GCC 11 treats [1] as a fixed-length array and not a flexible-length array, and so some things that used direct strcmp("..", ent->d_name), for instance, would be optimized out as being always unequal, which was the cause of #17389. Using a real FLA informs GCC that there is going to be more than one byte of data, and thus this fixes that bug. BeOS used [1] and not [0], possibly because it had to deal with compilers (MetroWerks? Early GCC2?) that did not support FLAs. GCC 2.95 does, using [0], and GCC 4 does, using [], so we can go with that here. (I did try using [0] for both, which seems to be OK with GCC 11, but GCC 8 throws errors when d_name is dereferenced directly as being-out-of-bounds. So, we have to use the #if here and give newer GCC the [] syntax and not [0] to avoid that problem.) The real question probably is whether or not we should backport some variant of these changes to R1/beta3, as software at HaikuPorts very well may run in to the same issue. (The alternative workaround is to compile with -O1 and not -O2 for any affected software.) But maybe this is an argument for keeping with the beta4 schedule of this coming January...
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* Copyright 2002-2012 Haiku, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef _DIRENT_H
#define _DIRENT_H
#include <sys/types.h>
typedef struct dirent {
dev_t d_dev; /* device */
dev_t d_pdev; /* parent device (only for queries) */
ino_t d_ino; /* inode number */
ino_t d_pino; /* parent inode (only for queries) */
unsigned short d_reclen; /* length of this record, not the name */
#if __GNUC__ == 2
char d_name[0]; /* name of the entry (null byte terminated) */
char d_name[]; /* name of the entry (null byte terminated) */
} dirent_t;
typedef struct __DIR DIR;
# ifdef NAME_MAX
# else
# define MAXNAMLEN 256
# endif
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
DIR* fdopendir(int fd);
DIR* opendir(const char* dirName);
struct dirent* readdir(DIR* dir);
int readdir_r(DIR* dir, struct dirent* entry,
struct dirent** _result);
int closedir(DIR* dir);
void rewinddir(DIR* dir);
void seekdir(DIR* dir, long int position);
long int telldir(DIR* dir);
int dirfd(DIR* dir);
int alphasort(const struct dirent** entry1,
const struct dirent** entry2);
int scandir(const char* dir, struct dirent*** _entryArray,
int (*selectFunc)(const struct dirent*),
int (*compareFunc)(const struct dirent** entry1,
const struct dirent** entry2));
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _DIRENT_H */