It is used by the media kit, which created a dependency from libmedia to libbnetapi to openssl. It is not entirely specific to the network kit, there are some use cases that don't involve network at all.
152 lines
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152 lines
4.1 KiB
* Copyright 2010-2016 Haiku Inc. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
#ifndef _B_URL_H_
#define _B_URL_H_
#include <Archivable.h>
#include <Message.h>
#include <Path.h>
#include <String.h>
class BUrl : public BArchivable {
BUrl(const char* url);
BUrl(BMessage* archive);
BUrl(const BUrl& other);
BUrl(const BUrl& base, const BString& relative);
BUrl(const BPath& path);
virtual ~BUrl();
// URL fields modifiers
BUrl& SetUrlString(const BString& url);
BUrl& SetProtocol(const BString& scheme);
BUrl& SetUserName(const BString& user);
BUrl& SetPassword(const BString& password);
void SetAuthority(const BString& authority);
BUrl& SetHost(const BString& host);
BUrl& SetPort(int port);
BUrl& SetPath(const BString& path);
BUrl& SetRequest(const BString& request);
BUrl& SetFragment(const BString& fragment);
// URL fields access
const BString& UrlString() const;
const BString& Protocol() const;
const BString& UserName() const;
const BString& Password() const;
const BString& UserInfo() const;
const BString& Host() const;
int Port() const;
const BString& Authority() const;
const BString& Path() const;
const BString& Request() const;
const BString& Fragment() const;
// URL fields tests
bool IsValid() const;
bool HasProtocol() const;
bool HasUserName() const;
bool HasPassword() const;
bool HasUserInfo() const;
bool HasHost() const;
bool HasPort() const;
bool HasAuthority() const;
bool HasPath() const;
bool HasRequest() const;
bool HasFragment() const;
// Url encoding/decoding of needed fields
void UrlEncode(bool strict = false);
void UrlDecode(bool strict = false);
status_t IDNAToAscii();
status_t IDNAToUnicode();
// Url encoding/decoding of strings
static BString UrlEncode(const BString& url,
bool strict = false,
bool directory = false);
static BString UrlDecode(const BString& url,
bool strict = false);
// utility functionality
bool HasPreferredApplication() const;
BString PreferredApplication() const;
status_t OpenWithPreferredApplication(
bool onProblemAskUser = true) const;
// BArchivable members
virtual status_t Archive(BMessage* into,
bool deep = true) const;
static BArchivable* Instantiate(BMessage* archive);
// URL comparison
bool operator==(BUrl& other) const;
bool operator!=(BUrl& other) const;
// URL assignment
const BUrl& operator=(const BUrl& other);
const BUrl& operator=(const BString& string);
const BUrl& operator=(const char* string);
// URL to string conversion
operator const char*() const;
void _ResetFields();
bool _ContainsDelimiter(const BString& url);
status_t _ExplodeUrlString(const BString& urlString);
BString _MergePath(const BString& relative) const;
void _SetPathUnsafe(const BString& path);
static BString _DoUrlEncodeChunk(const BString& chunk,
bool strict, bool directory = false);
static BString _DoUrlDecodeChunk(const BString& chunk,
bool strict);
bool _IsProtocolValid();
static bool _IsUnreserved(char c);
static bool _IsGenDelim(char c);
static bool _IsSubDelim(char c);
BString _UrlMimeType() const;
mutable BString fUrlString;
mutable BString fAuthority;
mutable BString fUserInfo;
BString fProtocol;
BString fUser;
BString fPassword;
BString fHost;
int fPort;
BString fPath;
BString fRequest;
BString fFragment;
mutable bool fUrlStringValid : 1;
mutable bool fAuthorityValid : 1;
mutable bool fUserInfoValid : 1;
bool fHasProtocol : 1;
bool fHasUserName : 1;
bool fHasPassword : 1;
bool fHasHost : 1;
bool fHasPort : 1;
bool fHasPath : 1;
bool fHasRequest : 1;
bool fHasFragment : 1;
#endif // _B_URL_H_