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\class BGridLayout
\ingroup interface
\ingroup layout
\ingroup libbe
\brief The BGridLayout class a BLayout subclass that arranges the items it
holds in a grid.
Each item in a BGridLayout receives a rectangular area which can span more
than a single row or column. The indexing of columns and rows is zero based,
starting in the top-left.
\warning This class is not yet finalized, if you use it in your software
assume that it will break some time in the future.
\fn BGridLayout::BGridLayout(float horizontal = 0.0f, float vertical = 0.0f)
\brief Create a BGridLayout with \c horizontal space between columns and
\c vertical space between rows.
\fn BGridLayout::BGridLayout(BMessage* from)
\brief Archive constructor.
\fn int32 BGridLayout::CountColumns() const
\brief Returns the number of active columns in this layout.
\fn int32 BGridLayout::CountRows() const
\brief Returns the number of active rows in this layout.
\fn float BGridLayout::HorizontalSpacing() const
\brief Returns the spacing between columns for this layout.
\fn float BGridLayout::VerticalSpacing() const
\brief Returns the spacing between rows for this layout.
\fn void BGridLayout::SetHorizontalSpacing(float spacing);
\brief Set the spacing between columns for this layout.
\fn void BGridLayout::SetVerticalSpacing(float spacing)
\brief Set the spacing between rows for this layout.
\fn void BGridLayout::SetSpacing(float horizontal, float vertical)
\brief Set the spacing between columns and rows for this layout.
\fn float BGridLayout::ColumnWeight(int32 column) const
\brief Returns the weight for \c column.
\fn void BGridLayout::SetColumnWeight(int32 column, float weight)
\brief Set the weight for \c column to \c weight.
\fn float BGridLayout::MinColumnWidth(int32 column) const
\brief Returns the minimum width for \c column.
\fn void BGridLayout::SetMinColumnWidth(int32 column, float width)
\brief Sets the minimum width for \c column to \c width.
\fn float BGridLayout::MaxColumnWidth(int32 column) const
\brief Returns the maximum width for \c column.
\fn void BGridLayout::SetMaxColumnWidth(int32 column, float width)
\brief Sets the maximum width for \c column to \c width.
\fn float BGridLayout::RowWeight(int32 row) const
\brief Returns the weight for \c row.
\fn void BGridLayout::SetRowWeight(int32 row, float weight)
\brief Set the weight for \c row to \c weight.
\fn float BGridLayout::MinRowHeight(int32 row) const
\brief Returns the minimum height for \c row.
\fn void BGridLayout::SetMinRowHeight(int32 row, float height)
\brief Sets the minimum height for \c row to \c width.
\fn float BGridLayout::MaxRowHeight(int32 row) const
\brief Returns the maximum height for \c row.
\fn void BGridLayout::SetMaxRowHeight(int32 row, float height)
\brief Sets the maximum height for \c row to \c width.
\fn BLayoutItem* BGridLayout::AddView(BView* child)
\brief Adds \c child to this layout in the first empty cell available, or
in a new column in the first row if there are no emtpy cells.
\fn BLayoutItem* BGridLayout::AddView(int32 index, BView* child);
\copybrief BGridLayout::AddView(BView*)
\fn BLayoutItem* BGridLayout::AddView(BView* child, int32 column, int32 row,
int32 columnCount = 1, int32 rowCount = 1);
\brief Adds \c child to this layout at \c column and \c row. \c child may
also occupy additional cells if \c columnCount or \c rowCount are
greater than 1.
Fails and returns NULL if the requested area is occupied, or if internal
memory allocations fail.
\fn BLayoutItem* BGridLayout::AddItem(BLayoutItem* item)
\brief Adds \c item to this layout in the first empty cell available, or
in a new column in the first row if there are no emtpy cells.
\fn BLayoutItem* BGridLayout::AddItem(int32 index, BLayoutItem* item);
\copybrief BGridLayout::AddItem(BLayoutItem*)
\fn BLayoutItem* BGridLayout::AddItem(BLayoutItem* item, int32 column,
int32 row, int32 columnCount = 1, int32 rowCount = 1);
\brief Adds \c item to this layout at \c column and \c row. \c item may
also occupy additional cells if \c columnCount or \c rowCount are
greater than 1.
Fails and returns NULL if the requested area is occupied, or if internal
memory allocations fail.