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\class BLayoutBuilder::Group<>
\ingroup interface
\ingroup layout
\brief BLayoutBuilder::Base subclass for building BGroupLayouts.
\typedef BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::GroupBuilder
\brief Shorthand for builders returned by this builder's AddGroup() methods.
\typedef BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::GridBuilder
\brief Shorthand for builders returned by this builder's AddGrid() methods.
\typedef BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::SplitBuilder
\brief Shorthand for builders returned by this builder's AddSplit() methods.
\typedef BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::ThisBuilder
\brief Shorthand representing the type of \c this.
\name Constructors
\fn BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::Group(BWindow* window,
enum orientation, float spacing)
\brief Creates a new BGroupLayout, and attaches it to a BWindow.
\note The top BView* in \a window has its ViewColor set to
\param window Thew BWindow* to attach the newly created BGroupLayout to.
\param orientation The orientation for the new BGroupLayout.
\param spacing The spacing for the new BGroupLayout.
\fn BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::Group(BGroupLayout* layout)
\brief Creates a builder targeting a BGroupLayout.
Methods called on this builder will be directed to \a layout.
\param layout The BGroupLayout to target with this builder.
\fn BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::Group(BGroupView* view)
\brief Creates a builder targeting a BGroupView.
Methods called on this builder will be directed to
\c view->GroupLayout().
\param view The BGroupView this builder will target.
\fn template <ParentBuilder> BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::Group(
enum orientation, float spacing)
\brief Creates a new BGroupView and targets it.
Methods called on this builder will be directed to the new BGroupView's
\param orientation The orientation for the new BGroupView.
\param spacing The spacing for the new BGroupView.
\name Adding BViews and BLayoutItems
\fn ThisBuilder& BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::Add(BView* view)
\brief Add a BView to the BGroupLayout this builder represents.
\param view The BView to be added.
\see BGroupLayout::AddView(BView*)
\fn ThisBuilder& BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::Add(BView* view,
float weight)
\brief Add BView to the BGroupLayout this builder represents.
\param view The BView to be added.
\param weight The weight to give \a view.
\see BGroupLayout::AddView(BView* view, float weight)
\fn ThisBuilder& BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::Add(
BLayoutItem* item)
\brief Add a BLayoutItem to the BGroupLayout this builder represents.
\param item The BLayoutItem to be added.
\see BGroupLayout::AddItem(BLayoutItem*)
\fn ThisBuilder& BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::Add(BLayoutItem*
item, float weight)
\brief Add a BLayoutItem the BGroupLayout this builder represents.
\param item The BLayoutItem to be added.
\param weight The weight to give \a item.
\see BGroupLayout::AddItem(BLayoutItem* item, float weight)
\name Adding BLayouts and their BView pairs
\brief A set of methods that add a BLayout or BView subclass and return a
BLayoutBuilder::Base subclass representing the newly added object. These
methods push a new builder on top of the stack, you will not be using
\c this builder again until you call End().
\fn GroupBuilder BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::AddGroup(
enum orientation, float spacing, float weight)
\brief Construct and add a viewless BGroupLayout, then return a GroupBuilder
representing the newly added layout.
\param orientation The orientation to use for the new BGroupLayout.
\param spacing The spacing to use for the new BGroupLayout.
\param weight The weight for the new BGroupLayout in the BGroupLayout this
builder represents.
\returns A GroupBuilder representing the newly created BGroupLayout.
\fn GroupBuilder BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::AddGroup(BGroupView*
groupView, float weight)
\brief Add BGroupView and return a builder representing the newly added
\param groupView The BGroupView to be added.
\param weight The weight for \a groupView in the BGroupLayout this builder
\returns A GroupBuilder representing \a groupView.
\fn GroupBuilder BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::AddGroup(
BGroupLayout* groupLayout, float weight)
\brief Add a BGroupLayout and return a builder representing
the newly added BGroupLayout.
\param groupLayout The BGroupLayout to be added.
\param weight The weight for \a groupLayout in the BGroupLayout this builder
\returns A GroupBuilder representing \a groupLayout.
\fn GridBuilder BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::AddGrid(
float horizontalSpacing = 0.0f, float verticalSpacing = 0.0f,
float weight = 1.0f)
\brief Create and add a viewless BGridLayout, then return a builder
representing the newly created BGridLayout.
\param horizontalSpacing The horizontal spacing for the new BGridLayout.
\param verticalSpacing The vertical spacing for the new BGridLayout.
\param weight The weight for the new BGroupLayout in the BGroupLayout this
builder represents.
\returns A GridBuilder representing the newly created BGridLayout.
\fn GridBuilder BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::AddGrid(
BGridLayout* gridLayout, float weight = 1.0f)
\brief Add a BGridLayout, then return a builder the newly added
\param gridLayout The BGridLayout to be added and used to construct the
returned GridBuilder.
\param weight The weight for \a groupLayout in the BGroupLayout this builder
\returns a GridBuilder representing \a gridLayout.
\fn GridBuilder BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::AddGrid(
BGridView* gridView, float weight = 1.0f)
\brief Add a BGridView, then return a builder the newly added
\param gridView The BGridView to be added and used to construct the
returned GridBuilder.
\param weight The weight for \a groupLayout in the BGroupLayout this builder
\returns a GridBuilder representing \a gridView.
\fn SplitBuilder BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::AddSplit(
enum orientation, float spacing, float weight)
\brief Create and add a new BSplitView with a weight of \c weight, then
return a SplitBuilder representing the new BSplitView.
\param orientation The orientation of the new BSplitView.
\param spacing The spacing of the new BSplitView.
\param weight The weight, in this BGroupLayout for the new BSplitView.
\returns a SplitBuilder representing the new BSplitView.
\fn SplitBuilder BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::AddSplit(
BSplitView* splitView, float weight = 1.0f)
\brief Add a BSplitView to the BGroupLayout this builder represents and
return a SplitBuilder representing the BSplitView.
\param splitView The BSplitView to be added.
\param weight The weight of the BSplitView in the BGroupLayout this builder
\name Adding BSpaceLayoutItems
Some convenience methods for adding special BSpaceLayoutItems.
\fn ThisBuilder& BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::AddGlue(
float weight = 1.0f)
\brief Add a BSpaceLayoutItem created by BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateGlue()
to the BGroupLayout this builder represents.
\param weight The weight of the BSpaceLayoutItem in the BGroupLayout this
builder represents
\fn ThisBuilder& BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::AddStrut(float size)
\brief Add a BSpaceLayoutItem created by
BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateHorizontalStrut() or
BSpaceLayoutItem::CreateVerticalStrut() to the BGroupLayout this builder
\param size The width or height of the strut to be created (depending on
the orientation of the BGroupLayout this builder represents).
\fn ThisBuilder& BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::SetInsets(float left,
float top, float right, float bottom)
\brief Call the BTwoDimensionalLayout::SetInsets() method on the
BGroupLayout this builder represents.
\name Accessors
\fn BGroupLayout* BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::Layout() const
\brief Get the BGroupLayout this builder represents.
\fn BView* BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::View() const
\brief Get the BView this builder's BGroupLayout is attached to.
\fn ThisBuilder& BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::GetLayout(
BGroupLayout** _layout)
\brief Get the BGroupLayout this builder represents.
\param[out] _layout The BGroupLayout this builder represents.
\fn ThisBuilder& BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::GetView(
BView** _view)
\brief Get the BView this builder's BGroupLayout is attached to.
\param[out] _view The BView this builder's BGroupLayout is attached to.
\fn BLayoutBuilder::Group<ParentBuilder>::operator BGroupLayout*()
\brief Cast this builder into the BGroupLayout it represents.