPointer(const char *name, const void *aPointer)
\brief Convenience method to add a \c pointer to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_POINTER_TYPE \a type.
\warning If you want to share objects between applications, please remember
that each application has its own address space, and that it therefore
is useless to try to pass around objects by sending pointers in
messages. You should think about copying the entire object in the
message, or you should consider using shared memory.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param aPointer The value to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindPointer()
\see ReplacePointer()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddMessenger(const char *name, BMessenger messenger)
\brief Convenience method to add a messenger to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_MESSENGER_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param messenger The messenger to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindMessenger()
\see ReplaceMessenger()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddRef(const char *name, const entry_ref *ref)
\brief Convenience method to add an \c entry_ref to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_REF_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param ref The reference to store in the message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindRef()
\see ReplaceRef()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddMessage(const char *name, const BMessage *message)
\brief Convenience method to add a message to the label \a name.
This method calls AddData() with the \c B_MESSAGE_TYPE \a type.
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param message The message to store in this message.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindMessage()
\see ReplaceMessage()
\fn status_t BMessage::AddFlat(const char *name, BFlattenable *object,
int32 count = 1)
\brief Convenience method to add a flattenable to the label \a name.
This method uses BFlattenable::TypeCode() to determine the type. It also
uses BFlattenable::IsFixedSize() to determine whether or not the size of
the object is supposedly always the same. You can specify a \a count, to
pre-allocate more entries if you are going to add more than one of this
\param name The label to associate the data with.
\param object The object to flatten into the message.
\param count The number of items to pre-allocate associated with this
\a name.
\see AddData() for a more detailed overview of the inner workings.
\see FindFlat()
\see ReplaceFlat()
//! @}
\name Removing Data
//! @{
\fn status_t BMessage::RemoveData(const char *name, int32 index)
\brief Remove data associated with \a name at a specified \a index.
If this is the only instance of the data, then the entire label will be
removed. This means you can recreate it with another type.
\param name The \a name of which the associated data should be cleared.
\param index The \a index of the item that should be cleared.
\retval B_OK The data has been removed.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE The \a index is less than zero (0).
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index is out of bounds.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND The \a name does not hava any data associated with
\see RemoveName()
\see MakeEmpty()
\fn status_t BMessage::RemoveName(const char *name)
\brief Remove all data associated with a \a name.
This also removes the label, so that you can recreate it with another type,
if you want to.
\param name The \a name that refers to the data you want to clear out.
\retval B_OK All the data is removed.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE The \a name pointer points to \c NULL.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND The \a name does not exist in this message.
\see RemoveData()
\see MakeEmpty()
\fn status_t BMessage::MakeEmpty()
\brief Clear all data and metadata in this message.
Everything is cleared out, all labels and all associated data, as well
as metadata such as reply info.
\return This method always returns B_OK.
\see RemoveData()
\see RemoveName()
//! @}
\name Finding Data
Look at FindData() for a general introduction to finding data.
/* TODO:
Quick overview:
<tr><th>Type of data</th><th>Type code</th><th>Method</td></tr>
//! @{
\fn status_t BMessage::FindData(const char *name, type_code type,
int32 index, const void **data, ssize_t *numBytes) const
\brief Find \a data that is stored in this message at an \a index.
This method matches the label \a name with the \a type you are asking for,
and it looks for the data that is stored at a certain \a index number. If
all these things match, you will get a pointer to the internal buffer, and
the method will put the size of the item in \a numBytes.
Note that only this method, and FindString(const char *, const char **),
pass a pointer to the internal buffer. The other more specific methods,
such as FindBool() and FindRect() copy the data into a buffer you specify.
This means that the data retrieved with this method is valid until the
message is deleted.
\param name The label the data should be associated with.
\param type The type of data you want to retrieve. You can pass
\c B_ANY_TYPE if you don't mind which type the data is.
\param index The index in the array of the data that you want to retrieve.
Note that the array is zero-based.
\param[out] data A pointer to a pointer where the data can point to.
\param[out] numBytes The size of the data will be put in this parameter.
\retval B_OK The \a name was found, matches the type, and the data at
\a index has been put in \a data.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE One of the output arguments were \c NULL.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see status_t FindData(const char *, type_code, int32,
const void **, ssize_t *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindData(const char *name, type_code type,
const void **data, ssize_t *numBytes) const
\brief Find \a data that is stored in this message.
This is an overloaded method of FindData(const char *, type_code, int32,
const void **, ssize_t *) const, where data is sought at \a index 0.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindRect(const char *name, BRect *rect) const
\brief Find a rectangle at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindRect(const char *, int32, BRect *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindRect(const char *name, int32 index, BRect *rect) const
\brief Find a rectangle at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_RECT_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param rect The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindRect(const char *, BRect *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindPoint(const char *name, BPoint *point) const
\brief Find a point at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindPoint(const char *, int32, BPoint *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindPoint(const char *name, int32 index, BPoint *point) const
\brief Find a point at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_POINT_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param point The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindPoint(const char *, BPoint *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindString(const char *name, const char **string) const
\brief Find a string at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindString(const char *, int32, const char **) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindString(const char *name, int32 index,
const char ** string) const
\brief Find a string at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_STRING_TYPE, and returns a
pointer to the internal buffer of the message. Note that this pointer is
valid, until the message is deleted.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param string The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindString(const char *, const char **) const
\see FindString(const char *, int32, BString *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindString(const char *name, BString *string) const
\brief Find a string at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindString(const char *, int32, BString *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindString(const char *name, int32 index,
BString *string) const
\brief Find a string at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_STRING_TYPE, and copies it
into the \a string object.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param string The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindString(const char *, BString *) const
\see FindString(const char *, int32, const char **) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindInt8(const char *name, int8 *value) const
\brief Find an integer at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindInt8(const char *, int32, int8 *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindInt8(const char *name, int32 index, int8 *value) const
\brief Find an integer at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_INT8_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param value The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindInt8(const char *, int8 *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindInt16(const char *name, int16 *value) const
\brief Find an integer at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindInt8(const char *, int32, int16 *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindInt16(const char *name, int32 index, int16 *value) const
\brief Find an integer at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_INT16_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param value The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindInt16(const char *, int16 *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindInt32(const char *name, int32 *value) const
\brief Find an integer at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindInt32(const char *, int32, int32 *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindInt32(const char *name, int32 index, int32 *value) const
\brief Find an integer at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_INT32_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param value The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindInt32(const char *, int32 *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindInt64(const char *name, int64 *value) const
\brief Find an integer at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindInt64(const char *, int32, int64 *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindInt64(const char *name, int32 index, int64 *value) const
\brief Find an integer at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_INT64_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param value The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindInt64(const char *, int64 *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindBool(const char *name, bool *value) const
\brief Find a boolean at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindBool(const char *, int32, bool *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindBool(const char *name, int32 index, bool *value) const
\brief Find a boolean at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_BOOL_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param value The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindBool(const char *, bool *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindFloat(const char *name, float *value) const
\brief Find a float at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindFloat(const char *, int32, float *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindFloat(const char *name, int32 index, float *value) const
\brief Find a float at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_FLOAT_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param value The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindFloat(const char *, float *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindDouble(const char *name, double *value) const
\brief Find a double at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindDouble(const char *, int32, double *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindDouble(const char *name, int32 index, double *value) const
\brief Find a double at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_DOUBLE_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param value The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindDouble(const char *, double *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindPointer(const char *name, void **pointer) const
\brief Find a pointer at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindPointer(const char *, int32, void *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindPointer(const char *name, int32 index, void **pointer) const
\brief Find a pointer at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_POINTER_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\warning If you want to share objects between applications, please remember
that each application has its own address space, and that it therefore
is useless to try to pass around objects by sending pointers in
messages. You should think about copying the entire object in the
message, or you should consider using shared memory.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param pointer The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindPointer(const char *, double *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindMessenger(const char *name, BMessenger *messenger) const
\brief Find a messenger at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindMessenger(const char *, int32, BMessenger *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindMessenger(const char *name, int32 index,
BMessenger *messenger) const
\brief Find a messenger at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_MESSENGER_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param messenger The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindMessenger(const char *, BMessenger *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindRef(const char *name, entry_ref *ref) const
\brief Find a reference to a file at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindRef(const char *, int32, entry_ref *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindRef(const char *name, int32 index, entry_ref *ref) const
\brief Find a reference to a file at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_REF_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param ref The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindRef(const char *, entry_ref *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindMessage(const char *name, BMessage *message) const
\brief Find a message at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindMessage(const char *, int32, BMessage *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindMessage(const char *name, int32 index,
BMessage *message) const
\brief Find a message at the label \a name at an \a index.
This method looks for the data with the \a B_MESSAGE_TYPE, and copies it into
a provided buffer.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be copied.
\param message The object in which the data should be copied.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindMessage(const char *, BMessage *) const
\fn status_t BMessage::FindFlat(const char *name, BFlattenable *object) const
\brief Find a flattened object at the label \a name.
This is an overloaded method of FindFlat(const char *, int32, BFlattenable *) const
where the data is sought at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::FindFlat(const char *name, int32 index,
BFlattenable *object) const
\brief Find a flattened object at the label \a name at an \a index.
The type is determined by the type of the passed object. If that type is
available at the specified label, then the Unflatten() method of that
object will be called.
\param name The label to which the data is associated.
\param index The index from which the data should be unflattened.
\param object The object in which the data should be unflattened.
\retval B_OK The object now contains the requested data.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index does not exist.
\retval B_NAME_NOT_FOUND There is no field with this \a name.
\see FindFlat(const char *, BFlattenable *) const
//! @}
\name Replacing Data
Look at ReplaceData() for a general introduction to replacing data.
//! @{
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceData(const char *name, type_code type,
const void *data, ssize_t numBytes)
\brief Replace the data at label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method that replaces the data at \a index
zero. See ReplaceData(const char *, type_code, int32, const void *, ssize_t).
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceData(const char *name, type_code type,
int32 index, const void *data, ssize_t numBytes)
\brief Replace the data at label \a name at a specified \a index.
The conditions for replacing data are that the \a name is correct, the
\a type matches and the data entry at \a index exists.
There is also a collection of convenience methods, that allow you to
efficiently replace rectanges (ReplaceRect()), booleans (ReplaceBool()),
and so on.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param type The type of the data.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param data A pointer to the new data that needs to be copied into the
\param numBytes The size of the new data.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE One of the input parameters are invalid. Check that
you did not pass \c NULL, and in case the field has fixed sized data,
check that \a numBytes is the same as the specified fixed size.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The \a index is out of range.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceRect(const char *name, BRect aRect)
\brief Replace a rectangle at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceRect(const char *, int32, BRect).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceRect(const char *name, int32 index, BRect aRect)
\brief Replace a rectangle at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_RECT_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param aRect The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceRect(const char*, BRect)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplacePoint(const char *name, BPoint aPoint)
\brief Replace a point at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplacePoint(const char *, int32, BPoint).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplacePoint(const char *name, int32 index, BPoint aPoint)
\brief Replace a point at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_POINT_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param aPoint The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplacePoint(const char*, aPoint)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceString(const char *name, const char *aString)
\brief Replace a string at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceString(const char *, int32, const char *).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceString(const char *name, int32 index, const char *aString)
\brief Replace a string at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_STRING_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param aString The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceString(const char*, const char *)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceString(const char *name, const BString &aString)
\brief Replace a string at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceString(const char *, int32, BString &).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceString(const char *name, int32 index, const BString &aString)
\brief Replace a string at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_STRING_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param aString The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceString(const char*, BString &)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceInt8(const char *name, int8 value)
\brief Replace an integer at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceInt8(const char *, int32, int8).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceInt8(const char *name, int32 index, int8 value)
\brief Replace an integer at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_INT8_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param value The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceInt8(const char*, int8)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceInt16(const char *name, int16 value)
\brief Replace an integer at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceInt16(const char *, int32, int16).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceInt16(const char *name, int32 index, int16 value)
\brief Replace an integer at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_INT16_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param value The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceInt16(const char*, int16)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceInt32(const char *name, int32 value)
\brief Replace an integer at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceInt8(const char *, int32, int32).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceInt32(const char *name, int32 index, int32 value)
\brief Replace an integer at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_INT32_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param value The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceInt32(const char*, int32)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceInt64(const char *name, int64 value)
\brief Replace an integer at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceInt8(const char *, int32, int64).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceInt64(const char *name, int32 index, int64 value)
\brief Replace an integer at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_INT64_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param value The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceInt64(const char*, int64)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceBool(const char *name, bool aBoolean)
\brief Replace a boolean at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceBool(const char *, int32, bool).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceBool(const char *name, int32 index, bool aBoolean)
\brief Replace a boolean at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_BOOL_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param aBoolean The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceBool(const char*, bool)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceFloat(const char *name, float aFloat)
\brief Replace a float at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceFloat(const char *, int32, float).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceFloat(const char *name, int32 index, float aFloat)
\brief Replace a float at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_FLOAT_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param aFloat The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceFloat(const char*, float)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceDouble(const char *name, double aDouble)
\brief Replace a double at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceDouble(const char *, int32, double).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceDouble(const char *name, int32 index, double aDouble)
\brief Replace a double at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_DOUBLE_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param aDouble The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceDouble(const char*, double)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplacePointer(const char *name, const void *pointer)
\brief Replace a pointer at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplacePointer(const char *, int32, const void *).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplacePointer(const char *name,int32 index,const void *pointer)
\brief Replace a pointer at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_POINTER_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param pointer The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplacePointer(const char*, const void *)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceMessenger(const char *name, BMessenger messenger)
\brief Replace a messenger at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceMessenger(const char *, int32, BMessenger).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceMessenger(const char *name, int32 index, BMessenger messenger)
\brief Replace a messenger at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_MESSENGER_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param messenger The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceMessenger(const char*, BMessenger)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceRef(const char *name,const entry_ref *ref)
\brief Replace a reference to a file at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceRef(const char *, int32, entry_ref *).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceRef( const char *name, int32 index, const entry_ref *ref)
\brief Replace a reference to a file at the label \a name at a specified
\a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_REF_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param ref The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceRef(const char*, entry_ref *)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceMessage(const char *name, const BMessage *message)
\brief Replace a message at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceMessage(const char *, int32, BMessage *).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceMessage(const char *name, int32 index, const BMessage *message)
\brief Replace a message at the label \a name at a specified \a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the \c B_MESSAGE_TYPE.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param message The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceMessage(const char*, BMessage *)
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceFlat(const char *name, BFlattenable *object)
\brief Replace a flattened object at the label \a name.
This method is an overloaded method of ReplaceFlat(const char *, int32, BFlattenable *).
It replaces the data at \a index zero.
\fn status_t BMessage::ReplaceFlat(const char *name, int32 index, BFlattenable *object)
\brief Replace a flattened object at the label \a name at a specified
\a index.
The data at the specified \a name and \a index will be replaced, if it
matches the type returned by your object. This method uses
BFlattenable::TypeCode() to determine the type of the object.
\param name The name associated with the data to replace.
\param index The index in the array to replace.
\param object The object to store in the message.
\retval B_OK The operation succeeded.
\retval B_BAD_INDEX The index was out of range.
\see ReplaceFlat(const char*, BFlattenable *)
//! @}
\name Deprecated methods
These methods are <em>very</em> likely to disappear, and they have been
replaced by safer and more powerful methods. These methods are still
implemented for binary compatibility, but they are not documented.
//! @{
\fn void *BMessage::operator new(size_t size)
\brief Internal operator.
\fn void *BMessage::operator new(size_t, void *pointer)
\brief Internal operator.
\fn void BMessage::operator delete(void *pointer, size_t size)
\brief Internal operator.
\fn bool BMessage::HasRect(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasPoint(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasString(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasInt8(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasInt16(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasInt32(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasInt64(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasBool(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasFloat(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasDouble(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasPointer(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasMessenger(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasRef(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasMessage(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasFlat(const char *, const BFlattenable *) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasFlat(const char *, int32, const BFlattenable *) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::HasData(const char *, type_code , int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn BRect BMessage::FindRect(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn BPoint BMessage::FindPoint(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn const char *BMessage::FindString(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn int8 BMessage::FindInt8(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn int16 BMessage::FindInt16(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn int32 BMessage::FindInt32(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn int64 BMessage::FindInt64(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn bool BMessage::FindBool(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn float BMessage::FindFloat(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
\fn double BMessage::FindDouble(const char *, int32) const
\brief Deprecated.
//! @}