When switching AppMetaMimeCreator from BMimeType to Database the SetIcon[ForType]() calls with a BBitmap* ended up calling the vector icon version with the icon_size as the data size argument, thus not only not writing the bitmap icon attributes, but also clobbering the vector icon attribute.
202 lines
5.9 KiB
202 lines
5.9 KiB
* Copyright 2002-2006, Haiku.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Tyler Dauwalder
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <List.h>
#include <Locker.h>
#include <Mime.h>
#include <Messenger.h>
#include <StorageDefs.h>
#include <mime/AssociatedTypes.h>
#include <mime/InstalledTypes.h>
#include <mime/SnifferRules.h>
#include <mime/SupportingApps.h>
class BNode;
class BBitmap;
class BMessage;
class BString;
struct entry_ref;
namespace BPrivate {
namespace Storage {
namespace Mime {
class DatabaseLocation;
class MimeSniffer;
// types of mime update functions that may be run asynchronously
typedef enum {
} mime_update_function;
class Database {
class NotificationListener;
Database(DatabaseLocation* databaseLocation, MimeSniffer* mimeSniffer,
NotificationListener* notificationListener);
status_t InitCheck() const;
DatabaseLocation* Location() const { return fLocation; }
// Type management
status_t Install(const char *type);
status_t Delete(const char *type);
// Set()
status_t SetAppHint(const char *type, const entry_ref *ref);
status_t SetAttrInfo(const char *type, const BMessage *info);
status_t SetShortDescription(const char *type, const char *description);
status_t SetLongDescription(const char *type, const char *description);
status_t SetFileExtensions(const char *type, const BMessage *extensions);
status_t SetIcon(const char* type, const BBitmap* icon,
icon_size which);
status_t SetIcon(const char *type, const void *data, size_t dataSize,
icon_size which);
status_t SetIcon(const char *type, const void *data, size_t dataSize);
status_t SetIconForType(const char* type, const char* fileType,
const BBitmap* icon, icon_size which);
status_t SetIconForType(const char *type, const char *fileType,
const void *data, size_t dataSize, icon_size which);
status_t SetIconForType(const char *type, const char *fileType,
const void *data, size_t dataSize);
status_t SetPreferredApp(const char *type, const char *signature,
app_verb verb = B_OPEN);
status_t SetSnifferRule(const char *type, const char *rule);
status_t SetSupportedTypes(const char *type, const BMessage *types, bool fullSync);
// Non-atomic Get()
status_t GetInstalledSupertypes(BMessage *super_types);
status_t GetInstalledTypes(BMessage *types);
status_t GetInstalledTypes(const char *super_type,
BMessage *subtypes);
status_t GetSupportingApps(const char *type, BMessage *signatures);
status_t GetAssociatedTypes(const char *extension, BMessage *types);
// Sniffer
status_t GuessMimeType(const entry_ref *file, BString *result);
status_t GuessMimeType(const void *buffer, int32 length, BString *result);
status_t GuessMimeType(const char *filename, BString *result);
// Monitor
status_t StartWatching(BMessenger target);
status_t StopWatching(BMessenger target);
// Delete()
status_t DeleteAppHint(const char *type);
status_t DeleteAttrInfo(const char *type);
status_t DeleteShortDescription(const char *type);
status_t DeleteLongDescription(const char *type);
status_t DeleteFileExtensions(const char *type);
status_t DeleteIcon(const char *type, icon_size size);
status_t DeleteIcon(const char *type);
status_t DeleteIconForType(const char *type, const char *fileType,
icon_size which);
status_t DeleteIconForType(const char *type, const char *fileType);
status_t DeletePreferredApp(const char *type, app_verb verb = B_OPEN);
status_t DeleteSnifferRule(const char *type);
status_t DeleteSupportedTypes(const char *type, bool fullSync);
// deferred notifications
void DeferInstallNotification(const char* type);
void UndeferInstallNotification(const char* type);
struct DeferredInstallNotification {
char type[B_MIME_TYPE_LENGTH];
bool notify;
status_t _SetStringValue(const char *type, int32 what,
const char* attribute, type_code attributeType,
size_t maxLength, const char *value);
// Functions to send monitor notifications
status_t _SendInstallNotification(const char *type);
status_t _SendDeleteNotification(const char *type);
status_t _SendMonitorUpdate(int32 which, const char *type,
const char *extraType, bool largeIcon, int32 action);
status_t _SendMonitorUpdate(int32 which, const char *type,
const char *extraType, int32 action);
status_t _SendMonitorUpdate(int32 which, const char *type,
bool largeIcon, int32 action);
status_t _SendMonitorUpdate(int32 which, const char *type,
int32 action);
status_t _SendMonitorUpdate(BMessage &msg);
DeferredInstallNotification* _FindDeferredInstallNotification(
const char* type, bool remove = false);
bool _CheckDeferredInstallNotification(int32 which, const char* type);
status_t fStatus;
DatabaseLocation* fLocation;
NotificationListener* fNotificationListener;
std::set<BMessenger> fMonitorMessengers;
AssociatedTypes fAssociatedTypes;
InstalledTypes fInstalledTypes;
SnifferRules fSnifferRules;
SupportingApps fSupportingApps;
BLocker fDeferredInstallNotificationsLocker;
BList fDeferredInstallNotifications;
class InstallNotificationDeferrer {
InstallNotificationDeferrer(Database* database, const char* type)
if (fDatabase != NULL && fType != NULL)
if (fDatabase != NULL && fType != NULL)
Database* fDatabase;
const char* fType;
class Database::NotificationListener {
virtual ~NotificationListener();
virtual status_t Notify(BMessage* message,
const BMessenger& target) = 0;
} // namespace Mime
} // namespace Storage
} // namespace BPrivate
#endif // _MIME_DATABASE_H