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* Copyright 2002-2013 Haiku Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
* Authors:
* Tyler Dauwalder
* John Scipione, jscipione@gmail.com
* Ingo Weinhold, bonefish@users.sf.net
* Corresponds to:
* headers/os/storage/Statable.h hrev45306
* src/kits/storage/Statable.cpp hrev45306
\file Statable.h
\ingroup storage
\ingroup libbe
\brief Provides the BStatable abstract class.
\class BStatable
\ingroup storage
\ingroup libbe
\brief Pure abstract class that provides a wrapper interface to the POSIX®
stat() function.
BStatable provides common functionality for the BEntry and BNode classes.
You can use this class to:
- Get the stat struct of a node with the GetStat() method.
- Identify a node as a file, directory, or symbolic link with the
IsFile(), IsDirectory(), and IsSymLink() methods.
- Get and set the UID (GetOwner() and SetOwner()), GID (GetGroup() and
SetGroup()), and permissions (GetPermissions() and SetPermissions()) of
a node.
- Get the size of a node's data (not counting attributes) with the
GetSize() method.
- Get and set a node's modification time (GetModificationTime() and
SetModificationTime()), creation time (GetCreationTime() and
SetCreationTime()), and access time (GetAccessTime() and
- Get a pointer to the BVolume object that a node lives on via the
GetVolume() method.
- Get a node_ref of a node to pass into watch_node() via the GetNodeRef()
\fn status_t BStatable::GetStat(struct stat *st) const
\brief Fills out the stat structure for the node.
This method may be used to access the stat structure of a node directly.
\param st The stat structure to be filled in.
\returns A status code.
\retval B_OK Everything went fine.
\retval B_NO_MEMORY Could not allocate enough memory.
\retval B_BAD_VALUE The node does not exist.
\retval B_NOT_ALLOWED Node or volume was read only.
\fn bool BStatable::IsFile() const
\brief Returns whether or not the node is a file.
\return \c true, if the node is properly initialized and is a file,
\c false otherwise.
\fn bool BStatable::IsDirectory() const
\brief Returns whether or not the node is a directory.
\return \c true, if the node is properly initialized and is a directory,
\c false otherwise.
\fn bool BStatable::IsSymLink() const
\brief Returns whether or not the node is a symbolic link.
\return \c true, if the node is properly initialized and is a symlink,
\c false otherwise.
\fn status_t BStatable::GetNodeRef(node_ref *ref) const
\brief Fills out \a ref with the \c node_ref of the node.
\param ref the node_ref to be set.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::GetOwner(uid_t *owner) const
\brief Fills out the node's UID into \a owner.
\param owner A pointer to a \c uid_t to be set.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::SetOwner(uid_t owner)
\brief Sets the node's UID to \a owner.
\param owner The UID to set the node to.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::GetGroup(gid_t *group) const
\brief Fills out the node's GID into \a group.
\param group a pointer to a \c gid_t variable to be set.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::SetGroup(gid_t group)
\brief Sets the node's GID to \a group.
\param group The GID to set the node to.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::GetPermissions(mode_t *perms) const
\brief Fills out \a perms with the permissions of the node.
\param perms A pointer to a \c mode_t variable to be set.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::SetPermissions(mode_t perms)
\brief Sets the node's permissions to \a perms.
\param perms The permissions to set the node to.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::GetSize(off_t *size) const
\brief Fills out the size of the node's data (not counting attributes)
into \a size.
\param size A pointer to a \c off_t variable to be set.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::GetModificationTime(time_t *mtime) const
\brief Fills out \a mtime with the last modification time of the node.
\param mtime A pointer to a \c time_t variable to be set.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::SetModificationTime(time_t mtime)
\brief Sets the node's last modification time to \a mtime.
\param mtime The modification time to set the node to.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::GetCreationTime(time_t *ctime) const
\brief Fills out \a ctime with the creation time of the node.
\param ctime A pointer to a \c time_t variable to be set.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::SetCreationTime(time_t ctime)
\brief Sets the node's creation time to \a ctime.
\param ctime The creation time to set the node to.
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::GetAccessTime(time_t *atime) const
\brief Fills out \a atime with the access time of the node.
\see GetModificationTime()
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::SetAccessTime(time_t atime)
\brief Sets the node's access time to \a atime.
\see GetModificationTime()
\see GetStat() for return codes.
\fn status_t BStatable::GetVolume(BVolume *vol) const
\brief Fills out \a vol with the the volume that the node lives on.
\param vol A pointer to a BVolume object to be set.
\see BVolume
\see GetStat() for return codes.