
387 lines
11 KiB

# BeOS specific rules
rule AddFileDataAttribute target : attrName : attrType : dataFile
# AddFileAttribute <target> : <attrName> : <attrType> : <dataFile> ;
# Adds a single attribute to a file, retrieving the attribute data from
# a separate file.
# <target>: The file to which the attribute shall be added.
# <attrName>: The name of the attribute.
# <attrType>: Attribute type as supported by addattr (string, int, etc.)
# <dataFile>: The data to be written to the attribute will be read from
# that file.
# Note that this is supposed to be a build target, not a path
# name - if you need to add a data file in a different path,
# you have to locate it first.
# We need to create a temporary file in which we store the attribute name
# and type. Otherwise we wouldn't have these data available in the
# addattr actions.
local id = [ NextID ] ;
local attrMetaFile
= [ FGristFiles $(target:G=)-attr-$(attrName)-$(attrType)-$(id) ] ;
ATTRIBUTE_NAME on $(attrMetaFile) = $(attrName) ;
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE on $(attrMetaFile) = $(attrType) ;
MakeLocateArch $(attrMetaFile) ;
CreateAttributeMetaFile $(attrMetaFile) ;
Depends $(target) : <build>addattr $(attrMetaFile) $(dataFile) ;
AddFileDataAttribute1 $(target)
: <build>addattr $(attrMetaFile) $(dataFile) ;
actions CreateAttributeMetaFile
echo "-t $(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE)" "$(ATTRIBUTE_NAME)" > "$(1)"
actions AddFileDataAttribute1
$(2[1]) -f $(2[3]) `cat $(2[2])` $(1)
rule AddStringDataResource
# AddStringDataResource <target> : <resourceID> : <dataString>
# Adds a single resource to the resources of an executable/library.
# <target>: The executable/library.
# <resourceID>: A resource ID string as understood by xres (type:id[:name]).
# <dataString>: The string <dataString> will be written to the resource.
# Defaults to "".
local target = $(1) ;
local resourceID = $(2) ;
local dataString = $(3:E="") ;
# the resource file
local resources
= [ FGristFiles $(target:B)-added-string-data-resources.rsrc ] ;
# add the resource file to the target, if not yet done
if ! [ on $(resources) return $(RESOURCES_ADDED) ] {
RESOURCES_ADDED on $(resources) = true ;
MakeLocateArch $(resources) ;
Depends $(resources) : <build>xres ;
AddStringDataResource1 $(resources) : <build>xres ;
AddResources $(target) : $(resources) ;
RESOURCE_STRINGS on $(resources)
+= "-a "$(resourceID)" -s \""$(dataString)"\"" ;
actions together AddStringDataResource1
$(2[1]) -o "$(1)" $(RESOURCE_STRINGS)
rule AddFileDataResource
# AddFileDataResource <target> : <resourceID> : [ <dataFile> ]
# Adds a single resource to the resources of an executable/library.
# <target>: The executable/library.
# <resourceID>: A resource ID string as understood by xres (type:id[:name]).
# <dataFile>: The data to be written into the resource will be read from
# that file.
# Note that this is supposed to be a build target, not a path
# name - if you need to add a data file in a different path, you
# have to locate it first.
local target = $(1) ;
local resourceID = $(2) ;
local dataFile = $(3) ;
# the resource file
local resources
= <added-resources>file-data-$(resourceID)-$(dataFile).rsrc ;
# add it to the resources of the given target
AddResources $(target) : $(resources) ;
# if the rule for creating the resource file has not been invoked yet, do it
if ! [ on $(resources) return $(RESOURCES_DEFINED) ] {
RESOURCES_DEFINED on $(resources) = true ;
RESOURCE_ID on $(resources) = $(resourceID) ;
MakeLocateArch $(resources) ;
Depends $(resources) : <build>xres $(dataFile) ;
AddFileDataResource1 $(resources) : <build>xres $(dataFile) ;
actions AddFileDataResource1
$(2[1]) -o "$(1)" -a "$(RESOURCE_ID)" "$(2[2])" ;
rule XRes
# XRes <target> : <resource files>
if $(2)
Depends $(1) : <build>xres $(2) ;
XRes1 $(1) : <build>xres $(2) ;
actions XRes1
$(2[1]) -o "$(1)" "$(2[2-])" ;
rule SetVersion
# SetVersion <target>
Depends $(1) : <build>setversion ;
SetVersion1 $(1) : <build>setversion ;
actions SetVersion1
$(2[1]) "$(1)" -system $(HAIKU_BUILD_VERSION) -short "$(HAIKU_BUILD_DESCRIPTION)" ;
rule SetType
# SetType <target>
Depends $(1) : <build>settype ;
SetType1 $(1) : <build>settype ;
actions SetType1
$(2[1]) -t $(TARGET_EXECUTABLE_MIME_TYPE) "$(1)" ;
rule MimeSet
# MimeSet <target>
Depends $(1) : <build>mimeset ;
MimeSet1 $(1) : <build>mimeset ;
actions MimeSet1
$(2[1]) -f "$(1)" ;
rule ResComp
# ResComp <resource file> : <rdef file> ;
# <resource file> and <rdef file> must be gristed.
# get compiler and defines for the platform
local cc ;
local defines ;
local localIncludesOption ;
on $(1) { # use on $(1) variable values
defines = $(DEFINES) ;
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
defines += $(HOST_DEFINES) ;
cc = $(HOST_CC) ;
localIncludesOption = $(HOST_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
} else {
defines += $(TARGET_DEFINES) ;
cc = $(TARGET_CC) ;
localIncludesOption = $(TARGET_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
DEFINES on $(1) = $(defines) ;
CCDEFS on $(1) = [ FDefines $(defines) ] ;
HDRS on $(1) = [ FIncludes $(SEARCH_SOURCE) $(SUBDIRHDRS) $(HDRS)
: $(localIncludesOption) ] ;
: "-I " ] ;
CC on $(1) = $(cc) ;
# set up other vars
SEARCH on $(2) += $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
MakeLocateArch $(1) ;
Depends $(1) : $(2) <build>rc ;
LocalClean clean : $(1) ;
ResComp1 $(1) : <build>rc $(2) ;
# Note: We pipe the input files into the preprocessor, since *.rdef files are
# considered linker scripts, and thus we can use preprocessor features.
actions ResComp1
cat "$(2[2-])" | $(CC) -E $(CCDEFS) $(HDRS) - | egrep -v '^#' | $(2[1]) $(RCHDRS) --auto-names -o "$(1)" -
rule ResAttr attributeFile : _resourceFiles : deleteAttributeFile
# ResAttr <attribute file> : <resource files> [ : <delete file> ] ;
# <attribute file> and <resource files> must be gristed.
# <resource files> can also be .rdef files -- they will be compiled first in
# this case.
# <clear file> is a boolean that specifies wether or not the target file
# should be removed before writing. Defaults to true.
local resourceFiles ;
local resourceFile ;
deleteAttributeFile ?= true ;
deleteAttributeFile1 on $(1) = $(deleteAttributeFile) ;
for resourceFile in $(_resourceFiles) {
# if the specified resource file is an .rdef file, we compile it first
if $(resourceFile:S) = ".rdef" {
local rdefFile = $(resourceFile) ;
resourceFile = $(rdefFile:S=.rsrc) ;
ResComp $(resourceFile) : $(rdefFile) ;
} else {
SEARCH on $(resourceFile) += $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
resourceFiles += $(resourceFile) ;
MakeLocateArch $(attributeFile) ;
Depends $(attributeFile) : $(resourceFiles) <build>resattr ;
LocalClean clean : $(attributeFile) ;
ResAttr1 $(attributeFile) : <build>resattr $(resourceFiles) ;
actions ResAttr1
if [ \\"$(deleteAttributeFile1)\\" = "true" ]; then
$(RM) $(1)
$(2[1]) -O -o "$(1)" "$(2[2-])"
# Localization rules
# Extract catalog entries from the sourcefile and put the output textfile in
# target. This output file is then used to create the binary catalog with
# linkcatkeys.
rule ExtractCatalogEntries target : source : signature
# get compiler and defines for the platform
local headers ;
local sysHeaders ;
local cc ;
local defines ;
local localIncludesOption ;
local systemIncludesOption ;
on $(target) { # use on $(target) variable values
$(HDRS) ;
sysHeaders = $(SUBDIRSYSHDRS) $(SYSHDRS) ;
defines = $(DEFINES) ;
if $(PLATFORM) = host {
sysHeaders += $(HOST_HDRS) ;
defines += $(HOST_DEFINES) ;
if $(USES_BE_API) {
sysHeaders += $(HOST_BE_API_HEADERS) ;
defines += $(HOST_DEFINES) ;
cc = $(HOST_CC) ;
localIncludesOption = $(HOST_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(HOST_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
} else {
sysHeaders += $(TARGET_HDRS) ;
defines += $(TARGET_DEFINES) ;
defines += $(TARGET_DEFINES) ;
cc = $(TARGET_CC) ;
localIncludesOption = $(TARGET_LOCAL_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
systemIncludesOption = $(TARGET_SYSTEM_INCLUDES_OPTION) ;
DEFINES on $(target) = $(defines) ;
CCDEFS on $(target) = [ FDefines $(defines) ] ;
HDRS on $(target) = [ FIncludes $(headers) : $(localIncludesOption) ]
[ FSysIncludes $(sysHeaders) : $(systemIncludesOption) ] ;
CC on $(target) = $(cc) ;
LOCALE_KIT_SIGNATURE on $(target) = $(signature) ;
SEARCH on $(source) += $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ;
MakeLocatePlatform $(target) ;
Depends $(target) : $(source) <build>collectcatkeys ;
LocalClean clean : $(target).pre ;
ExtractCatalogEntries1 $(target) : <build>collectcatkeys $(source) ;
actions ExtractCatalogEntries1
cat "$(2[2-])" | $(CC) -E $(CCDEFS) $(HDRS) - > "$(1)".pre
$(2[1]) -s $(LOCALE_KIT_SIGNATURE) -w -o "$(1)" "$(1)".pre
# Link catalog entries from given catkey file into output compiled catalog file.
# Compiled catalog file will then be copied into the image, but only if the
# fingerprint matches the one from the untranslated catalog for the same file.
rule LinkApplicationCatalog target : sources : signature : language
MakeLocateArch $(target) ;
LOCALE_KIT_SIGNATURE on $(target) = $(signature) ;
Depends $(target) : $(sources) <build>linkcatkeys ;
LocalClean clean : $(target) ;
LinkApplicationCatalog1 $(target)
: <build>linkcatkeys $(language) $(sources) ;
actions LinkApplicationCatalog1
$(2[1]) "$(2[3-])" -l $(2[2]:B) -v -s $(LOCALE_KIT_SIGNATURE) -o "$(1)"
# General rules to invoke from jamfiles and that do (almost) everything related
# to localization
rule DoCatalogs appName # Application name
: signature # Application MIME signature (must match the one
# declared in the sourcecode)
: sources # List of cpp files where to search keys
: generatedCatalog # Name of the generated catalog (most probably
# en.catalog)
: translatedCatalogs # List of available translations
genCat = [ FGristFiles $(generatedCatalog) ] ;
trans = [ FGristFiles $(translatedCatalogs) ] ;
srcs = [ FGristFiles $(sources) ] ;
SEARCH on $(trans) += [ FDirName $(HAIKU_TOP) data catalogs $(SUBDIR_TOKENS[2-]) ] ;
ExtractCatalogEntries $(genCat:S=.catkeys) : $(srcs) : $(signature) ;
LinkApplicationCatalog $(genCat) : $(genCat:S=.catkeys)
: $(signature) : $(genCat:B) ;
for catalog in $(trans)
LinkApplicationCatalog $(catalog:S=.catalog) : $(catalog)
: $(signature) : $(catalog:B) ;
AddFilesToHaikuImage system data locale catalogs $(signature) :
$(genCat) $(trans:S=.catalog) ;