This needs the 'montage' command from ImageMagick. (it will install it with pkgman if missing) It first uses 'translate' to convert Icon-O-Matic files to PNG, then makes a montage with the icon titles. Run it from the top source folder under Haiku, it might take a while.
17 lines
473 B
Executable File
17 lines
473 B
Executable File
which montage > /dev/null 2>&1 || pkgman install imagemagick
for f in data/artwork/icons/*; do
[ -d "$f" ] && continue
bn="$(basename "$f")"
translate "$f" "${tmpf}${bn}.png" 'PNG '
echo "-label"
echo "${bn}"
echo "${tmpf}${bn}.png"
done | xargs -d '\n' sh -c 'montage -frame 5 -background "#336699" -geometry +4+4 -font /system/data/fonts/ttfonts/DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf -pointsize 8 "$@" haiku_icons.png' --
rm /tmp/$$_icon_*