Now vaguely follows the tree structure of "src", with the exception of directories that described subsystems spanning more than one "kit" or "server" (e.g. "media", "midi", "bluetooth") -- these have been left as their own top-level directory within docs/develop.
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00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 InputServer.cpp
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 InputServerDevice.cpp
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 InputServerFilter.cpp
00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 InputServerMethod.cpp
000245c0 g O .bss 0000000c InputServer type_info node
000164cc g F .text 0000002f BInputServerDevice::StartMonitoringDevice(char const *)
000245ec g O .bss 0000000c BInputServerMethod type_info node
0001fce0 w O .data 00000058 BInputServerDevice virtual table
00016584 g F .text 00000009 BInputServerDevice::Stop(char const *, void *)
00016550 g F .text 00000026 BInputServerDevice::RegisterDevices(input_device_ref **)
00012e64 g F .text 00000207 InputServer::QuitRequested(void)
00024580 g O .bss 00000020 InputServer::fMouseState
00016720 g F .text 00000007 BInputServerMethod::_ReservedInputServerMethod2(void)
000151bc g F .text 0000010f InputServer::HandleGetSetMouseAcceleration(BMessage *, BMessage *)
0001620c g F .text 000000df InputServer::EnqueueMethodMessage(BMessage *)
00014f9c g F .text 0000010f InputServer::HandleGetSetMouseType(BMessage *, BMessage *)
00016008 g F .text 0000001d InputServer::EventLoopRunning(void)
00015b1c g F .text 0000003e InputServer::UnlockMethodQueue(void)
0001612c g F .text 000000cf InputServer::StartStopDevices(char const *, input_device_type, bool)
000157f8 g F .text 00000323 InputServer::EventLoop(void *)
00018834 g F .text 00000157 MethodReplicant::SendToInputServer(BMessage *)
0001b000 g O .rodata 00000022 kInputServerSignature
00015690 g F .text 00000165 InputServer::HandleSetMethod(BMessage *)
00016578 g F .text 00000009 BInputServerDevice::Control(char const *, void *, unsigned long, BMessage *)
00024620 g O .bss 00000008 BInputServerFilter type_info node
000166b0 g F .text 0000002f BInputServerFilter::~BInputServerFilter(void)
00014c3c g F .text 0000010f InputServer::HandleGetSetKeyRepeatDelay(BMessage *, BMessage *)
00013ce0 g F .text 000001ea InputServer::MethodizeEvents(BList *, bool)
0001cd35 g O .data 00000001 InputServer::sEventLoopRunning
00015bec g F .text 00000053 InputServer::HandleGetKeyInfo(BMessage *, BMessage *)
00015b5c g F .text 00000048 InputServer::LockMethodQueue(void)
00016834 g F .text 0000002d BInputServerMethod::~BInputServerMethod(void)
00016494 g F .text 00000007 BInputServerDevice::_ReservedInputServerDevice1(void)
0001631c g F .text 00000026 InputServer::ReadyToRun(void)
0001fd40 w O .data 00000040 BInputServerFilter virtual table
00015d8c g F .text 00000077 InputServer::SetNextMethod(bool)
0001306c g F .text 000002f2 InputServer::InitKeyboardMouseStates(void)
00013360 g F .text 000000ff InputServer::InitMethods(void)
00019ddc w F .text 00000045 InputServer::~InputServer(void)
0001662c g F .text 00000007 BInputServerFilter::_ReservedInputServerFilter1(void)
0001649c g F .text 0000002f BInputServerDevice::StopMonitoringDevice(char const *)
0001fb60 w O .data 00000180 InputServer virtual table
00015ba4 g F .text 00000045 InputServer::HandleGetModifiers(BMessage *, BMessage *)
000148e0 g F .text 000001ef InputServer::HandleSetModifierKey(BMessage *, BMessage *)
000165a8 g F .text 00000009 BInputServerDevice::InitCheck(void)
00013794 g F .text 00000549 InputServer::SanitizeEvents(BList *)
00016710 g F .text 00000007 BInputServerMethod::_ReservedInputServerMethod4(void)
000166e0 g F .text 00000023 BInputServerFilter::BInputServerFilter(void)
000167ac g F .text 00000027 BInputServerMethod::SetIcon(unsigned char const *)
00014800 g F .text 000000dd InputServer::HandleSetKeyboardLocks(BMessage *, BMessage *)
00019d98 w F .text 00000041 InputServer type_info function
000165b4 g F .text 0000002f BInputServerDevice::~BInputServerDevice(void)
00016528 g F .text 00000026 BInputServerDevice::UnregisterDevices(input_device_ref **)
000165e4 g F .text 0000002d BInputServerDevice::BInputServerDevice(void)
00014e5c g F .text 0000013f InputServer::HandleGetSetMouseMap(BMessage *, BMessage *)
000135e8 g F .text 000001ab InputServer::DoMouseAcceleration(long *, long *)
00015ec4 g F .text 0000004e InputServer::SetMousePos(long *, long *, long, long)
00015c88 g F .text 00000103 InputServer::SetActiveMethod(_BMethodAddOn_ *)
00019ed8 w F .text 00000041 BInputServerMethod type_info function
0001277c g F .text 000006e5 InputServer::MessageReceived(BMessage *)
000162ec g F .text 0000002e InputServer::EnqueueDeviceMessage(BMessage *)
000167d4 g F .text 00000027 BInputServerMethod::SetName(char const *)
00016624 g F .text 00000007 BInputServerFilter::_ReservedInputServerFilter2(void)
00016028 g F .text 0000001d InputServer::SafeMode(void)
00016590 g F .text 00000009 BInputServerDevice::Start(char const *, void *)
00016484 g F .text 00000007 BInputServerDevice::_ReservedInputServerDevice3(void)
00016614 g F .text 00000007 BInputServerFilter::_ReservedInputServerFilter4(void)
00016728 g F .text 00000007 BInputServerMethod::_ReservedInputServerMethod1(void)
0001648c g F .text 00000007 BInputServerDevice::_ReservedInputServerDevice2(void)
0001cd34 g O .data 00000001 InputServer::sSafeMode
00016698 g F .text 0000000c BInputServerFilter::Filter(BMessage *, BList *)
000144d0 g F .text 0000032e InputServer::DispatchEvents(BList *)
000140dc g F .text 000003f4 InputServer::CacheEvents(BList *)
000124f0 g F .text 0000028b InputServer::InputServer(void)
0001647c g F .text 00000007 BInputServerDevice::_ReservedInputServerDevice4(void)
00016828 g F .text 00000009 BInputServerMethod::MethodActivated(bool)
00016344 g F .text 00000079 InputServer::ArgvReceived(long, char **)
000150ac g F .text 0000010f InputServer::HandleGetSetMouseSpeed(BMessage *, BMessage *)
00013460 g F .text 00000186 InputServer::GetNextEvents(BList *)
000153dc g F .text 00000155 InputServer::HandleSetMousePosition(BMessage *, BMessage *)
0001661c g F .text 00000007 BInputServerFilter::_ReservedInputServerFilter3(void)
00019e68 w F .text 00000035 BInputServerDevice type_info function
00016864 g F .text 00000097 BInputServerMethod::BInputServerMethod(char const *, unsigned char const *)
000164fc g F .text 00000029 BInputServerDevice::EnqueueMessage(BMessage *)
00015fc8 g F .text 0000003f InputServer::InitFilters(void)
000166a4 g F .text 00000009 BInputServerFilter::InitCheck(void)
000167fc g F .text 00000029 BInputServerMethod::EnqueueMessage(BMessage *)
00013ecc g F .text 0000020d InputServer::FilterEvents(BList *)
000161fc g F .text 00000010 InputServer::MethodReplicant(void) const
00015c40 g F .text 00000046 InputServer::HandleGetKeyboardID(BMessage *, BMessage *)
000152cc g F .text 0000010f InputServer::HandleGetSetClickSpeed(BMessage *, BMessage *)
0001659c g F .text 00000009 BInputServerDevice::SystemShuttingDown(void)
0001fd80 w O .data 00000068 BInputServerMethod virtual table
00024728 g O .bss 00000008 BInputServerDevice type_info node
00016730 g F .text 0000007c BInputServerMethod::SetMenu(BMenu const *, BMessenger)
00016048 g F .text 000000e3 InputServer::ControlDevices(char const *, input_device_type, unsigned long, BMessage *)
00015534 g F .text 0000015b InputServer::HandleFocusUnfocusIMAwareView(BMessage *, BMessage *)
00019ea0 w F .text 00000035 BInputServerFilter type_info function
00016718 g F .text 00000007 BInputServerMethod::_ReservedInputServerMethod3(void)
00015f14 g F .text 000000b4 InputServer::SetMousePos(long *, long *, BPoint)
00014d4c g F .text 0000010f InputServer::HandleGetSetKeyRepeatRate(BMessage *, BMessage *)
00014ad0 g F .text 0000016c InputServer::HandleGetSetKeyMap(BMessage *, BMessage *)
00015e04 g F .text 000000bf InputServer::SetMousePos(long *, long *, float, float)
00016634 g F .text 00000061 BInputServerFilter::GetScreenRegion(BRegion *) const