Oliver Tappe 4052469d00 * improved create_project_files.pl to automatically add the created qt-creator
project files to svn:ignore

git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/haiku/trunk@35107 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
2010-01-16 22:21:39 +00:00

107 lines
2.6 KiB

use warnings;
use strict;
=head1 create_project_files.pl
This simple script traverses the haiku sources and creates (incomplete) *.pro
files in order to make the haiku sources available within the qt-creator IDE.
Additionally, it will add those files to svn:ignore of their parent directory
(unless already contained there).
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
if (!@ARGV) {
die "usage: $0 <haiku-top-path>\n";
my $haikuTop = shift @ARGV;
if (!-e "$haikuTop/ReadMe.cross-compile") {
die "'$haikuTop/ReadMe.cross-compile' not found - not a haiku top!\n";
my %collection;
print "scanning ...\n";
find({ wanted => \&process, no_chdir => 1},
("$haikuTop/headers", "$haikuTop/src"));
writeProFile("$haikuTop/haiku.pro", { subdirs => ['headers', 'src'] });
foreach my $dir (sort keys %collection) {
my $proFile = $dir.'/'.fileparse($dir).'.pro';
writeProFile($proFile, $collection{$dir});
sub process
if (substr($_, -4, 4) eq '.svn') {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
} else {
return if $File::Find::dir eq $_; # skip toplevel folders
my $name = (fileparse($_))[0];
if (-d $_) {
$collection{$File::Find::dir}->{subdirs} ||= [];
push @{$collection{$File::Find::dir}->{subdirs}}, $name;
elsif ($_ =~ m{\.(h|hpp)$}i) {
$collection{$File::Find::dir}->{headers} ||= [];
push @{$collection{$File::Find::dir}->{headers}}, $name;
elsif ($_ =~ m{\.(c|cc|cpp|s|asm)$}i) {
$collection{$File::Find::dir}->{sources} ||= [];
push @{$collection{$File::Find::dir}->{sources}}, $name;
sub writeProFile
my ($proFile, $info) = @_;
return if !$info;
print "creating $proFile\n";
open(my $proFileFH, '>', $proFile)
or die "unable to write $proFile";
print $proFileFH "TEMPLATE = subdirs\n";
print $proFileFH "CONFIG += ordered\n";
if (exists $info->{subdirs}) {
print $proFileFH
"SUBDIRS = ".join(" \\\n\t", sort @{$info->{subdirs}})."\n";
if (exists $info->{headers}) {
print $proFileFH
"HEADERS = ".join(" \\\n\t", sort @{$info->{headers}})."\n";
if (exists $info->{sources}) {
print $proFileFH
"SOURCES = ".join(" \\\n\t", sort @{$info->{sources}})."\n";
close $proFileFH;
sub updateSvnIgnore
my $proFile = shift;
my ($filename, $parentDir) = fileparse($proFile);
my $svnIgnore = qx{svn propget --strict svn:ignore $parentDir};
if (!grep { $_ eq $filename } split "\n", $svnIgnore) {
chomp $svnIgnore;
$svnIgnore .= "\n" unless !$svnIgnore;
$svnIgnore .= "$filename\n";
open(my $propsetFH, "|svn propset svn:ignore --file - $parentDir")
or die "unable to open pipe to 'svn propset'";
print $propsetFH $svnIgnore;