2024-02-03 08:18:10 +00:00

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1 bokmål, norwegian; norwegian bokmål x-vnd.Haiku-Screen 3410763711
no Screen nei
bits/pixel Screen bits/piksel
15 bits/pixel, 32768 colors Screen 15-bits/piksel, 32768 farger
Rows: Screen Rader:
%.1f Hz Screen %.1f Hz
The screen mode could not be set:\n\t%s\n Screen Skjermmoduset kunne ikke bli satt:\n\t%s\n
/other… Screen /andre…
Keep Screen Behold
Horizonal frequency:\t%lu - %lu kHz\nVertical frequency:\t%lu - %lu Hz\n\nMaximum pixel clock:\t%g MHz Screen Horisontal frekvens:\t%lu - %lu kHz\nVertikal frekvens:\t%lu - %lu Hz\n\nMaksimum pikselklokke:\t%g MHz
Refresh rate: Screen Oppfriskningsratie:
Video format: Screen Videoformat:
Undo Screen Angre
OK Screen OK
Current workspace Screen Nåværende arbeidsområde
%ld × %ld Screen The '×' is the Unicode multiplication sign U+00D7 %ld × %ld
vertically Screen vertikalt
All workspaces Screen Alle arbeidsområder
Use laptop panel: Screen Bruk panel på bærbar
Could not write VESA mode settings file:\n\t Screen Kunne ikke skrive innstillingsfil for VESA-modus:\n\t
Display info Screen Vis info
Settings will revert in %seconds. Screen Innstillingene tilbakestilles om %seconds.
Cancel Screen Avbryt
Other… Screen Andre...
Screen Screen Skjerm
Colors: Screen Farger:
yes Screen ja
Swap displays: Screen Bytt skjerm:
8 bits/pixel, 256 colors Screen 8-bits/piksel, 256 farger
Revert Screen Tilbakestill
always Screen alltid
Confirm changes Screen Bekreft endringene
Warning Screen Advarsel
24 bits/pixel, 16 Million colors Screen 24-bits/piksel, 16 Millioner farger
Hz Screen Hz
Workspaces Screen Arbeidsområder
Brightness: Screen Lysstyrke:
32 bits/pixel, 16 Million colors Screen 32-bits/piksel, 16 Millioner farger
Done Screen Ferdig
16 bits/pixel, 65536 colors Screen 16-bits/piksel, 65536 farger
Screen preferences by the Haiku team Screen Skjerminnstillinger av Haiku-teamet
Refresh rate Screen oppfriskningsrate
if needed Screen hvis nødvendig
Combine displays: Screen Kombiner skjerm:
Unknown mode Screen Ukjent modus
About Screen Om
Columns: Screen Kolonner:
Resolution: Screen Oppløsning:
Apply Screen Bruk
horizontally Screen horisontalt
disable Screen deaktiver
Set background… Screen Sett bakgrunn...
Type or use the left and right arrow keys. Screen Skriv eller bruk høyre og venstre piltaster
Screen System name Skjerm
Do you wish to keep these settings? Screen Ønsker du å beholde disse innstillingene?