
It was trying to use $(feature:U) outside of the loop where it is actually set. Thanks to PulkoMandy for spotting the problem. (How did this not break tons of stuff?)
456 lines
14 KiB
456 lines
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rule FQualifiedBuildFeatureName features
# FQualifiedBuildFeatureName <features>
# Prepends the name of the current target packaging architecture to the
# given feature names.
return $(TARGET_PACKAGING_ARCH):$(features) ;
rule FIsBuildFeatureEnabled feature
# FIsBuildFeatureEnabled <feature> ;
# Returns whether the given build feature <feature> is enabled (if so: "1",
# if not: empty list).
# <feature> - The name of the build feature (all lower case).
feature = [ FQualifiedBuildFeatureName $(feature) ] ;
return $(HAIKU_BUILD_FEATURE_$(feature:U)_ENABLED) ;
rule FMatchesBuildFeatures specification
# FMatchesBuildFeatures <specification> ;
# Returns whether the given build feature specification <specification>
# holds. <specification> consists of positive and negative build feature
# conditions. Conditions can be individual list elements and multiple
# conditions can be joined, separated by ",", in a single list element. The
# effect is the same; they are considered as single set of conditions.
# A positive condition does not start with a "!". It holds when the build
# feature named by the element is enabled.
# A negative condition starts with a "!". It holds when the build feature
# named by the string resulting from removing the leading "!" is not
# enabled.
# <specification> holds when it is not empty and
# * none of the negative conditions it contains hold and
# * if it contains any positive conditions, at least one one of them holds.
# <specification> - The build feature specification. A list of individual
# conditions or conditions joined by ",".
local splitSpecification ;
local element ;
for element in $(specification) {
splitSpecification += [ FSplitString $(element) : "," ] ;
return [ FConditionsHold $(splitSpecification) : FIsBuildFeatureEnabled ] ;
rule FFilterByBuildFeatures list
# FFilterByBuildFeatures <list> ;
# Filters the list annotated by build feature specifications and returns the
# resulting list. The list can be annotated in two different ways:
# * A single list element can be annotated by appending "@<specification>"
# to it, with <specification> being a build feature specification (a
# single comma-separated string). The element appears in the resulting
# list, only if <specification> holds.
# * A sublist can be annotated by enclosing it in "<specification> @{" (two
# separate list elements) and "}@", with <specification> being a build
# feature specification (a single comma-separated string). The enclosed
# sublist appears in the resulting list, only if <specification> holds.
# The sublist annotations can be nested. The annotations themselves don't
# appear in the resulting list.
# <list> - A list annotated with build feature specifications.
local filteredList ;
# Since we must look ahead one element to be able to decide whether an
# element is a regular list element or a features specification for a
# subsequent "@{". Hence we always process an element other than "@{" and
# "}@" in the next iteration. We append a dummy element to the list so we
# don't need special handling for the last element.
local evaluationStack = 1 ;
local previousElement ;
local element ;
for element in $(list) dummy {
local stackTop = $(evaluationStack[1]) ;
local processElement = $(previousElement) ;
switch $(element) {
case }@ :
# Pop the topmost specification off the stack.
evaluationStack = $(evaluationStack[2-]) ;
if ! $(evaluationStack) {
Exit "FFilterByBuildFeatures: Unbalanced @{ in: " $(list) ;
processElement = $(previousElement) ;
previousElement = ;
case @{ :
if ! $(previousElement) {
Exit "FFilterByBuildFeatures: No feature specification"
"after }@ in: " $(list) ;
if $(evaluationStack[1]) = 1
&& [ FMatchesBuildFeatures $(previousElement) ] {
evaluationStack = 1 $(evaluationStack) ;
} else {
evaluationStack = 0 $(evaluationStack) ;
processElement = ;
previousElement = ;
case * :
processElement = $(previousElement) ;
previousElement = $(element) ;
if $(processElement) && $(stackTop) = 1 {
local splitElement = [ Match "(.*)@([^@]*)" : $(processElement) ] ;
if $(splitElement) {
if [ FMatchesBuildFeatures $(splitElement[2]) ] {
filteredList += $(splitElement[1]) ;
} else {
filteredList += $(processElement) ;
if $(evaluationStack[2-]) {
Exit "FFilterByBuildFeatures: Unbalanced )@ in: " $(list) ;
return $(filteredList) ;
rule EnableBuildFeatures features : specification
# EnableBuildFeatures <features> : <specification> ;
# Enables the build features <features>, if the build features specification
# <specification> holds. If <specification> is omitted, the features are
# enabled unconditionally.
# The rule enables a build feature by adding its given lower case name to
# the build variable HAIKU_BUILD_FEATURES and defining a build variable
# HAIKU_BUILD_FEATURE_<FEATURE>_ENABLED (<FEATURE> being the upper case name
# of the build feature) to "1".
# <features> - A list of build feature names (lower case).
# <specification> - An optional build features specification (cf.
# FMatchesBuildFeatures).
features = [ FQualifiedBuildFeatureName $(features) ] ;
local feature ;
for feature in $(features) {
&& ( ! $(specification)
|| [ FMatchesBuildFeatures $(specification) ] ) {
HAIKU_BUILD_FEATURES += $(feature) ;
rule BuildFeatureObject feature
# BuildFeatureObject <feature> ;
# Returns a unique object for the given build feature. It is used for
# attaching attribute values to it.
feature = [ FQualifiedBuildFeatureName $(feature) ] ;
local featureObject = $(HAIKU_BUILD_FEATURE_$(feature:U)) ;
if ! $(featureObject) {
featureObject = [ NewUniqueTarget ] ;
HAIKU_BUILD_FEATURE_$(feature:U) = $(featureObject) ;
return $(featureObject) ;
rule SetBuildFeatureAttribute feature : attribute : values : package
# SetBuildFeatureAttribute <feature> : <attribute> : <values>
# [ : <package> ] ;
# Sets attribute <attribute> of a build feature <feature> to value <values>.
# If <package> is specified, it names the package the attribute belongs to.
local featureObject = [ BuildFeatureObject $(feature) ] ;
HAIKU_ATTRIBUTE_$(attribute) on $(featureObject) = $(values) ;
if $(package) {
HAIKU_ATTRIBUTE_$(attribute):package on $(featureObject) = $(package) ;
rule BuildFeatureAttribute feature : attribute : flags
# BuildFeatureAttribute <feature> : <attribute> [ : <flags> ] ;
# Returns the value of attribute <attribute> of a build feature <feature>.
# Flags can be a list of flags which influence the returned value. Currently
# only flag "path" is defined, which will convert the attribute value --
# which is assumed to be a list of (gristed) targets with a path relative to
# the extraction directory of the build feature archive files -- to paths.
# A typical example is the "headers" attribute, whose value can be used as
# dependency, but which must be converted to a path to be a valid headers
# search path.
local featureObject = [ BuildFeatureObject $(feature) ] ;
local values
= [ on $(featureObject) return $(HAIKU_ATTRIBUTE_$(attribute)) ] ;
if path in $(flags) {
# get the attribute's package and the corresponding extraction dir
local package
= [ BuildFeatureAttribute $(feature) : $(attribute):package ] ;
local directory ;
if $(package) {
directory = [ BuildFeatureAttribute $(feature)
: $(package):directory ] ;
# translate the values
local paths ;
local value ;
for value in $(values:G=) {
paths += [ FDirName $(directory) $(value) ] ;
values = $(paths) ;
return $(values) ;
rule ExtractBuildFeatureArchivesExpandValue value : fileName
if ! $(value) {
return $(value) ;
# split the value
local splitValue ;
while $(value) {
local components = [ Match "([^%]*)(%[^%]*%)(.*)" : $(value) ] ;
if ! $(components) {
splitValue += $(value) ;
break ;
if $(components[1]) {
splitValue += $(components[1]) ;
splitValue += $(components[2]) ;
value = $(components[3]) ;
# reassemble the value, performing the substitutions
local %packageName% ;
local %portName% ;
local %packageFullVersion% ;
value = "" ;
while $(splitValue) {
local component = $(splitValue[1]) ;
splitValue = $(splitValue[2-]) ;
switch $(component) {
case %packageRevisionedName% :
splitValue = %packageName% "-" %packageFullVersion%
$(splitValue) ;
case %portRevisionedName% :
splitValue = %portName% "-" %packageFullVersion% $(splitValue) ;
case %*% :
if ! x$(%packageName%) {
# extract package name and version from file name
local splitName
= [ Match "([^-]*)-(.*).hpkg" : $(fileName) ] ;
if $(splitName) {
%packageName% = $(splitName[1]) ;
= [ Match "([^-]*-[^-]*)-.*" : $(splitName[2]) ] ;
if ! $(packageFullVersion%) {
packageFullVersion% = $(splitName[2]) ;
} else {
%packageName% = [ Match "(.*).hpkg" : $(fileName) ] ;
if ! $(%packageName%) {
%packageName% = $(fileName) ;
%packageFullVersion% = "" ;
# get the port name from the package name
splitName = [ FSplitPackageName $(%packageName%) ] ;
%portName% = $(splitName[1]) ;
value = "$(value)$($(component):E=)" ;
case * :
value = "$(value)$(component)" ;
return $(value) ;
rule ExtractBuildFeatureArchives feature : list
# ExtractBuildFeatureArchives <feature> : <list> ;
# Downloads and extracts one or more archives for build feature <feature>
# and sets attributes for the build feature to extracted entries. The syntax
# for <list> is:
# "file:" <packageAlias> <packageName>
# <attribute>: <value> ...
# ...
# "file:" <packageAlias2> <packageName2>
# ...
# <packageAlias> specifies a short name for the archive (e.g. "base" for the
# base package, "devel" for the development package, etc.), <packageName>
# the unversioned name of the package (e.g. "libsolv_devel").
# <attribute> can be any name and <value> any relative path in the
# extraction directory. The following placeholders in <value> will be
# replaced with the respective value:
# * %packageName% is replaced with the name of the package as extracted from
# the package file name (may differ from the specified package name e.g.
# for bootstrap packages).
# * %portName% is replaced with the name of the port the package belongs to.
# That is %packageName% with any well-known package type suffix ("_devel",
# "_source", etc.) removed.
# * %packageFullVersion% is replaced with the the full version string of the
# package (i.e. including the revision) as extracted frmo the package file
# name.
# * %packageRevisionedName% is replaced with what
# %packageName%-%packageFullVersion% would be replaced.
# * %portRevisionedName% is replaced with what
# %portName%-%packageFullVersion% would be replaced.
# The attribute with the name "depends" will be handled specially. Its
# <value> specifies the name of a package the current package depends on
# (e.g. "devel" typically depends on "base"). If such a dependency is
# specified the current package will be extracted to the same directory as
# the package it depends on. The "depends" attribute must precede any other
# attribute for the package.
# The rule also sets the build feature attribute "<packageAlias>:directory"
# to the extraction directory for each package.
local qualifiedFeature = [ FQualifiedBuildFeatureName $(feature) ] ;
list = [ FFilterByBuildFeatures $(list) ] ;
while $(list) {
if $(list[1]) != file: {
Exit "ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Expected \"file: ...\", got:"
$(list) ;
local package = $(list[2]) ;
local file = [ FetchPackage $(list[3]) ] ;
local fileName = $(file:BS) ;
list = $(list[4-]) ;
local directory = [ FDirName $(HAIKU_OPTIONAL_BUILD_PACKAGES_DIR)
$(fileName:B) ] ;
directory = $(directory:G=$(package)) ;
while $(list) {
local attribute = [ Match "(.*):" : $(list[1]) ] ;
if ! $(attribute) {
Exit "ExtractBuildFeatureArchives: Expected attribute, got:"
$(list) ;
if $(attribute) = file {
break ;
list = $(list[2-]) ;
local values ;
while $(list) {
switch $(list[1]) {
case *: :
break ;
case * :
values += [ ExtractBuildFeatureArchivesExpandValue
$(list[1]) : $(fileName) ] ;
list = $(list[2-]) ;
if $(attribute) = depends {
# Inherit the extraction directory (with a different grist) and
# depend on the extraction directory of the base package.
local basePackage = $(values[1]) ;
local baseDirectory = [ BuildFeatureAttribute $(feature)
: $(basePackage):directory ] ;
directory = $(baseDirectory:G=$(package)) ;
Depends $(directory) : $(directory:G=$(basePackage)) ;
} else {
SetBuildFeatureAttribute $(feature) : $(attribute)
: [ ExtractArchive $(directory)
: $(values) : $(file)
: extracted-$(qualifiedFeature)-$(package) ] ;
SetBuildFeatureAttribute $(feature) : $(attribute):package
: $(package) ;
SetBuildFeatureAttribute $(feature) : $(package):directory
: $(directory:G=) ;
rule InitArchitectureBuildFeatures architecture
# InitArchitectureBuildFeatures <architecture> ;
# Enable the build features that can be derived directly from the
# architecture.
# The build feature rule use TARGET_PACKAGING_ARCH, so set that temporarily.
local savedArchitecture = $(TARGET_PACKAGING_ARCH) ;
TARGET_PACKAGING_ARCH = $(architecture) ;
# Add the target architecture as a build feature.
EnableBuildFeatures $(TARGET_ARCH_$(architecture)) ;
# For the primary architecture add the "primary" build feature.
if $(architecture) = $(TARGET_PACKAGING_ARCHS[1]) {
EnableBuildFeatures primary ;
# Add all secondary architectures as build features (with prefix).
EnableBuildFeatures secondary_$(TARGET_PACKAGING_ARCHS[2-]) ;
if $(TARGET_GCC_VERSION_$(architecture)[1]) = 2 {
EnableBuildFeatures gcc2 ;
TARGET_PACKAGING_ARCH = $(savedArchitecture) ;