git-svn-id: file:///srv/svn/repos/haiku/trunk/current@9016 a95241bf-73f2-0310-859d-f6bbb57e9c96
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/* Filter - the base class for all mail filters
** Copyright 2001 Dr. Zoidberg Enterprises. All rights reserved.
class BMessage;
class BView;
class BPositionIO;
class BEntry;
class BPath;
class BView;
class BString;
class BPositionIO;
class BEntry;
enum {
//--- This terminates the chain and removes the message being processed
// both from disk and from the server.
//--- Terminates the current operation
//--- This is for yikes errors, like an unreachable server.
class BMailStatusView;
class BMailChainRunner;
class BMailFilter
BMailFilter(BMessage* settings);
// How to support queueing messages until a time of the
// day/week/month/year? The settings will contain a
// persistent ChainID field, the same for all Filters
// on the same "chain".
virtual ~BMailFilter();
// This will be called when the settings for this Filter
// are changed, or there are no new messages to consume
// after settings->FindInt32("timeout") seconds.
virtual status_t InitCheck(BString* out_message = NULL) = 0;
// Returns B_OK if the Filter was constructed success-
// fully. Otherwise it returns an error code. If it is
// passed a valid BString*, it may add an error message
// to the end of that BString iff it returns an error.
// If it returns an error code then the MailFilter will
// probably be deleted and the error shown to the user.
virtual status_t ProcessMailMessage
BPositionIO** io_message, BEntry* io_entry,
BMessage* io_headers, BPath* io_folder, const char *io_uid
) = 0;
// Filters a message. On input and output, the arguments
// are expected to be as below; however it is allowed for
// the MailFilter to alter any of these values as nece-
// ssary, so long as the constraints are as described when
// the function returns:
// * io_message - a PositionIO that contains the message
// data, pointing to the first byte of the message's
// header. This can be swapped if, eg, the message
// is copied across volume boundries. When the chain
// begins this is a file in /tmp.
// * io_entry - The entry for the PositionIO above.
// * io_headers - a list of attributes that will be added
// to the message file.
// * io_folder - The message's "folder"---may be com-
// pletely unrelated to its on-disk Entry.
// * io_uid - The unique ID provided by the message's
// Protocol
// At most one Filter::ProcessMailMessage() for a given
// chain (and thus ChainID) will be called at a time.
virtual void _ReservedFilter1();
virtual void _ReservedFilter2();
virtual void _ReservedFilter3();
virtual void _ReservedFilter4();
// The addon interface: export instantiate_mailfilter()
// and instantiate_mailconfig() to create a Filter addon
extern "C" _EXPORT BView* instantiate_config_panel(BMessage *settings,BMessage *metadata);
// return a view that configures the MailProtocol or MailFilter
// returned by the functions below. BView::Archive(foo,true)
// produces this addon's settings, which are passed to the in-
// stantiate_* functions and stored persistently. This function
// should gracefully handle empty and NULL settings.
// A note on the metadata argument: The metadata pointer is
// guaranteed to remain valid as long as this view exists. As it is
// a pointer to the chain's metadata, your view can save any
// chain-global settings to it in its Archive() function. Note that
// you must cache this pointer yourself! You will never get it again.
// Also note that it is possible for it to be NULL.
extern "C" _EXPORT BMailFilter* instantiate_mailfilter(BMessage *settings,
BMailChainRunner *runner);
// Return a MailProtocol or MailFilter ready to do its thing,
// based on settings produced by archiving your config panel.
// Note that a Mail::Protocol is a Mail::Filter, so use
// instantiate_mailfilter to start things up.
extern "C" _EXPORT status_t descriptive_name(BMessage *msg, char *buffer);
// the config panel will show this name in the chains filter
// list if this function returns B_OK.
// The buffer is as big as B_FILE_NAME_LENGTH.
// standard Filters:
// * Parser - does ParseRFC2822(io_message,io_headers)
// * Folder - stores the message in the specified folder,
// optionally under io_folder, returns MD_HANDLED
// * HeaderFilter(regex,Yes_fiters,No_filters) -
// Applies Nes_filters to messages that have a header
// matching regex; applies No_filters otherwise.
// * CompatabilityFilter - Invokes the standard mail_dae-
// mon filter ~/config/settings/add-ons/MailDaemon/Filter
// on the message's Entry.
// * Producer - Reads outbound messages from disk and inserts
// them into the queue.
// * SMTPSender - Sends the message, via the specified
// SMTP server, to the people in header field
// "MAIL:recipients", changes the the Entry's
// "MAIL:flags" field to no longer pending, changes the
// "MAIL:status" header field to "Sent", and adds a header
// field "MAIL:when" with the time it was sent.
// * Dumper - returns MD_DISCARD
// Standard chain types:
// Incoming Mail: Protocol - Parser - Notifier - Folder
// Outgoing Mail: Producer - SMTPSender
// "chains" are lists of addons that appear in, or can be
// added to, the "Accounts" list in the config panel, a tree-
// view ordered by the chain type and the chain's AccountName().
// Their config views should be shown, one after the other,
// in the config panel.