* So that you know how much already was, and still has to be downloaded. * Automatic whitespace cleanup. * The link in FetchFileJob.h did not fetch the correct header under Haiku anymore (since the addition of the private headers to the image).
68 lines
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68 lines
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* Copyright 2011, Oliver Tappe <zooey@hirschkaefer.de>
* Copyright 2013, Rene Gollent <rene@gollent.com>
* Copyright 2015, Axel Dörfler <axeld@pinc-software.de>
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#include <Entry.h>
#include <File.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <package/Job.h>
namespace BPackageKit {
namespace BPrivate {
class FetchFileJob : public BJob {
typedef BJob inherited;
FetchFileJob(const BContext& context,
const BString& title,
const BString& fileURL,
const BEntry& targetEntry);
virtual ~FetchFileJob();
float DownloadProgress() const;
const char* DownloadURL() const;
const char* DownloadFileName() const;
off_t DownloadBytes() const;
off_t DownloadTotalBytes() const;
virtual status_t Execute();
virtual void Cleanup(status_t jobResult);
// libcurl callbacks
static int _TransferCallback(void* _job,
off_t downloadTotal, off_t downloaded,
off_t uploadTotal, off_t uploaded);
static size_t _WriteCallback(void* buffer, size_t size,
size_t nmemb, void* userp);
BString fFileURL;
BEntry fTargetEntry;
BFile fTargetFile;
float fDownloadProgress;
off_t fBytes;
off_t fTotalBytes;
} // namespace BPrivate
} // namespace BPackageKit