* Add \since directive to each method. * Add documentation for BScrollBar and BScrollView classes. * Title Case group titles. * Some other minor documentation updates.
722 lines
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722 lines
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* Copyright 2011 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Stefano Ceccherini, burton666@libero.it
* Axel Dörfler, axeld@pinc-software.de
* John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/interface/Screen.h rev 42759
* src/kits/interface/Screen.cpp rev 42759
\file Screen.h
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief Defines the BScreen class and support structures.
\class BScreen
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief The BScreen class provides methods to retrieve and change display
Each BScreen object describes one display connected to the computer.
Multiple BScreen objects can represent the same physical display.
\attention Haiku currently supports only a single display. The main
screen with id \c B_MAIN_SCREEN_ID contains the origin in its top left
corner. Additional displays, when they become supported, will extend
the coordinates of the main screen.
Some utility methods provided by this class are ColorSpace() to get the
color space of the screen, Frame() to get the frame rectangle, and ID()
to get the identifier of the screen.
Methods to convert between 8-bit and 32-bit colors are provided by
IndexForColor() and ColorForIndex().
You can also use this class to take a screenshot of the entire screen or
a particular portion of it. To take a screenshot use either the GetBitmap()
or ReadBitmap() method.
Furthermore, you can use this class get and set the background color of a
workspace. To get the background color call DesktopColor() or to set the
background color use SetDesktopColor().
This class provides methods to get and set the resolution, pixel depth,
and color map of a display. To get a list of the display modes supported
by the graphics card use the GetModeList() method. You can get and set
the screen resolution by calling the GetMode() and SetMode() methods.
The color map of the display can be retrieved by calling the ColorMap()
You can use this class to get information about the graphics card and
monitor connected to the computer by calling the GetDeviceInfo() and
GetMonitorInfo() methods.
VESA Display Power Management Signaling support allow you to put the
monitor into a low-power mode. Call DPMSCapabilites() to check what
modes are supported by your monitor. DPMSState() tells you what state
your monitor is currently in and SetDPMS() allows you to change it.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BScreen::BScreen(screen_id id)
\brief Creates a BScreen object which represents the display
connected to the computer with the given screen_id.
In the current implementation, there is only one display
(\c B_MAIN_SCREEN_ID). To be sure that the object was constructed
correctly, call IsValid().
\param id The screen_id of the screen to create a BScreen object from.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BScreen::BScreen(BWindow* window)
\brief Creates a BScreen object which represents the display that
contains \a window.
In the current implementation, there is only one display
(\c B_MAIN_SCREEN_ID). To be sure that the object was constructed
correctly, call IsValid().
\param window A BWindow object.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BScreen::~BScreen()
\brief Frees the resources used by the BScreen object and unlocks the
\note The main screen object will never go away, even if you disconnect
all monitors.
\since BeOS R3
\name Utility Methods
//! @{
\fn bool BScreen::IsValid()
\brief Checks that the BScreen object represents a real display that is
connected to the computer.
\return \c true if the BScreen object is valid, \c false otherwise.
\since BeOS R3
\fn status_t BScreen::SetToNext()
\brief Sets the BScreen object to the next display in the screen list.
\return \c B_OK if successful, otherwise \c B_ERROR.
\since BeOS R5
\fn color_space BScreen::ColorSpace()
\brief Returns the color_space of the display.
\return \c B_CMAP8, \c B_RGB15, \c B_RGB32, or \c B_NO_COLOR_SPACE
if the BScreen object is invalid.
\since BeOS R3
\fn BRect BScreen::Frame()
\brief Gets the frame of the screen in the screen's coordinate system.
For example if the BScreen object points to the main screen with a
resolution of 1,366x768 then this method returns
BRect(0.0, 0.0, 1365.0, 767.0). If the BScreen object is invalid then
this method returns an empty rectangle i.e. BRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
You can set the frame programmatically by calling the SetMode() method.
\return a BRect frame of the screen in the screen's coordinate system.
\since BeOS R3
\fn screen_id BScreen::ID()
\brief Gets the identifier of the display.
In the current implementation this method returns \c B_MAIN_SCREEN_ID
even if the object is invalid.
\return A screen_id that identifies the screen.
\since BeOS R3
\fn status_t BScreen::WaitForRetrace()
\brief Blocks until the monitor has finished its current vertical retrace.
\return \c B_OK or \c B_ERROR if the screen object is invalid.
\since BeOS R3
\fn status_t BScreen::WaitForRetrace(bigtime_t timeout)
\brief Blocks until the monitor has finished its current vertical retrace
or until \a timeout has expired.
\param timeout The amount of time to wait before returning.
\return \c B_OK if the monitor has retraced in the given \a timeout
duration, \c B_ERROR otherwise.
\since BeOS R5
//! @}
\name Color
//! @{
\fn inline uint8 BScreen::IndexForColor(rgb_color color)
\brief Returns the 8-bit color index that most closely matches a
32-bit \a color.
\param color The 32-bit \a color to get the 8-bit index of.
\return An 8-bit color index in the screen's color_map.
\since BeOS R3
\fn uint8 BScreen::IndexForColor(uint8 red, uint8 green, uint8 blue,
uint8 alpha)
\brief Returns the 8-bit color index that most closely matches a set of
\a red, \a green, \a blue, and \a alpha values.
\param red The \a red value.
\param green The \a green value.
\param blue The \a blue value.
\param alpha The \a alpha value.
\return An 8-bit color index in the screen's color_map.
\since BeOS R3
\fn rgb_color BScreen::ColorForIndex(const uint8 index)
\brief Gets the 32-bit color representation of an 8-bit color \a index.
\param index The 8-bit color \a index to convert to a 32-bit color.
\return A 32-bit rgb_color structure.
\since BeOS R3
\fn uint8 BScreen::InvertIndex(uint8 index)
\brief Gets the "Inversion" of an 8-bit color \a index.
Inverted colors are useful for highlighting.
\param index The 8-bit color \a index.
\return An 8-bit color \a index that represents the "Inversion" of the
given color in the screen's color_map.
\since BeOS R3
\fn const color_map* BScreen::ColorMap()
\brief Gets the color_map of the BScreen.
\return A pointer to the BScreen object's color_map.
\since BeOS R3
//! @}
\name Bitmap
//! @{
\fn status_t BScreen::GetBitmap(BBitmap** _bitmap, bool drawCursor,
BRect* bounds)
\brief Allocates a BBitmap and copies the contents of the screen into it.
\note GetBitmap() will allocate a BBitmap object for you while
ReadBitmap() requires you to pre-allocate a BBitmap object first.
\note The caller is responsible for freeing the BBitmap object.
\param _bitmap A pointer to a BBitmap pointer where this method will
store the contents of the display.
\param drawCursor Specifies whether or not to draw the cursor.
\param bounds Specifies the screen area that you want copied. If
\a bounds is \c NULL then the entire screen is copied.
\return \c B_OK if the operation was successful, \c B_ERROR otherwise.
\since BeOS R4
\fn status_t BScreen::ReadBitmap(BBitmap* bitmap, bool drawCursor,
BRect* bounds)
\brief Copies the contents of the screen into a BBitmap.
\note ReadBitmap() requires you to pre-allocate a BBitmap object first,
while GetBitmap() will allocate a BBitmap object for you.
\param bitmap A pointer to a pre-allocated BBitmap where this
method will store the contents of the display.
\param drawCursor Specifies whether or not to draw the cursor.
\param bounds Specifies the screen area that you want copied. If
\a bounds is \c NULL then the entire screen is copied.
\return \c B_OK if the operation was successful, \c B_ERROR otherwise.
\since BeOS R4
//! @}
\name Desktop Color
//! @{
\fn rgb_color BScreen::DesktopColor()
\brief Gets the background color of the current workspace.
\return A 32-bit rgb_color structure containing the background color
of the current workspace.
\since BeOS R3
\fn rgb_color BScreen::DesktopColor(uint32 workspace)
\brief Gets the background color of the specified \a workspace.
\param workspace The \a workspace index to get the desktop background
color of.
\return An 32-bit rgb_color structure containing the background color
of the specified \a workspace.
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BScreen::SetDesktopColor(rgb_color color, bool stick)
\brief Set the background \a color of the current workspace.
\param color The 32-bit \a color to paint the desktop background.
\param stick Whether or not the \a color will stay after a reboot.
\since BeOS R3
\fn void BScreen::SetDesktopColor(rgb_color color, uint32 workspace,
bool stick)
\brief Set the background \a color of the specified \a workspace.
\param color The 32-bit \a color to paint the desktop background.
\param workspace The \a workspace index to update.
\param stick Whether or not the \a color will stay after a reboot.
\since Haiku R1
//! @}
\name Display Mode
The following methods retrieve and alter the display_mode structure
of a screen. The display_mode structure contains screen size,
pixel depth, and display timings settings.
//! @{
\fn status_t BScreen::ProposeMode(display_mode* target,
const display_mode* low, const display_mode* high)
\brief Adjust the \a target mode to make it a supported mode.
The list of supported modes for the graphics card is supplied by
the GetModeList() method.
\param target The mode you want adjust.
\param low The lower display mode limit.
\param high The higher display mode limit.
\returns A status code.
\retval B_OK if \a target is supported and falls within the
\a low and \a high limits.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE if \a target is supported but does not
fall within the \a low and \a high limits.
\retval B_ERROR if the target mode isn't supported.
\since BeOS R5
\fn status_t BScreen::GetModeList(display_mode** _modeList, uint32* _count)
\brief Allocates and returns a list of the display modes supported by the
graphics card into \a _modeList.
\warning The monitor may not be able to display all of the modes that
GetModeList() retrieves.
\note The caller is responsible for freeing the display_mode object.
\param _modeList A pointer to a display_mode pointer, where the function
will allocate an array of display_mode structures.
\param _count A pointer to an integer used to store the count of
available display modes.
\retval B_OK if the operation was successful.
\retval B_ERROR if \a modeList or \a count is invalid.
\retval B_ERROR for all other errors.
\since BeOS R5
\fn status_t BScreen::GetMode(display_mode* mode)
\brief Fills out the display_mode struct from the current workspace.
\param mode A pointer to a display_mode struct to copy into.
\retval B_OK if the operation was successful.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE if \a mode is invalid.
\retval B_ERROR for all other errors.
\since BeOS R5
\fn status_t BScreen::GetMode(uint32 workspace, display_mode* mode)
\brief Fills out the display_mode struct from the specified
\a workspace.
\param workspace The index of the \a workspace to query.
\param mode A pointer to a display_mode structure to copy into.
\retval B_OK if the operation was successful
\retval B_BAD_VALUE if \a mode is invalid.
\retval B_ERROR for all other errors.
\since Haiku R1
\fn status_t BScreen::SetMode(display_mode* mode, bool makeDefault)
\brief Sets the screen in the current workspace to the given \a mode.
\param mode A pointer to a display_mode struct.
\param makeDefault Whether or not \a mode is set as the default.
\return \c B_OK if the operation was successful, \c B_ERROR otherwise.
\since BeOS R5
\fn status_t BScreen::SetMode(uint32 workspace, display_mode* mode,
bool makeDefault)
\brief Set the screen in the specified \a workspace to the given \a mode.
\param workspace The index of the workspace to set the \a mode of.
\param mode A pointer to a display_mode struct.
\param makeDefault Whether or not the \a mode is set as the default
for the specified \a workspace.
\return \c B_OK if the operation was successful, \c B_ERROR otherwise.
\since Haiku R1
//! @}
\name Display and Graphics Card Info
//! @{
\fn status_t BScreen::GetDeviceInfo(accelerant_device_info* info)
\brief Fills out the \a info struct with information about a graphics card.
\param info An accelerant_device_info struct to store the device
\a info.
\retval B_OK if the operation was successful.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE if \a info is invalid.
\retval B_ERROR for all other errors.
\since BeOS R5
\fn status_t BScreen::GetMonitorInfo(monitor_info* info)
\brief Fills out the \a info struct with information about a monitor.
\param info A monitor_info struct to store the monitor \a info.
\retval B_OK if the operation was successful.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE if \a info is invalid.
\retval B_ERROR for all other errors.
\since Haiku R1
\fn status_t BScreen::GetPixelClockLimits(display_mode* mode,
uint32* _low, uint32* _high)
\brief Gets the minimum and maximum pixel clock rates that are possible
for the specified \a mode.
\param mode A pointer to a display_mode structure.
\param _low A pointer to a uint32 where the method stores the lowest
available pixel clock.
\param _high A pointer to a uint32 where the method stores the highest
available pixel clock.
\retval B_OK if the operation was successful.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE if \a mode, \a low, or \a high is invalid.
\retval B_ERROR for all other errors.
\since BeOS R5
\fn status_t BScreen::GetTimingConstraints(
display_timing_constraints* constraints)
\brief Fills out the \a constraints structure with the timing constraints
of the current display mode.
\param constraints A pointer to a display_timing_constraints structure
to store the timing constraints.
\retval B_OK if the operation was successful.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE if \a constraints is invalid.
\retval B_ERROR for all other errors.
\since BeOS R5
//! @}
\name VESA Display Power Management Signaling Settings
VESA Display Power Management Signaling (or DPMS) is a standard from the
VESA consortium for managing the power usage of displays through the
graphics card. DPMS allows you to shut off the display after the computer
has been unused for some time to save power.
DPMS states include:
- \c B_DPMS_ON Normal display operation.
- \c B_DPMS_STAND_BY Image not visible normal operation and returns to
normal after ~1 second.
- \c B_DPMS_SUSPEND Image not visible, returns to normal after ~5
- \c B_DPMS_OFF Image not visible, display is off except for power to
monitoring circuitry. Returns to normal after ~8-20 seconds.
Power usage in each of the above states depends on the monitor used. CRT
monitors typically receive larger power savings than LCD monitors in
low-power states.
//! @{
\fn status_t BScreen::SetDPMS(uint32 dpmsState)
\brief Sets the VESA Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) state for
the display.
\param dpmsState The DPMS state to set, valid values are:
- \c B_DPMS_ON
\return \c B_OK if the operation was successful, otherwise an error code.
\since BeOS R5
\fn uint32 BScreen::DPMSState()
\brief Gets the current VESA Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS)
state of the screen.
\return The current VESA Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) state
of the display or 0 in the case of an error.
\since BeOS R5
\fn uint32 BScreen::DPMSCapabilites()
\brief Gets the VESA Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS)
modes that the display supports as a bit mask.
- \c B_DPMS_ON is worth 1
- \c B_DPMS_STAND_BY is worth 2
- \c B_DPMS_SUSPEND is worth 4
- \c B_DPMS_OFF is worth 8
\return A bit mask of the VESA Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS)
modes that the display supports or 0 in the case of an error.
\since BeOS R5
//! @}
\name Deprecated Methods
//! @{
\fn BPrivate::BPrivateScreen* BScreen::private_screen()
\brief Returns the BPrivateScreen used by the BScreen object.
\return A pointer to the BPrivateScreen class internally used by the
BScreen object.
\since Haiku R1
\fn status_t BScreen::ProposeDisplayMode(display_mode* target,
const display_mode* low, const display_mode* high)
\brief Deprecated, use ProposeMode() instead.
\since BeOS R5
\fn void* BScreen::BaseAddress()
\brief Returns the base address of the frame buffer.
\since Haiku R1
\fn uint32 BScreen::BytesPerRow()
\brief Returns the bytes per row of the frame buffer.
\since Haiku R1
//! @}