Change-Id: I7aef31e72a826936c45e3644a72eb0598386f1ae Reviewed-on: https://review.haiku-os.org/c/1309 Reviewed-by: Alex von Gluck IV <kallisti5@unixzen.com>
HaikuPorts repository files
This directory contains RemotePackageRepository files which detail packages and repositories leveraged during Haiku's build process.
Warning: The URL packages are obtained from are determined by the sha256sum of the repository file.
Each RemotePackageRepository jam file in this directory is processed by src/tools/hardlink_packages.py on the HaikuPorts package server.
- Latest RemotePackageRepository jam file in git is downloaded on package server.
- Packages are added to HaikuPorts by automatic or manual means.
- hardlink_packages is provided all the relevant directories and RemotePackageRepository file
- hardlink_packages performs additional modification of the RemotePackageRepository and creates build repositories (https://eu.hpkg.haiku-os.org/haikuports/master/build-packages/)
- The modified RemotePackageRepository file is copied back to the developers system and checked in to git.
Here is the fastest way to update this as of today. Improvements are needed. Replace (ARCH) with architecture, (USER) with your non-root user.
- (as root) wget https://git.haiku-os.org/haiku/plain/build/jam/repositories/HaikuPorts/(ARCH) -O /var/lib/docker/volumes/buildmaster_data_master_(ARCH)/_data/
- Enter the buildmaster container: docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep buildmaster_buildmaster_master_(ARCH) | awk '{ print $1 }') /bin/bash -l
- apt install vim python3
- edit the repository define, add the needed packages, _devel packages, and add base package to source section.
- ln -s /var/buildmaster/package_tools/package_repo /usr/bin/package_tools
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/var/buildmaster/package_tools
- ./package_tools/hardlink_packages.py (ARCH) ./(ARCH) /var/packages/repository/master/(ARCH)/current/packages/ /var/packages/build-packages/master/
- exit; cp /var/lib/docker/volumes/buildmaster_data_master_(ARCH)/_data/(ARCH) /home/(USER)/(ARCH); chown (USER) /home/(USER)/(ARCH);
- scp -P2222 (USER)@walter.haikuos.org:./(ARCH) .
- commit the updated repostory define without modifying it