
703 lines
21 KiB

* Copyright 2001-2009, Haiku.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Erik Jaesler (erik@cgsoftware.com)
#ifndef _VIEW_H
#define _VIEW_H
#include <Alignment.h>
#include <BeBuild.h>
#include <Font.h>
#include <Handler.h>
#include <InterfaceDefs.h>
#include <Rect.h>
#include <Size.h>
#include <Gradient.h>
// mouse button
enum {
// mouse transit
enum {
// event mask
enum {
B_POINTER_EVENTS = 0x00000001,
B_KEYBOARD_EVENTS = 0x00000002
// event mask options
enum {
B_LOCK_WINDOW_FOCUS = 0x00000001,
B_SUSPEND_VIEW_FOCUS = 0x00000002,
B_NO_POINTER_HISTORY = 0x00000004,
// new in Haiku (unless this flag is
// specified, both BWindow and BView::GetMouse()
// will filter out older mouse moved messages)
enum {
// set font mask
enum {
B_FONT_SIZE = 0x00000002,
B_FONT_SHEAR = 0x00000004,
B_FONT_ROTATION = 0x00000008,
B_FONT_SPACING = 0x00000010,
B_FONT_ENCODING = 0x00000020,
B_FONT_FACE = 0x00000040,
B_FONT_FLAGS = 0x00000080,
B_FONT_ALL = 0x000001FF
// view flags
const uint32 B_FULL_UPDATE_ON_RESIZE = 0x80000000UL; /* 31 */
const uint32 _B_RESERVED1_ = 0x40000000UL; /* 30 */
const uint32 B_WILL_DRAW = 0x20000000UL; /* 29 */
const uint32 B_PULSE_NEEDED = 0x10000000UL; /* 28 */
const uint32 B_NAVIGABLE_JUMP = 0x08000000UL; /* 27 */
const uint32 B_FRAME_EVENTS = 0x04000000UL; /* 26 */
const uint32 B_NAVIGABLE = 0x02000000UL; /* 25 */
const uint32 B_SUBPIXEL_PRECISE = 0x01000000UL; /* 24 */
const uint32 B_DRAW_ON_CHILDREN = 0x00800000UL; /* 23 */
const uint32 B_INPUT_METHOD_AWARE = 0x00400000UL; /* 23 */
const uint32 _B_RESERVED7_ = 0x00200000UL; /* 22 */
const uint32 B_SUPPORTS_LAYOUT = 0x00100000UL; /* 21 */
const uint32 B_INVALIDATE_AFTER_LAYOUT = 0x00080000UL; /* 20 */
#define _RESIZE_MASK_ (0xffff)
const uint32 _VIEW_TOP_ = 1UL;
const uint32 _VIEW_LEFT_ = 2UL;
const uint32 _VIEW_BOTTOM_ = 3UL;
const uint32 _VIEW_RIGHT_ = 4UL;
const uint32 _VIEW_CENTER_ = 5UL;
inline uint32 _rule_(uint32 r1, uint32 r2, uint32 r3, uint32 r4)
{ return ((r1 << 12) | (r2 << 8) | (r3 << 4) | r4); }
#define B_FOLLOW_NONE 0
#define B_FOLLOW_LEFT _rule_(0, _VIEW_LEFT_, 0, _VIEW_LEFT_)
#define B_FOLLOW_RIGHT _rule_(0, _VIEW_RIGHT_, 0, _VIEW_RIGHT_)
#define B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT _rule_(0, _VIEW_LEFT_, 0, _VIEW_RIGHT_)
#define B_FOLLOW_H_CENTER _rule_(0, _VIEW_CENTER_, 0, _VIEW_CENTER_)
#define B_FOLLOW_TOP _rule_(_VIEW_TOP_, 0, _VIEW_TOP_, 0)
#define B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM _rule_(_VIEW_BOTTOM_, 0, _VIEW_BOTTOM_, 0)
#define B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM _rule_(_VIEW_TOP_, 0, _VIEW_BOTTOM_, 0)
#define B_FOLLOW_V_CENTER _rule_(_VIEW_CENTER_, 0, _VIEW_CENTER_, 0)
class BBitmap;
class BCursor;
class BLayout;
class BLayoutContext;
class BLayoutItem;
class BMessage;
class BPicture;
class BPolygon;
class BRegion;
class BScrollBar;
class BScrollView;
class BShape;
class BShelf;
class BString;
class BWindow;
struct _array_data_;
struct _array_hdr_;
struct overlay_restrictions;
namespace BPrivate {
class ViewState;
class BView : public BHandler {
BView(const char* name, uint32 flags,
BLayout* layout = NULL);
BView(BRect frame, const char* name,
uint32 resizeMask, uint32 flags);
virtual ~BView();
BView(BMessage* data);
static BArchivable* Instantiate(BMessage* data);
virtual status_t Archive(BMessage* data, bool deep = true) const;
virtual void AttachedToWindow();
virtual void AllAttached();
virtual void DetachedFromWindow();
virtual void AllDetached();
virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* msg);
void AddChild(BView* child, BView* before = NULL);
bool AddChild(BLayoutItem* child);
bool RemoveChild(BView* child);
int32 CountChildren() const;
BView* ChildAt(int32 index) const;
BView* NextSibling() const;
BView* PreviousSibling() const;
bool RemoveSelf();
BWindow* Window() const;
virtual void Draw(BRect updateRect);
virtual void MouseDown(BPoint where);
virtual void MouseUp(BPoint where);
virtual void MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 code,
const BMessage* dragMessage);
virtual void WindowActivated(bool state);
virtual void KeyDown(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes);
virtual void KeyUp(const char* bytes, int32 numBytes);
virtual void Pulse();
virtual void FrameMoved(BPoint newPosition);
virtual void FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight);
virtual void TargetedByScrollView(BScrollView* scrollView);
void BeginRectTracking(BRect startRect,
uint32 style = B_TRACK_WHOLE_RECT);
void EndRectTracking();
void GetMouse(BPoint* location, uint32* buttons,
bool checkMessageQueue = true);
void DragMessage(BMessage* message, BRect dragRect,
BHandler* replyTo = NULL);
void DragMessage(BMessage* message, BBitmap* bitmap,
BPoint offset, BHandler* replyTo = NULL);
void DragMessage(BMessage* message, BBitmap* bitmap,
drawing_mode dragMode, BPoint offset,
BHandler* replyTo = NULL);
BView* FindView(const char* name) const;
BView* Parent() const;
BRect Bounds() const;
BRect Frame() const;
void ConvertToScreen(BPoint* pt) const;
BPoint ConvertToScreen(BPoint pt) const;
void ConvertFromScreen(BPoint* pt) const;
BPoint ConvertFromScreen(BPoint pt) const;
void ConvertToScreen(BRect* r) const;
BRect ConvertToScreen(BRect r) const;
void ConvertFromScreen(BRect* r) const;
BRect ConvertFromScreen(BRect r) const;
void ConvertToParent(BPoint* pt) const;
BPoint ConvertToParent(BPoint pt) const;
void ConvertFromParent(BPoint* pt) const;
BPoint ConvertFromParent(BPoint pt) const;
void ConvertToParent(BRect* r) const;
BRect ConvertToParent(BRect r) const;
void ConvertFromParent(BRect* r) const;
BRect ConvertFromParent(BRect r) const;
BPoint LeftTop() const;
void GetClippingRegion(BRegion* region) const;
virtual void ConstrainClippingRegion(BRegion* region);
void ClipToPicture(BPicture* picture,
BPoint where = B_ORIGIN, bool sync = true);
void ClipToInversePicture(BPicture* picture,
BPoint where = B_ORIGIN, bool sync = true);
virtual void SetDrawingMode(drawing_mode mode);
drawing_mode DrawingMode() const;
void SetBlendingMode(source_alpha srcAlpha,
alpha_function alphaFunc);
void GetBlendingMode(source_alpha* srcAlpha,
alpha_function* alphaFunc) const;
virtual void SetPenSize(float size);
float PenSize() const;
void SetViewCursor(const BCursor* cursor,
bool sync = true);
virtual void SetViewColor(rgb_color c);
void SetViewColor(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b,
uchar a = 255);
rgb_color ViewColor() const;
void SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap,
BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect,
uint32 followFlags
uint32 options = B_TILE_BITMAP);
void SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap,
uint32 followFlags
uint32 options = B_TILE_BITMAP);
void ClearViewBitmap();
status_t SetViewOverlay(const BBitmap* overlay,
BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect,
rgb_color* colorKey,
uint32 followFlags
uint32 options = 0);
status_t SetViewOverlay(const BBitmap* overlay,
rgb_color* colorKey,
uint32 followFlags
uint32 options = 0);
void ClearViewOverlay();
virtual void SetHighColor(rgb_color a_color);
void SetHighColor(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b,
uchar a = 255);
rgb_color HighColor() const;
virtual void SetLowColor(rgb_color a_color);
void SetLowColor(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b,
uchar a = 255);
rgb_color LowColor() const;
void SetLineMode(cap_mode lineCap, join_mode lineJoin,
float miterLimit = B_DEFAULT_MITER_LIMIT);
join_mode LineJoinMode() const;
cap_mode LineCapMode() const;
float LineMiterLimit() const;
void SetOrigin(BPoint pt);
void SetOrigin(float x, float y);
BPoint Origin() const;
void PushState();
void PopState();
void MovePenTo(BPoint pt);
void MovePenTo(float x, float y);
void MovePenBy(float x, float y);
BPoint PenLocation() const;
void StrokeLine(BPoint toPt, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokeLine(BPoint a, BPoint b,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void BeginLineArray(int32 count);
void AddLine(BPoint a, BPoint b, rgb_color color);
void EndLineArray();
void StrokePolygon(const BPolygon* polygon,
bool closed = true, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokePolygon(const BPoint* ptArray, int32 numPts,
bool closed = true, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokePolygon(const BPoint* ptArray, int32 numPts,
BRect bounds, bool closed = true,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillPolygon(const BPolygon* polygon,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillPolygon(const BPoint* ptArray, int32 numPts,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillPolygon(const BPoint* ptArray, int32 numPts,
BRect bounds, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillPolygon(const BPolygon* polygon,
const BGradient& gradient);
void FillPolygon(const BPoint* ptArray, int32 numPts,
const BGradient& gradient);
void FillPolygon(const BPoint* ptArray, int32 numPts,
BRect bounds, const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeTriangle(BPoint pt1, BPoint pt2, BPoint pt3,
BRect bounds, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokeTriangle(BPoint pt1, BPoint pt2, BPoint pt3,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillTriangle(BPoint pt1, BPoint pt2, BPoint pt3,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillTriangle(BPoint pt1, BPoint pt2, BPoint pt3,
BRect bounds, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillTriangle(BPoint pt1, BPoint pt2, BPoint pt3,
const BGradient& gradient);
void FillTriangle(BPoint pt1, BPoint pt2, BPoint pt3,
BRect bounds, const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeRect(BRect r, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillRect(BRect r, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillRect(BRect r, const BGradient& gradient);
void FillRegion(BRegion* region,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillRegion(BRegion* region,
const BGradient& gradient);
void InvertRect(BRect r);
void StrokeRoundRect(BRect r, float xRadius,
float yRadius, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillRoundRect(BRect r, float xRadius, float yRadius,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillRoundRect(BRect r, float xRadius, float yRadius,
const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius,
float yRadius, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokeEllipse(BRect r, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius,
float yRadius, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillEllipse(BRect r, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius,
float yRadius, const BGradient& gradient);
void FillEllipse(BRect r, const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeArc(BPoint center, float xRadius,
float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void StrokeArc(BRect r, float startAngle,
float arcAngle, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius,
float startAngle, float arcAngle,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillArc(BRect r, float startAngle, float arcAngle,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius,
float startAngle, float arcAngle,
const BGradient& gradient);
void FillArc(BRect r, float startAngle, float arcAngle,
const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeBezier(BPoint* controlPoints,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillBezier(BPoint* controlPoints,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillBezier(BPoint* controlPoints,
const BGradient& gradient);
void StrokeShape(BShape* shape,
pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillShape(BShape* shape, pattern p = B_SOLID_HIGH);
void FillShape(BShape* shape, const BGradient& gradient);
void CopyBits(BRect src, BRect dst);
void DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect,
uint32 options);
void DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect);
void DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect viewRect);
void DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BPoint where);
void DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap* aBitmap);
void DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect,
uint32 options);
void DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect);
void DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BRect viewRect);
void DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* aBitmap,
BPoint where);
void DrawBitmap(const BBitmap* aBitmap);
void DrawChar(char aChar);
void DrawChar(char aChar, BPoint location);
void DrawString(const char* aString,
escapement_delta* delta = NULL);
void DrawString(const char* aString, BPoint location,
escapement_delta* delta = NULL);
void DrawString(const char* aString, int32 length,
escapement_delta* delta = NULL);
void DrawString(const char* aString, int32 length,
BPoint location, escapement_delta* delta = 0L);
virtual void SetFont(const BFont* font,
uint32 mask = B_FONT_ALL);
void GetFont(BFont* font) const;
void TruncateString(BString* in_out, uint32 mode,
float width) const;
float StringWidth(const char* string) const;
float StringWidth(const char* string, int32 length) const;
void GetStringWidths(char* stringArray[],
int32 lengthArray[], int32 numStrings,
float widthArray[]) const;
void SetFontSize(float size);
void ForceFontAliasing(bool enable);
void GetFontHeight(font_height* height) const;
void Invalidate(BRect invalRect);
void Invalidate(const BRegion* invalRegion);
void Invalidate();
void SetDiskMode(char* filename, long offset);
void BeginPicture(BPicture* a_picture);
void AppendToPicture(BPicture* a_picture);
BPicture* EndPicture();
void DrawPicture(const BPicture* a_picture);
void DrawPicture(const BPicture* a_picture,
BPoint where);
void DrawPicture(const char* filename, long offset,
BPoint where);
void DrawPictureAsync(const BPicture* a_picture);
void DrawPictureAsync(const BPicture* a_picture,
BPoint where);
void DrawPictureAsync(const char* filename, long offset,
BPoint where);
status_t SetEventMask(uint32 mask, uint32 options = 0);
uint32 EventMask();
status_t SetMouseEventMask(uint32 mask, uint32 options = 0);
virtual void SetFlags(uint32 flags);
uint32 Flags() const;
virtual void SetResizingMode(uint32 mode);
uint32 ResizingMode() const;
void MoveBy(float dh, float dv);
void MoveTo(BPoint where);
void MoveTo(float x, float y);
void ResizeBy(float dh, float dv);
void ResizeTo(float width, float height);
void ResizeTo(BSize size);
void ScrollBy(float dh, float dv);
void ScrollTo(float x, float y);
virtual void ScrollTo(BPoint where);
virtual void MakeFocus(bool focusState = true);
bool IsFocus() const;
virtual void Show();
virtual void Hide();
bool IsHidden() const;
bool IsHidden(const BView* looking_from) const;
void Flush() const;
void Sync() const;
virtual void GetPreferredSize(float* width, float* height);
virtual void ResizeToPreferred();
BScrollBar* ScrollBar(orientation posture) const;
virtual BHandler* ResolveSpecifier(BMessage* msg, int32 index,
BMessage* specifier, int32 form,
const char* property);
virtual status_t GetSupportedSuites(BMessage* data);
bool IsPrinting() const;
void SetScale(float scale) const;
float Scale() const;
// new for Haiku
virtual status_t Perform(perform_code code, void* data);
virtual void DrawAfterChildren(BRect r);
// layout related
virtual BSize MinSize();
virtual BSize MaxSize();
virtual BSize PreferredSize();
virtual BAlignment LayoutAlignment();
void SetExplicitMinSize(BSize size);
void SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize size);
void SetExplicitPreferredSize(BSize size);
void SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment alignment);
BSize ExplicitMinSize() const;
BSize ExplicitMaxSize() const;
BSize ExplicitPreferredSize() const;
BAlignment ExplicitAlignment() const;
virtual bool HasHeightForWidth();
virtual void GetHeightForWidth(float width, float* min,
float* max, float* preferred);
virtual void SetLayout(BLayout* layout);
BLayout* GetLayout() const;
virtual void InvalidateLayout(bool descendants = false);
void EnableLayoutInvalidation();
void DisableLayoutInvalidation();
bool IsLayoutValid() const;
void ResetLayoutInvalidation();
BLayoutContext* LayoutContext() const;
void Layout(bool force);
void Relayout();
virtual void DoLayout();
void _Layout(bool force, BLayoutContext* context);
struct LayoutData;
friend class BBitmap;
friend class BLayout;
friend class BPrintJob;
friend class BScrollBar;
friend class BShelf;
friend class BTabView;
friend class BWindow;
virtual void _ReservedView11();
virtual void _ReservedView12();
virtual void _ReservedView13();
virtual void _ReservedView14();
virtual void _ReservedView15();
virtual void _ReservedView16();
BView(const BView&);
BView& operator=(const BView&);
void _InitData(BRect frame, const char* name,
uint32 resizeMask, uint32 flags);
status_t _SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap* bitmap,
BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect,
uint32 followFlags, uint32 options);
void _ClipToPicture(BPicture* picture, BPoint where,
bool invert, bool sync);
bool _CheckOwnerLockAndSwitchCurrent() const;
bool _CheckOwnerLock() const;
void _CheckLockAndSwitchCurrent() const;
void _CheckLock() const;
void _SwitchServerCurrentView() const;
void _SetOwner(BWindow* newOwner);
void _RemoveCommArray();
BShelf* _Shelf() const;
void _SetShelf(BShelf* shelf);
void _MoveTo(int32 x, int32 y);
void _ResizeBy(int32 deltaWidth, int32 deltaHeight);
void _ParentResizedBy(int32 deltaWidth,
int32 deltaHeight);
void _ConvertToScreen(BPoint* pt, bool checkLock) const;
void _ConvertFromScreen(BPoint* pt,
bool checkLock) const;
void _ConvertToParent(BPoint* pt, bool checkLock) const;
void _ConvertFromParent(BPoint* pt,
bool checkLock) const;
void _Activate(bool state);
void _Attach();
void _Detach();
void _Draw(BRect screenUpdateRect);
void _DrawAfterChildren(BRect screenUpdateRect);
void _Pulse();
void _UpdateStateForRemove();
void _UpdatePattern(::pattern pattern);
void _FlushIfNotInTransaction();
bool _CreateSelf();
bool _AddChildToList(BView* child, BView* before = NULL);
bool _RemoveChildFromList(BView* child);
bool _AddChild(BView *child, BView *before);
bool _RemoveSelf();
// Debugging methods
void _PrintToStream();
void _PrintTree();
int32 _unused_int1;
uint32 fFlags;
BPoint fParentOffset;
BWindow* fOwner;
BView* fParent;
BView* fNextSibling;
BView* fPreviousSibling;
BView* fFirstChild;
int16 fShowLevel;
bool fTopLevelView;
bool fNoISInteraction;
BPicture* fCurrentPicture;
_array_data_* fCommArray;
BScrollBar* fVerScroller;
BScrollBar* fHorScroller;
bool fIsPrinting;
bool fAttached;
bool _unused_bool1;
bool _unused_bool2;
BPrivate::ViewState* fState;
BRect fBounds;
BShelf* fShelf;
uint32 fEventMask;
uint32 fEventOptions;
uint32 fMouseEventOptions;
LayoutData* fLayoutData;
uint32 _reserved[7];
// inline definitions ----------------------------------------------------------
inline void
BView::ScrollTo(float x, float y)
ScrollTo(BPoint(x, y));
inline void
BView::SetViewColor(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
rgb_color color;
color.red = r;
color.green = g;
color.blue = b;
color.alpha = a;
inline void
BView::SetHighColor(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
rgb_color color;
color.red = r;
color.green = g;
color.blue = b;
color.alpha = a;
inline void
BView::SetLowColor(uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
rgb_color color;
color.red = r;
color.green = g;
color.blue = b;
color.alpha = a;
#endif // _VIEW_H