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* Copyright 2007 Haiku Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Ingo Weinhold
\page fs_modules File System Modules
To support a particular file system (FS), a kernel module implementing a
special interface (\c file_system_module_info defined in \c <fs_interface.h>)
has to be provided. As for any other module the \c std_ops() hook is invoked
with \c B_MODULE_INIT directly after the FS module has been loaded by the
kernel, and with \c B_MODULE_UNINIT before it is unloaded, thus providing
a simple mechanism for one-time module initializations. The same module is
used for accessing any volume of that FS type.
\section objects File System Objects
There are several types of objects a FS module has to deal with directly or
- A \em volume is an instance of a file system. For a disk-based file
system it corresponds to a disk, partition, or disk image file. When
mounting a volume the virtual file system layer (VFS) assigns a unique
number (ID, of type \c dev_t) to it and a handle (type \c void*) provided
by the file system. The VFS creates an instance of struct \c fs_volume
that stores these two, an operation vector (\c fs_volume_ops), and other
volume related items.
Whenever the FS is asked to perform an operation the \c fs_volume object
is supplied, and whenever the FS requests a volume-related service from
the kernel, it also has to pass the \c fs_volume object or, in some cases,
just the volume ID.
Normally the handle is a pointer to a data structure the FS allocates to
associate data with the volume.
- A \em node is contained by a volume. It can be of type file, directory, or
symbolic link (symlink). Just as volumes nodes are associated with an ID
(type \c ino_t) and, if in use, also with a handle (type \c void*).
As for volumes the VFS creates an instance of a structure (\c fs_vnode)
for each node in use, storing the FS's handle for the node and an
operation vector (\c fs_vnode_ops).
Unlike the volume ID the node ID is defined by the FS.
It often has a meaning to the FS, e.g. file systems using inodes might
choose the inode number corresponding to the node. As long as the volume
is mounted and the node is known to the VFS, its node ID must not change.
The node handle is again a pointer to a data structure allocated by the
- A \em vnode (VFS node) is the VFS representation of a node. A volume may
contain a great number of nodes, but at a time only a few are represented
by vnodes, usually only those that are currently in use (sometimes a few
- An \em entry (directory entry) belongs to a directory, has a name, and
refers to a node. It is important to understand the difference between
entries and nodes: A node doesn't have a name, only the entries that refer
to it have. If a FS supports to have more than one entry refer to a single
node, it is also said to support "hard links". It is possible that no
entry refers to a node. This happens when a node (e.g. a file) is still
open, but the last entry referring to it has been removed (the node will
be deleted when the it is closed). While entries are to be understood as
independent entities, the FS interface does not use IDs or handles to
refer to them; it always uses directory and entry name pairs to do that.
- An \em attribute is a named and typed data container belonging to a node.
A node may have any number of attributes; they are organized in a
(depending on the FS, virtual or actually existing) attribute directory,
through which one can iterate.
- An \em index is supposed to provide fast searching capabilities for
attributes with a certain name. A volume's index directory allows for
iterating through the indices.
- A \em query is a fully virtual object for searching for entries via an
expression matching entry name, node size, node modification date, and/or
node attributes. The mechanism of retrieving the entries found by a query
is similar to that for reading a directory contents. A query can be live
in which case the creator of the query is notified by the FS whenever an
entry no longer matches the query expression or starts matching.
\section concepts Generic Concepts
A FS module has to (or can) provide quite a lot of hook functions. There are
a few concepts that apply to several groups of them:
- <em>Opening, Closing, and Cookies</em>: Many FS objects can be opened and
closed, namely nodes in general, directories, attribute directories,
attributes, the index directory, and queries. In each case there are three
hook functions: <tt>open*()</tt>, <tt>close*()</tt>, and
<tt>free*_cookie()</tt>. The <tt>open*()</tt> hook is passed all that is
needed to identify the object to be opened and, in some cases, additional
parameters e.g. specifying a particular opening mode. The implementation
is required to return a cookie (type \c void*), usually a pointer to a
data structure the FS allocates. In some cases (e.g.
when an iteration state is associated with the cookie) a new cookie must
be allocated for each instance of opening the object. The cookie is passed
to all hooks that operate on a thusly opened object. The <tt>close*()</tt>
hook is invoked to signal that the cookie is to be closed. At this point
the cookie might still be in use. Blocking FS hooks (e.g. blocking
read/write operations) using the same cookie have to be unblocked. When
the cookie stops being in use the <tt>free*_cookie()</tt> hook is called;
it has to free the cookie.
- <em>Entry Iteration</em>: For the FS objects serving as containers for
other objects, i.e. directories, attribute directories, the index
directory, and queries, the cookie mechanism is used for a stateful
iteration through the contained objects. The <tt>read_*()</tt> hook reads
the next one or more entries into a <tt>struct dirent</tt> buffer. The
<tt>rewind_*()</tt> hook resets the iteration state to the first entry.
- <em>Stat Information</em>: In case of nodes, attributes, and indices
detailed information about an object are requested via a
<tt>read*_stat()</tt> hook and must be written into a <tt>struct stat</tt>
\section vnodes VNodes
A vnode is the VFS representation of a node. As soon as an access to a node
is requested, the VFS creates a corresponding vnode. The requesting entity
gets a reference to the vnode for the time it works with the vnode and
releases the reference when done. When the last reference to a vnode has
been surrendered, the vnode is unused and the VFS can decide to destroy it
(usually it is cached for a while longer).
When the VFS creates a vnode, it invokes the volume's
\link fs_volume_ops::get_vnode get_vnode() \endlink
hook to let it create the respective node handle (unless the FS requests the
creation of the vnode explicitely by calling publish_vnode()). That's the
only hook that specifies a node by ID; all other node-related hooks are
defined in the respective node's operation vector and they are passed the
respective \c fs_vnode object. When the VFS deletes the vnode, it invokes
the nodes's \link fs_vnode_ops::put_vnode put_vnode() \endlink
hook or, if the node was marked removed,
\link fs_vnode_ops::remove_vnode remove_vnode() \endlink.
There are only four FS hooks through which the VFS gains knowledge of the
existence of a node. The first one is the
\link file_system_module_info::mount mount() \endlink
hook. It is supposed to call \c publish_vnode() for the root node of the
volume and return its ID. The second one is the
\link fs_vnode_ops::lookup lookup() \endlink
hook. Given a \c fs_vnode object of a directory and an entry name, it is
supposed to call \c get_vnode() for the node the entry refers to and return
the node ID.
The remaining two hooks,
\link fs_vnode_ops::read_dir read_dir() \endlink and
\link fs_volume_ops::read_query read_query() \endlink,
both return entries in a <tt>struct dirent</tt> structure, which also
contains the ID of the node the entry refers to.
\section mandatory_hooks Mandatory Hooks
Which hooks a FS module should provide mainly depends on what functionality
it features. E.g. a FS without support for attribute, indices, and/or
queries can omit the respective hooks (i.e. set them to \c NULL in the
module, \c fs_volume_ops, and \c fs_vnode_ops structure). Some hooks are
mandatory, though. A minimal read-only FS module must implement:
- \link file_system_module_info::mount mount() \endlink and
\link fs_volume_ops::unmount unmount() \endlink:
Mounting and unmounting a volume is required for pretty obvious reasons.
- \link fs_vnode_ops::lookup lookup() \endlink:
The VFS uses this hook to resolve path names. It is probably one of the
most frequently invoked hooks.
- \link fs_volume_ops::get_vnode get_vnode() \endlink and
\link fs_vnode_ops::put_vnode put_vnode() \endlink:
Create respectively destroy the FS's private node handle when
the VFS creates/deletes the vnode for a particular node.
- \link fs_vnode_ops::read_stat read_stat() \endlink:
Return a <tt>struct stat</tt> info for the given node, consisting of the
type and size of the node, its owner and access permissions, as well as
certain access times.
- \link fs_vnode_ops::open open() \endlink,
\link fs_vnode_ops::close close() \endlink, and
\link fs_vnode_ops::free_cookie free_cookie() \endlink:
Open and close a node as explained in \ref concepts.
- \link fs_vnode_ops::read read() \endlink:
Read data from an opened node (file). Even if the FS does not feature
files, the hook has to be present anyway; it should return an error in
this case.
- \link fs_vnode_ops::open_dir open_dir() \endlink,
\link fs_vnode_ops::close_dir close_dir() \endlink, and
\link fs_vnode_ops::free_dir_cookie free_dir_cookie() \endlink:
Open and close a directory for entry iteration as explained in
\ref concepts.
- \link fs_vnode_ops::read_dir read_dir() \endlink and
\link fs_vnode_ops::rewind_dir rewind_dir() \endlink:
Read the next entry/entries from a directory, respectively reset the
iterator to the first entry, as explained in \ref concepts.
Although not strictly mandatory, a FS should additionally implement the
following hooks:
- \link fs_volume_ops::read_fs_info read_fs_info() \endlink:
Return general information about the volume, e.g. total and free size, and
what special features (attributes, MIME types, queries) the volume/FS
- \link fs_vnode_ops::read_symlink read_symlink() \endlink:
Read the value of a symbolic link. Needed only, if the FS and volume
support symbolic links at all. If absent symbolic links stored on the
volume won't be interpreted.
- \link fs_vnode_ops::access access() \endlink:
Return whether the current user has the given access permissions for a
node. If the hook is absent the user is considered to have all
\section permissions Checking Access Permission
While there is the \link fs_vnode_ops::access access() \endlink hook
that explicitly checks access permission for a node, it is not used by the
VFS to check access permissions for the other hooks. This has two reasons:
It could be cheaper for the FS to do that in the respective hook (at least
it's not more expensive), and the FS can make sure that there are no race
conditions between the check and the start of the operation for the hook.
The downside is that in most hooks the FS has to check those permissions.
It is possible to simplify things a bit, though:
- For operations that require the file system object in question (node,
directory, index, attribute, attribute directory, query) to be open, most
of the checks can already be done in the respective <tt>open*()</tt> hook.
E.g. in fs_vnode_ops::read() or fs_vnode_ops::write() one only has to
check, if the file has been opened for reading/writing, not whether the
current process has the respective permissions.
- The core of the fs_vnode_ops::access() hook can be moved into a private
function that can be easily reused in other hooks to check the permissions
for the respective operations. In most cases this will reduce permission
checking to one or two additional "if"s in the hooks where it is required.
\section node_monitoring Node Monitoring
One of the nice features of Haiku's API is an easy way to monitor
directories or nodes for changes. That is one can register for watching a
given node for certain modification events and will get a notification
message whenever one of those events occurs. While other parts of the
operating system do the actual notification message delivery, it is the
responsibility of each file system to announce changes. It has to use the
following functions to do that:
- notify_entry_created(): A directory entry has been created.
- notify_entry_removed(): A directory entry has been removed.
- notify_entry_moved(): A directory entry has been renamed and/or moved
to another directory.
- notify_stat_changed(): One or more members of the stat data for node have
changed. E.g. the \c st_size member changes when the file is truncated or
data have been written to it beyond its former size. The modification time
(\c st_mtime) changes whenever a node is write-accessed. To avoid a flood
of messages for small and frequent write operations on an open file the
file system can limit the number of notifications and mark them with the
B_WATCH_INTERIM_STAT flag. When closing a modified file a notification
without that flag should be issued.
- notify_attribute_changed(): An attribute of a node has been added,
removed, or changed.
If the file system supports queries, it needs to call the following
functions to make live queries work:
- notify_query_entry_created(): A change caused an entry that didn't match
the query predicate before to match now.
- notify_query_entry_removed(): A change caused an entry that matched
the query predicate before to no longer match.
\section caches Caches
The Haiku kernel provides three kinds of caches that can be used by a
file system implementation to speed up file system operations:
- <em>Block cache</em>: Interesting for disk-based file systems. The device
the file system volume is located on is considered to be divided in
equally-sized blocks of data that can be accessed via the block cache API
(e.g. block_cache_get() and block_cache_put()). As long as the system has
enough memory the block cache will keep all blocks that have been accessed
in memory, thus allowing further accesses to be very fast.
The block cache also has transaction support, which is of interest for
journaled file systems.
- <em>File cache</em>: Stores file contents. The FS can decide to create
a file cache for any of its files. The fs_vnode_ops::read() and
fs_vnode_ops::write() hooks can then simply be implemented by calling the
file_cache_read() respectively file_cache_write() function, which will
read the data from/write the data to the file cache. For reading uncached
data or writing back cached data to the file, the file cache will invoke
the fs_vnode_ops::io() hook.
Only files for which the file cache is used, can be memory mapped (cf.
- <em>Entry cache</em>: Can be used to speed up resolving paths. Normally
the VFS will call the fs_vnode_ops::lookup() hook for each element of the
path to be resolved, which, depending on the file system, can be more or
less expensive. When the FS uses the entry cache, those calls will be
avoided most of the time. All the file system has to do is invoke the
entry_cache_add() function when it encounters an entry that might not yet
be known to the entry cache and entry_cache_remove() when a directory
entry has been removed.
// TODO:
// * FS layers