Niels Sascha Reedijk 42dcaf375d HaikuBook: Hide BLaunchRoster and BToolTip documentation from book
These two classes are not yet in the public API, as such they are hidden behind
the INTERNAL conditional variable.

Change-Id: I4ac204a600715937ef99d8ff56c4026d06abec3f
Reviewed-by: waddlesplash <>
2020-10-11 15:46:06 +00:00

277 lines
4.8 KiB

* Copyright 2014 Haiku, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Adrien Destugues,
* Axel Dörfler,
* John Scipione,
* Corresponds to:
* headers/private/interface/ToolTip.h hrev48560
* src/kits/interface/ToolTip.cpp hrev48560
//! \cond INTERNAL
\file ToolTip.h
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief Provides the BToolTip class.
\class BToolTip
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief Displays help text on hover.
\attention Use at your own risk! This class is private and may change
before release.
This class is for advanced uses of tool tips with custom contents or
behavior. The simple way to use tooltips is via BView::SetToolTip().
\since Haiku R1
\fn BToolTip::BToolTip()
\brief Creates a new BToolTip object.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BToolTip::BToolTip(BMessage* archive)
\brief Creates a BToolTip object from the passed in \a archive.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BToolTip::~BToolTip()
\brief Frees the memory allocated and destroys the object.
\since Haiku R1
\fn status_t BToolTip::Archive(BMessage* archive, bool deep) const
\brief Archives the object into the \a data message.
Saves the tool tip's sticky flag.
\param archive A pointer to the BMessage object to archive the object into.
\param deep Whether or not to archive child views as well.
\return A status code, \c B_OK if everything went well or an error code
\retval B_OK The object was archived.
\retval B_NO_MEMORY Ran out of memory while archiving the object.
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BToolTip::SetSticky(bool enable)
\brief Turns sticky flag on or off which determines whether or not the
tool tip stays visible when the mouse moves.
\since Haiku R1
\fn bool BToolTip::IsSticky() const
\brief Returns whether or not the sticky flag is set.
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BToolTip::SetMouseRelativeLocation(BPoint location)
\brief Set the location of the tooltip relative to the current mouse position.
The position is relative to the mouse cursor location at the time the
tool tip is shown. It should be as close as possible to the mouse cursor
without hiding important parts of the UI near the cursor while the parent
view remains visible and reachable.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BPoint BToolTip::MouseRelativeLocation() const
\brief Returns the tool tip's relative mouse location.
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BToolTip::SetAlignment(BAlignment alignment)
\brief Set the alignment of the tool tip which determines where the tool
tip should appear i.e. left or right from the current mouse cursor
position, etc.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BAlignment BToolTip::Alignment() const
\brief Returns the tool tip's alignment.
\since Haiku R1
\fn bool BToolTip::Lock()
\brief Allows derived classes to lock the tool tip while modifying it.
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BToolTip::Unlock()
\brief Allows derived classes to unlock the tool tip.
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual void BToolTip::AttachedToWindow()
\brief Undocumented public method
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual void BToolTip::DetachedFromWindow()
\brief Undocumented public method
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual BView* BToolTip::View() const =0
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\class BTextToolTip
\ingroup interface
\ingroup libbe
\brief Undocumented class.
\since Haiku R1
\fn BTextToolTip::BTextToolTip(BMessage *archive)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param archive Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn BTextToolTip::BTextToolTip(const char *text)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param text Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual BTextToolTip::~BTextToolTip()
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn void BTextToolTip::SetText(const char *text)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param text Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn const char* BTextToolTip::Text() const
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn virtual BView* BTextToolTip::View() const
\brief Undocumented public method
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
\fn static BTextToolTip* BTextToolTip::Instantiate(BMessage *archive)
\brief Undocumented public method
\param archive Undocumented
\return Undocumented
\retval <value> Undocumented
\since Haiku R1
//! \endcond INTERNAL